Directory proposal/myrmidon/src/java/org/apache/antlib/file/

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2002-02-03 07:10
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2002-04-17 10:49
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proposal/myrmidon/src/java/org/apache/antlib/file/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 53 (100.0%) 154 (100.0%) 2.9
donaldp 35 (66.0%) 110 (71.4%) 3.1
adammurdoch 18 (34.0%) 44 (28.6%) 2.4

Most Recent Commits

donaldp 2002-04-17 10:49

zappity zap

0 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-04-07 10:19

Axed todo.types.FileSet.

3 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-29 12:57

final static --> static final to follow JLS recomendations

4 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-23 03:46

task:name -->

7 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-22 07:18

Added TaskContext.verbose(), and fixed up the usages of info() and warn().

3 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-22 04:12

* Changed Path.addPath( Path ) -> Path.add( FileList ), so that <path>

can accept any nested FileList implementation, including <path>.

* Added <list-path> diagnostic task.

* Added test cases for <path>.

1 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-18 09:15

Ran IDEA's optimise imports.

0 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-17 09:42

Move all but the optional tasks into the hierarchy o.a.t.todo rather than o.a.t.ant so as not to clash with ant1 compatability later

11 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-16 08:48

Filtering refactor:

* Added LineFilter role, which represents a filter that handles lines of text.

* Added TokenSet role, which represents a set of token -> value mappings.

* Renamed FilterSetCollection -> LineFilterSet. This is now a compound

LineFilter that takes a set of nested LineFilters. This is pretty much

just a placeholder until the new filter streams are ported across from ant 1.

* Renamed Filter -> SingletonTokenSet. This is a TokenSet that contains a

single mapping. Moved to antlib.core.

* Added PropertyTokenSet, a TokenSet that uses the project properties as

its mappings. Added to antlib.core.

* Split FilterSet into TokenLineFilter, which is a LineFilter that replaces

tokens with their value, and FileTokenSet, which is a TokenSet loaded from

a properties file.

7 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-11 08:41

* AbstractTask no longer extends AbstractLogEnabled.

* DefaultExecutor no longer log enables Tasks.

* Added TaskContext.log( LogLevel, ... ) methods.

* Moved LogLevel to myrmidon.api package.

22 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-09 02:04

* Added PropertyResolver service interface, together with 2 implementations.

(One implementation mimics Ant1 behaviour). These are added in the

"workspace" packages, since that's where PropertyUtil was. Not sure if this

is the right place.

* DefaultTaskContext now implements Context interface, used by

PropertyResolver. This avoids having the PropertyResolver dependent on

TaskContext, avoiding a potential circularity problem. (since TaskContext has

a "resolve" method of it's own).

* Removed PropertyUtil.

* Tests for PropertyResolver implementations.

Submitted by Darrell DeBoer []

1 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/java/org/apache/antlib/file: (+1 -1)
adammurdoch 2002-03-04 02:44

* Moved FileNameMapper to framework. Got rid of setTo() and setFrom()

from the interface, as these are no longer needed.

* Changed tasks to accept a FileNameMapper directly, rather than using Mapper.

* Removed the 'flatten' attribute from the <copy> task.

* Removed the 'ext' attribute from the <native2ascii> task.

* Removed Mapper and MapperType.

* Moved <flatten> mapper to antlib.

* Made ExtMapper available as <map-extension> and moved to antlib.

* Added <prefix> mapper, to apply a fixed prefix to names.

* Added <chain> mapper, to apply a chain of mappers to names.

* Added <mapped-fileset>, a fileset that transforms nested filesets using a mapper.

7 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/java/org/apache/antlib/file: (+7 -27)
donaldp 2002-02-14 10:53

Ran style-formatter over codebase

2 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-02-14 10:51

Move FilterSetCOllection into framework classes

1 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-02-10 00:17

Add in a task that does filtered coping. It does it in the same was as Ant1.x excep that it also acepts a character encoding and defaults to ascii. This is to workaround platform specific deviations and also to make it easier to have more reliable builds.

27 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-02-09 05:32

Migrate across the move task

7 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-02-09 05:15

Copy across the copy task and strip out filtering

38 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-02-03 10:29

zap whitespace

1 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/java/org/apache/antlib/file: (+1 -2)
donaldp 2002-02-03 07:10

Move the delete, touch and mkdir tasks into antlib. CLean and refactor each task to make sure is closer to code-normalized. Also make sure all the messages are capable of being i18n'ed

12 lines of code changed in:

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