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We thought it would be nice to have some "demo" against some major OS projects, so here you go:
- Subversion itself!
- Spring Rich Client (java rich client library from Spring)
- Hibernate 3 (java persistence)
- Joda Time (cool java time library)
- Log4J (Apache logging library for Java)
- Ruby (yes, the language, in C!)
- Groovy
- Grails
- Felix (Apache OSGi implementation)
- Ant (Apache Ant, had more than 500,000 revisions)
- Mule (The World's most widely used open source ESB)
- Synapse (Apache Synapse, Synapse is a mediation framework for Web Services. Synapse allows messages flowing through, into, or out of an organization to be mediated.)
- QPid (Apache QPid, implementation of AMQP, Advanced Messaged Queuing Protocol)
- QALab A great tool for keeping track of QA statistics over time.
- PZFileReader Parsing of delimited strings or fixed-length strings.
- ObjectLab Kit Date Calculators for Business and Finance.
- JTreeMap Heat Map library.
- AntLibs DotNet.
- AntLibs HTTP.
- AntLibs Manual for Eclipse.
- AntLibs Subversion.
- AntLibs Ant Unit.
- XStream XStream is a simple library to serialize objects to XML and back again.
- JBoss AS No less! Do not try this at home, the first batch of statistics required 102,000 calls to the server... now it is fast!
- JRuby JRuby is an 100% pure-Java implementation of the Ruby programming language!
- ServiceMix The Apache ServiceMix project is an ESB and component suite based on the Java Business Interface (JBI) standard - JSR 208
- Commons-Lang The Apache Commons Lang.
- JDK7 The java JDK version 7! Checkout the very latest changes!
- TestNG TestNG, the new testing framework!
- Maven 1 The Apache Maven 1!
- Maven 2 The Apache Maven 2!
- Maven 2 Plugins The Apache Maven 2 Plugins!
- Continuum The Apache Continuum project!
- Pebble a Blog software!
Furthermore, generating the stats for these projects is very intensive since we need to contact the Subversion server many times in order to get
the line differences. However, do not despair, StatSVN creates a cache so that the next run is much much faster! And the best is that you can download that cache
for the demo projects, here! (a zip), just unzip it under your HOME directory ( in ".statsvn" directory).
If you would like us to add an open source project, please raise an issue on SF and provide us with the following information:
- Project Name
- Project Home page
- URL to anonymous Subversion server for the trunk
- List of tags, versions that should be identified.
We cannot guarantee inclusion but you never know...