Directory test/soap/

Directory Created:
2003-09-24 16:18
Total Files:
Deleted Files:
Lines of Code:

Browse with ViewVC


    (2 files, 207 lines)

             calc (8 files, 267 lines)

             fault (1 files, 58 lines)

             header (4 files, 596 lines)

             helloworld (2 files, 56 lines)

             marshal (3 files, 129 lines)

             ssl (9 files, 374 lines)

             struct (1 files, 77 lines)

             swa (1 files, 73 lines)

             wsdlDriver (8 files, 518 lines)

Lines of Code

test/soap/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 39 (100.0%) 2448 (100.0%) 62.7
nahi 29 (74.4%) 2447 (100.0%) 84.3
matz 1 (2.6%) 1 (0.0%) 1.0
shyouhei 9 (23.1%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0

Most Recent Commits

shyouhei 2007-02-13 00:01

set svn:eol-style

0 lines of code changed in:

nahi 2005-09-15 15:33

* lib/{soap,wsdl,xsd}, test/{soap,wsdl,xsd}: imported soap4r/1.5.5.

#nnn is a ticket number at


* allow to configure an envelope namespace of SOAP request. (#124)

TemporaryNamespace = ''

@client.options["soap.envelope.requestnamespace"] =


@client.options["soap.envelope.responsenamespace"] =



* let SOAP request XML indent space configuable. see

"soap.envelope.no_indent" option. (#130)

* let external CES configuable.

ex. client["soap.mapping.external_ces"] = 'SJIS'. $KCODE is used

by default. (#133)

external CES ::= CES used in Ruby object of client and server

internal CES ::= CES used in SOAP/OM

* add iso-8859-1 external CES support. (#106)

* fixed illegal 'qualified' handling of elements. it caused

ASP.NET inteoperability problem. (#144)

* added 'soap.envelope.use_numeric_character_reference' (boolean)

option to let query XML use numeric character reference in XML,

not plain UTF-8 character. !GoogleSearch server seems to not

allow plain UTF-8 character since 2005-08-15 update. (#147)

* SOAP::Header::SimpleHeader (de)serialization throws an exception

on !SimpleHeader.on_(in|out)bound when header is a String. so we

could not use a simple single element headerItem. fixed. thanks

to emil. (#129)

* out parameter of rpc operation did not work. (#132)

* follow HTTP redirect only if using http-access2. (#125) (#145)

* add a workaround for importing an WSDL whose path begins with

drive letter. (#115)


* SOAP Data which is defined as a simpletype was not mapped

correctly to Ruby obj when using wsdl2ruby.rb generated classdef

file. (#123)

* rpc/literal support. (#118)

* re-implemented local element qualify/unqualify control. handles

elementFormDefault and form in WSDL. (#119)

* Array of an element which has simpleType causes a crash. (#128)

* prarmeterOrder may not contain return part so it can be shorter

than parts size. Thanks to Hugh. (#139)

* Samples

* added !BasicAuth client sample. (#117)

* added Base64 client/server sample.

* added Flickr SOAP interface client sample. (#122)

* added !SalesForce client sample. (#135)

* updated Thawte CA certificate for !GoogleAdWords sample.

* updated a client script with the newer version made by Johan.


* shortened long file names. (#120)

* fixed typo in authheader sample. (#129)

* updated deprecated method usage. (#138)

220 lines of code changed in:

nahi 2005-05-22 14:03

* lib/{soap,wsdl,xsd}, test/{soap,wsdl,xsd}: imported soap4r/1.5.4.

== SOAP client and server ==

=== for both client side and server side ===

* improved document/literal service support.

style(rpc,document)/use(encoding, literal) combination are all

supported. for the detail about combination, see


* let WSDLEncodedRegistry#soap2obj map SOAP/OM to Ruby according to

WSDL as well as obj2soap. closes #70.

* let SOAP::Mapping::Object handle XML attribute for doc/lit service.

you can set/get XML attribute via accessor methods which as a name

'xmlattr_' prefixed (<foo name="bar"/> -> Foo#xmlattr_name).

=== client side ===

* WSDLDriver capitalized name operation bug fixed. from

1.5.3-ruby1.8.2, operation which has capitalized name (such as

KeywordSearchRequest in AWS) is defined as a method having

uncapitalized name. (converted with GenSupport.safemethodname

to handle operation name 'foo-bar'). it introduced serious

incompatibility; in the past, it was defined as a capitalized.

define capitalized method as well under that circumstance.

* added new factory interface 'WSDLDriverFactory#create_rpc_driver'

to create RPC::Driver, not WSDLDriver (RPC::Driver and WSDLDriver

are merged). 'WSDLDriverFactory#create_driver' still creates

WSDLDriver for compatibility but it warns that the method is

deprecated. please use create_rpc_driver instead of create_driver.

