Fix up packaging of bzip utilities.
Submitted by: "Magesh Umasankar" <umagesh@rediffmail.com>
0 lines of code changed in:
Here are two new ant tasks - BZip2 and BUnzip2. ?These
two tasks use the BZip2 compression algorithm (Visit:
http://sourceware.cygnus.com/bzip2/?for more info.) for
packing and unpacking.
These tasks resemble GZip and GUnzip tasks in input,
input validation, etc. ?Hence, I refactored GZip and
GUnzip tasks as well so that the tasks GZip and BZip2
extend from a common base class named Pack, and
GUnzip and BUnzip2 extend from a common base class named
Unpack. ?This lays the foundation for creating more Pack
tasks based on different algorithms like lzop, etc. in
the future.
The BZip2 and BUnzip2 tasks depend upon 4 classes:
Keiron Liddle (keiron@aftexsw.com) has graciously
accepted to contribute the above code files he has
authored, under ASF license - many thanks to him. ?I
have packaged them under org.apache.tools.bzip2,
mimicking the package naming style that has been used
for zip and tar tools we already have. ?I have also
given proper credits to him in the code. ?Perhaps, this
needs to exist under jakarta-commons, as Stefan had
suggested, but till then...
Submitted by: "Magesh Umasankar" <umagesh@rediffmail.com>
0 lines of code changed in: