Directory ext/tcltklib/lib/

Directory Created:
1998-01-16 13:19
Directory Deleted:
2005-01-25 15:31
Total Files:
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Lines of Code:

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Lines of Code

ext/tcltklib/lib/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 6 (100.0%) 309 (100.0%) 51.5
matz 2 (33.3%) 287 (92.9%) 143.5
nagai 4 (66.7%) 22 (7.1%) 5.5

Most Recent Commits

nagai 2005-01-25 15:31

* ext/tk: merge tcltklib for Ruby/Tk installation control

* ext/tcltklib: remove

0 lines of code changed in:

nagai 2004-10-11 05:51

* ext/tk/lib/tk/*: untabify

16 lines of code changed in:

  • ext/tcltklib/lib: tcltk.rb (+16 -16)
nagai 2003-08-03 03:34

*bug fix ( NOT MAINTAINED : only for running 'line2.rb' demo. )

2 lines of code changed in:

nagai 2003-06-18 20:46

tk.rb :

* small bug fix

* rename 'no_create' option to 'without_creating'

* add TkWindow#pack_in, TkWindow#grid_in, TkWindow#place_in

* add TkWindow#bind_class and TkWindow#database_class

If defined specific_class (@db_class), bind_class returns @db_class.

In other case, bind_class returns TkWinow#class().

It is useful for binding.

TkWindow#database_class is defined for querying the option database.

It's same to TkWinfo.classname(self).

* add TkBindTag.new_by_name and TkDatabaseClass for binding to database class

* check varname whether already exsist or not. (

* TkTextWin#bbox returns an array of four numbers

* autoload TkDialog2, TkWarning2

* scan event callback arguments and convert to proper type

* accepts a block ({callback} )

* If given taglist, TkWindow#bindtags(taglist) returns taglist

* add TkWindow#bindtags=(taglist)

* Tk.focue and Tk.focus_lastfor return nil if there is no target widget.

* Tk::Wm.client returns the argument string when setting name

* TkGrid.columnconfiginfo and rowconfiginfo given a slot return a number.

* TkWindow.grid_columnconfiginfo and grid_rowconfiginfo :: ditto

* rename and define alias :: TkOption ==> TkOptionDB

* define alias :: TkTimer ==> TkAfter

* some instance methods change from public to private

* some TkComm methods change to module functions

(help to treat return values from Tk)

* add support for -displayof option to some TkWinfo methods

* bind, bind_append and bind_remove :: returns the target of event-binding

* add Tk8.4 features

* add TkPaneWindow


* classes without showing at initialize : TkDialog2, TkWarning2

* add show method to reuse TkDialog object

* some instance methods change from public to private

* add new features for configuration

tktext.rb :

* small bug fix

* some methods return self

* add TkTextMark#+(mod) and TkTextMark#-(mod) (e.g. mark + '3 chars')

* add some methods

tkcanvas.rb :

* small bug fix

* some methods return self

tkentry.rb :

* some methods return self

* TkEntry#bbox returns an array of four numbers

* scan validatecommand arguments and convert to proper type

tkbgerror.rb :

* support to define a error handler by user

tcltklib.rb :

* reported by Ferenc Engard <> on [ruby-talk:60759]

... and so on

4 lines of code changed in:

matz 1999-01-20 05:59

This commit was generated by cvs2svn to compensate for changes in r372,

which included commits to RCS files with non-trunk default branches.

133 lines of code changed in:

  • ext/tcltklib/lib: tcltk.rb (+133 -154)
matz 1998-01-16 13:19

Initial revision

154 lines of code changed in:

  • ext/tcltklib/lib: tcltk.rb (new 154)
Generated by StatSVN 0.3.2-SNAPSHOT