Directory proposal/myrmidon/src/java/org/apache/antlib/core/

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proposal/myrmidon/src/java/org/apache/antlib/core/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 273 (100.0%) 891 (100.0%) 3.2
donaldp 184 (67.4%) 641 (71.9%) 3.4
adammurdoch 54 (19.8%) 156 (17.5%) 2.8
darrell 7 (2.6%) 66 (7.4%) 9.4
ehatcher 15 (5.5%) 15 (1.7%) 1.0
sbailliez 13 (4.8%) 13 (1.5%) 1.0

Most Recent Commits

donaldp 2002-04-17 10:49

zappity zap

0 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-04-09 02:26

* Rolled back change to PropertyResolver.resolveProperties(), so that it

uses a TaskContext again. Added some regression tests.

* Changed Embeddor.createWorkspace() to use a Map, rather than a Parameters,

to supply initial workspace properties. Initial properties can be Objects,

rather than only Strings. Got rid of the Object -> String convertion from

<ant> and <antcall>.

* Generalised ExecutionFrame, so that it can represent any execution scope

(root, workspace, project, task, inherited, etc), rather than just task scope:

- Replaced getTaskContext() with getPropertyStore().

- Replaced getTypeManager() with getServiceManager().

* Executor is now responsible for creating TaskContext.

* Changed DefaultExecutor to use the configurer provided by the execution frame.

* Added ExecutionContainer, a lifecycle interface which is used to supply the

root execution frame to a service which executes tasks (directly or indirectly).

* Changed interaction between DefaultEmbeddor and workspaces. Embeddor is now

responsible for creating the base property store for workspaces. ExecutionContainer

is used to pass this to workspaces. Parameterizable is now used to pass

container params to workspaces (which matches how it is used with all the

other services).

15 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-04-07 09:51

* Split up todo.types.PathUtil.

- Moved generic formatting to aut.nativelib.PathUtil.

- Moved FileList util methods to framework.file.FileListUtil.

- Moved addExtDirs() to DefaultCompilerAdaptor.

- myrmidon.components.* no longer depend on todo.*

* Removed all usages of Commandline.toString(), size() and getCommandline(),

excluding Execute.

2 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-04-07 02:20

Make compile.

2 lines of code changed in:

darrell 2002-03-30 06:56

* Added <ant1.antcall> task, and test. <ant1.ant> and <ant1.antcall> now

share a common abstract base class.

* Fixed <ant1> test files so that they run under Ant1.4, for checking.

* Fixed build so that ant1_todo.atl only includes the correct files.

5 lines of code changed in:

darrell 2002-03-30 01:19

* Added nested <condition> element to IfTask, to allow any arbitrary condition

to be used in <if>. Tests updated for new functionality.

* Ant1 conversion stylesheet uses nested <is-set> condition on <if>,

to replicate Ant1 behaviour of 'if=' and 'unless=' on targets.

* ant1compat antlib generated as part of standard build.

* Minor build cleanup: ${custom-tasks-dir} -> ${build.custom-tasks} for


* Ant1CompatProject now uses ProjectHelper for property resolution, rather than

trying to duplicate Ant1 behaviour.

* Added tests for Ant1 Compatibility layer. These have been exclude from regular

build, as they fail when run under Ant1.4.1, because the JUnit task *always*

places ant.jar *first* in the JUnit classpath. Tests work under Ant1.5alpha,

since it adds ant.jar *last* by default. (Tests also function correctly by

invoking JUnit directly - or with Intellij JUnit integration).

15 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-29 12:57

final static --> static final to follow JLS recomendations

9 lines of code changed in:

darrell 2002-03-28 07:30

* Added new task <ant-call> to core, which can execute a named target

in the current project, or any referenced project.

* <ant1.ant> now works by executing AntTask.

* Fixed minor bug in DefaultClassloaderManager which was causing NPEs

in URLClassLoader.

* DefaultTaskContext now removes properties when they are set to null.

(rather than throwing a NPE inside HashMap).

46 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-28 06:35

Condition changes:

* Split <is-set> into <is-set> and <is-true> conditions. <is-true> uses the

converter to determine whether something is 'true', so is a little fussy.

* Moved <uptodate> and <equals> into antlib, and made <uptodate> a condition.

* Added <type-available> condition, which checks whether a particular

type is defined.

* Fixed <not> to actually work.

* Added test cases for some of the conditions.

3 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-28 06:25

Moved across converter messages that were left behind.

0 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-27 07:04

* Added ClassLoaderManager.createClassLoader( File[] ), to create a

ClassLoader from a class-path.

* Moved responsibility for creation of ClassLoaders out of the tasks, and into

the ClassLoaderManager, which caches them, and resolves extension dependencies.

* Added PathUtil.createClassLoader() convenience method to create a ClassLoader

from a Path.

* Changed the PathUtil methods to use the more general FileList, rather than Path.

* Added 'classpath' attribute to the <*-available> conditions.

9 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-23 09:07

Introduce a basic <ant/> task

139 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-23 07:53

Move StringToFileConverter back as it references TaskContext

2 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-23 05:34

Move the primitive, reusable and non-myrmidon specific converters into the aut hierarchy

0 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-23 05:02

Only dump propertys with a specified prefix

26 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-23 04:01

Converted remaining xdoclet tags from

ant:* --> ant.*

21 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-23 03:46

task:name -->

8 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-22 07:18

Added TaskContext.verbose(), and fixed up the usages of info() and warn().

2 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-22 04:12

* Changed Path.addPath( Path ) -> Path.add( FileList ), so that <path>

can accept any nested FileList implementation, including <path>.

* Added <list-path> diagnostic task.

* Added test cases for <path>.

1 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-21 10:29

* Changed DefaultPropertyResolver to use the converter to convert from Object -> String.

* Added general purpose Object -> String converter that simply uses Object.toString().

* Reorganised AbstractComponentTestCase, to give sub-classes the opportunity to replace

the default implementation of a component, with a particular implementation.

1 lines of code changed in:

(54 more)

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