Directory proposal/myrmidon/src/java/org/apache/antlib/vfile/

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2002-02-21 03:26
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2002-04-17 10:49
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Lines of Code

proposal/myrmidon/src/java/org/apache/antlib/vfile/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 111 (100.0%) 212 (100.0%) 1.9
adammurdoch 62 (55.9%) 180 (84.9%) 2.9
donaldp 49 (44.1%) 32 (15.1%) 0.6

Most Recent Commits

donaldp 2002-04-17 10:49

zappity zap

0 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-04-07 02:27

VFS Additions:

* Added FileSelector, which allows files to be chosen when doing recursive

operations. Added a couple of implementations. Added a selector parameter

to FileObject.delete() and copy().

* Added FileObject.replicateFile(), which converts a FileObject into a local File.

* Moved replication code out of the Zip provider, into a shared FileReplicator

component. The implemenation is pretty brain-dead, but at very least should

properly clean up temporary files in ant_vfs_cache. Also, local files will

no longer be replicated, but used directly.

* Added FileName.getRelativeName(), and NameScope.DESCENDENT_OR_SELF.

* Now handles providers which are LogEnabled and Disposable.

* Made the local file provider pluggable.

* Providers are now responsible for thier own caching.

* FTP and Zip providers clean up properly. Fixed FTP directory delete.

3 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-29 12:57

final static --> static final to follow JLS recomendations

3 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-23 04:01

Converted remaining xdoclet tags from

ant:* --> ant.*

11 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-23 03:46

task:name -->

3 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-22 07:18

Added TaskContext.verbose(), and fixed up the usages of info() and warn().

2 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-18 09:15

Ran IDEA's optimise imports.

0 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-17 09:42

Move all but the optional tasks into the hierarchy o.a.t.todo rather than o.a.t.ant so as not to clash with ant1 compatability later

1 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-11 08:41

* AbstractTask no longer extends AbstractLogEnabled.

* DefaultExecutor no longer log enables Tasks.

* Added TaskContext.log( LogLevel, ... ) methods.

* Moved LogLevel to myrmidon.api package.

7 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-09 10:31

VFS Tidy-ups:

* Added FileObject.copy().

* Renamed <v-copy> task attributes file -> srcfile, tofile -> destfile, todir -> destdir.

* Moved provider instantiation out of DefaultFileSystemManager, and into

myrmidon-aware VfsManager. Providers are instantiated using the TypeManager.

The list of providers isn't configurable yet.

* Some support for %nn encoded URI (not quite complete).

* Zip file system now handles zip files from any file system, not just local

files. Still read-only at this stage. Uses a truely dodgy and very temporary

replication mechanism.

* Zip file system now handles relative paths in URI (e.g., that are

resolved against the base dir.

* Fixed bug in resolving names against the root file of a file system.

* Changed behaviour of FileName.resolveName( ".." ) for the root file of

a file system.

* Added more test cases.

* A bucketload of other minor changes.

40 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-04 04:23

Fixed circular package dependency:

* Moved antlib.vfs.FileSelector to antlib.vfs.selectors

* Moved framework.Condition to framework.conditions

2 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-04 02:44

* Moved FileNameMapper to framework. Got rid of setTo() and setFrom()

from the interface, as these are no longer needed.

* Changed tasks to accept a FileNameMapper directly, rather than using Mapper.

* Removed the 'flatten' attribute from the <copy> task.

* Removed the 'ext' attribute from the <native2ascii> task.

* Removed Mapper and MapperType.

* Moved <flatten> mapper to antlib.

* Made ExtMapper available as <map-extension> and moved to antlib.

* Added <prefix> mapper, to apply a fixed prefix to names.

* Added <chain> mapper, to apply a chain of mappers to names.

* Added <mapped-fileset>, a fileset that transforms nested filesets using a mapper.

1 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-03 02:28

Added Condition <-> File Selector adaptors:

* Added <condition> file selector, which allows a set of nested conditions to

be used to select files.

* Added <file-test> condition, which evaluates a set of nested selectors against

a file.

* FileSelector doesn't extend DataType any more.

* Got rid of the @ant:data-type tags from the file selectors, cause they ain't.

* Renamed <condition> nested element in <filtered-path> -> <filter>.

* Renamed <is-empty> selector -> <is-empty-folder>

* Fixed NPE using <name> selector in a path.

* Fixed error messages.

1 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-02 04:03

* Added OsFamily enumerated type, to represents OS groupings.

* Replaced all usages of Os.isFamily( String ) with Os.isFamily( OsFamily ).

* Replaced all usages of "" system properties with calls to Os.isFamily().

5 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-01 08:54

restyle via IDEA

4 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-02-28 04:49

* Started writing up the VFS and the data types.

* Moved selectors into their own package.

* Added <is-empty> selector.

2 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-02-27 12:05

Changes to the VFS data types:

* Added FileSelector interface.

* <v-fileset> now takes file selectors, instead of include and exclude patterns.

* Added a bunch of file selector implementations:

* <and>, <or>, <not> for combining selectors.

* <name>, <basename>, <url> for testing bits of the file name against

an Ant 1 style pattern, or a regular expression.

* <is-file>, <is-folder>, <exists> for testing file type.

* Added <flat-fileset>, which combines nested file sets and paths into a

single directory. This allows explicit path -> fileset conversion.

* Added <filtered-path>, which applies selectors to nested file sets and paths.

* Added <list-fileset> debug task.

44 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-02-26 23:19

All that effort to get the right context, and it wasn't even being used.

0 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-02-25 11:09

* Add a converter to convert from <v-fileset> to <v-path>, rather

than doing so in the default <v-fileset> or <v-path> implementations.

* Add test <v-list-files> task.

10 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-02-21 10:16

Moved Converter architecture into aut hierarchy as it is completely decoupled from rest of ant

2 lines of code changed in:

(2 more)

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