* allow to use an URI object as an endpoint_url even with net/http,

not http-access2.

=== server side ===

* added mod_ruby support to SOAP::CGIStub. rename a CGI script

server.cgi to server.rb and let mod_ruby's RubyHandler handles the

script. CGIStub detects if it's running under mod_ruby environment

or not.

* added fcgi support to SOAP::CGIStub. see the sample at

sample/soap/calc/server.fcgi. (almost same as server.cgi but has

fcgi handler at the bottom.)

* allow to return a SOAPFault object to respond customized SOAP fault.

* added the interface 'generate_explicit_type' for server side

(CGIStub, HTTPServer). call 'self.generate_explicit_type = true'

if you want to return simplified XML even if it's rpc/encoded


== WSDL ==

=== WSDL definition ===

* improved XML Schema support such as extension, restriction,

simpleType, complexType + simpleContent, ref, length, import,


* reduced "unknown element/attribute" warnings (warn only 1 time for

each QName).

* importing XSD file at schemaLocation with xsd:import.

=== code generation from WSDL ===

* generator crashed when there's '-' in defined element/attribute


* added ApacheMap WSDL definition.

* sample/{soap,wsdl}: removed.

411 lines of code changed in:

nahi 2004-12-21 16:08

* lib/soap/*, test/soap/*, sample/soap/authheader/*: eval cleanup.

1 lines of code changed in:

nahi 2004-12-20 14:50

* added files:

* lib/soap/mapping/wsdl*.rb

* lib/wsdl/soap/element.rb

* lib/wsdl/xmlSchema/simpleContent.rb

* modified files:

* lib/soap/*

* lib/wsdl/*

* lib/xsd/*

* test/soap/*

* test/wsdl/*

* test/xsd/*

* summary

* imported from the soap4r repository. Version: 1.5.3-ruby1.8.2

* added several XSD basetype support: nonPositiveInteger,

negativeInteger, nonNegativeInteger, unsignedLong, unsignedInt,

unsignedShort, unsignedByte, positiveInteger

* HTTP client connection/send/receive timeout support.

* HTTP client/server gzipped content encoding support.

* improved WSDL schema definition support; still is far from

complete, but is making step by step improovement.

31 lines of code changed in:

matz 2004-11-18 09:11

* hash.c (rb_f_getenv): prohibit for $SAFE=4. [ruby-dev:24908]

1 lines of code changed in:

nahi 2004-07-03 14:33

* added files:

* lib/soap/header/*

* lib/soap/rpc/httpserver.rb

* lib/wsdl/soap/cgiStubCreator.rb

* lib/wsdl/soap/classDefCreator.rb

* lib/wsdl/soap/classDefCreatorSupport.rb

* lib/wsdl/soap/clientSkeltonCreator.rb

* lib/wsdl/soap/driverCreator.rb

* lib/wsdl/soap/mappingRegistryCreator.rb

* lib/wsdl/soap/methodDefCreator.rb

* lib/wsdl/soap/servantSkeltonCreator.rb

* lib/wsdl/soap/standaloneServerStubCreator.rb

* lib/wsdl/xmlSchema/enumeration.rb

* lib/wsdl/xmlSchema/simpleRestriction.rb

* lib/wsdl/xmlSchema/simpleType.rb

* lib/xsd/codegen/*

* lib/xsd/codegen.rb

* sample/soap/authheader/*

* sample/soap/raa2.4/*

* sample/soap/ssl/*

* sample/soap/swa/*

* sample/soap/whois.rb

* sample/wsdl/raa2.4/*

* test/soap/header/*

* test/soap/ssl/*

* test/soap/struct/*

* test/soap/swa/*

* test/soap/wsdlDriver/*

* test/wsdl/multiplefault.wsdl

* test/wsdl/simpletype/*

* test/wsdl/test_multiplefault.rb

* modified files:

