We are pleased to announce the statsvn 0.3.0 release! http://www.statsvn.org StatSVN retrieves information from a Subversion repository and generates various tables and charts describing the project development, e.g. timeline for the lines of code, contribution of each developer etc. The current version of StatSVN generates a static suite of HTML documents containing tables and chart images. StatSVN is open source software, released under the terms of the LGPL, based on StatCVS. StatSVN uses JFreeChart to generate charts. =============================================================================== Changes in this version include: New Features: o New Report: LOC and Churn shows the usual LOC with the amount of code touched per day. Hopefully the churn should go decreasingly towards a release. o New Report: Repo Map, a jtreemap-based report (applet) that shows the entire source tree in a hierarchical manner, the size of each box is related to LOC and the colour to the changes over the last 30 days (red -loc, green +loc). o Adding basic support for Symbolic Names (i.e. tags). You MUST get a log at the top level of the project, not the trunk level, e.g.: svn log -v --xml https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/statsvn/ That way, the log will contain some information about the tags. At the moment, StatSVN only works with "/tags/" directory. Fixes 1608782. o Overhaul of the SVN Diff to use multiple threads if required. Command line parameters -threads (default 25) and -concurrency-threshold (default 2000 ms) added. Fixes 1605731. o Adding a counter for the number of diff calls made and to be made, save the cache every 2 minutes (takes 15ms) and provides an estimate for completion time. Fixes 1605311. Thanks to Benoit Xhenseval. Fixed bugs: o Included a small fix in StatCVS (just post 0.3 release) in order to avoid NPE with Ant for ViewCVS integration. o Ant task was broken in 0.2.0; fixed and changed to use same conventions as StatCVS Fixes 1573421. Thanks to John Brugge. o Fixed a mime-type problem discovered when running StatSVN on Widelands project. Fixes 1605167. Thanks to Anonymous. o Fixed a number of issues related to the LOC for files that have been moved or directories moved and/or deleted. o The error report highlighted an issue with filenames containing space(s) in the svn diff call. Fixes 1601433. Thanks to Anonymous. o Removed 1.5-specific code. Fixes 1612997. Thanks to samuli. o Removed 1.5-specific code. Fixes 1608474. Thanks to samuli. o Patch to fix issue:running tests doesn't work because writing to /root/.statsvn is not allowed. Fixes 1602429. Thanks to Miroslav Sulc. Changes: o Earlier fix did not work on all operating systems; our support for spaces in filenames no longer causes problems. Fixes 1601433. Thanks to John Brugge. o Patch for upgrade to StatCVS 0.3.0-dev. Fixes 1612184. Thanks to Richard Cyganiak. o Upgrade dependency to statcvs-0.3 which allows extra reports to be integrated. =============================================================================== Issues, bugs, and feature requests for statsvn should be submitted to the following issue tracking system: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=164845 Have fun! -The statsvn development team