* lib/soap/baseData.rb

* lib/soap/element.rb

* lib/soap/generator.rb

* lib/soap/netHttpClient.rb

* lib/soap/parser.rb

* lib/soap/property.rb

* lib/soap/soap.rb

* lib/soap/streamHandler.rb

* lib/soap/wsdlDriver.rb

* lib/soap/wsdlDriver.rb

* lib/soap/encodingstyle/handler.rb

* lib/soap/encodingstyle/literalHandler.rb

* lib/soap/encodingstyle/soapHandler.rb

* lib/soap/mapping/factory.rb

* lib/soap/mapping/mapping.rb

* lib/soap/mapping/registry.rb

* lib/soap/mapping/rubytypeFactory.rb

* lib/soap/mapping/wsdlRegistry.rb

* lib/soap/rpc/cgistub.rb

* lib/soap/rpc/driver.rb

* lib/soap/rpc/proxy.rb

* lib/soap/rpc/router.rb

* lib/soap/rpc/soaplet.rb

* lib/soap/rpc/standaloneServer.rb

* lib/wsdl/data.rb

* lib/wsdl/definitions.rb

* lib/wsdl/operation.rb

* lib/wsdl/parser.rb

* lib/wsdl/soap/definitions.rb

* lib/wsdl/xmlSchema/complexContent.rb

* lib/wsdl/xmlSchema/complexType.rb

* lib/wsdl/xmlSchema/data.rb

* lib/wsdl/xmlSchema/parser.rb

* lib/wsdl/xmlSchema/schema.rb

* lib/xsd/datatypes.rb

* lib/xsd/qname.rb

* sample/soap/sampleStruct/server.rb

* sample/wsdl/amazon/AmazonSearch.rb

* sample/wsdl/amazon/AmazonSearchDriver.rb

* test/soap/test_property.rb

* test/soap/calc/test_calc_cgi.rb

* test/wsdl/test_emptycomplextype.rb

* summary

* add SOAP Header mustUnderstand support.

* add HTTP client SSL configuration and Cookies support (works

completely with http-access2).

* add header handler for handling sending/receiving SOAP Header.

* map Ruby's anonymous Struct to common SOAP Struct in SOAP Object

Model. it caused error.

* add WSDL simpleType support to restrict lexical value space.

58 lines of code changed in:

nahi 2004-01-06 03:20

* import soap4r/1.5.2;

* lib/soap/{attachment.rb,baseData.rb,encodingstyle/soapHandler.rb}:

introduce SOAPExternalReference class as a referenct to SOAPEnvelope

external content.

* lib/soap/{attachment.rb,mimemessage.rb}: great SwA (SOAP messages

with Attachments) support code by Jamie Herre.

* lib/soap/{element.rb,marshal.rb,parser.rb,processor.rb,

streamHandler.rb,wsdlDriver.rb}: SwA support.

* lib/soap/rpc/{cgistub.rb,driver.rb,element.rb,proxy.rb,router.rb,

soaplet.rb}: SwA support and refactoring.

* lib/soap/generator.rb, lib/soap/mapping/mapping.rb: follow

SOAPReference#initialize signature change.

* lib/soap/mapping/factory.rb: deleted unused methods.

* lib/soap/mapping/rubytypeFactory.rb: do no ignore case while xsi:type

string <-> Ruby class name matching.

* lib/xsd/datatypes.rb: check the smallest positive non-zero

single-precision float exactly instead of packing with "f".


* test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: use 1.402e-45, not

1.4e-45. 1.4e-45 is smaller than 2 ** -149...

* test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/soap/marshal/test_marshal.rb,

test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: use "(-1.0 / (1.0 / 0.0))" instead of "-0.0".

* test/soap/test_streamhandler.rb: revert to the previous test that

warns "basic_auth unsupported under net/http".

30 lines of code changed in:

nahi 2003-12-24 15:53

* test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/soap/marshal/test_marshal.rb

test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: use "(-1.0 / (1.0 / 0.0))" instead of "-0.0"

to express -0.0. [ruby-talk:88786]

4 lines of code changed in:

nahi 2003-12-23 11:47

* test/soap/test_streamhandler.rb (test_basic_auth): removed.

soap4r + basic_auth is not officially supported in ruby/1.8.1 even

though soap4r + basic_auth + http-access2 should run fine.

3 lines of code changed in:

nahi 2003-12-22 12:11

* test/soap/test_property.rb: remove duplicated test method.

0 lines of code changed in:

nahi 2003-12-19 14:59

* lib/soap/property.rb (SOAP::Property#load): new method for loading

property value into existing property tree.

* test/soap/test_property.rb: add test.

38 lines of code changed in:

nahi 2003-12-14 14:37

* descrictive warning message.

1 lines of code changed in:

nahi 2003-12-05 14:26

* lib/soap/netHttpClient.rb: proxy support did not work. fixed.

* lib/soap/property.rb: add class methods for loading property from

stream/file/propertyfile. propertyfile is a file which is located at

somedir in $:.

* lib/soap/soap.rb, lib/soap/wsdlDriver.rb, lib/soap/rpc/driver.rb,

lib/wsdl/importer.rb: load property from propertyfile 'soap/property'

e.g. /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/soap/property.

* test/soap/test_property.rb, test/soap/test_streamhandler.rb: new file.

542 lines of code changed in:

nahi 2003-11-28 06:53

* lib/soap/streamHandler.rb: drop unused http parameters.

* lib/soap/encodingstyle/soapHandler.rb, lib/soap/mapping/factory.rb,

lib/soap/mapping/mapping.rb, lib/soap/mapping/registry.rb,

lib/wsdl/soap/complexType.rb: ApacheSOAP's map support was broken under WSDL

dynanic client environment. fixed.

* test/wsdl/raa/*: add tests.

* lib/xsd/datatypes.rb: dateTime precision bug fix (at least, I hope.) bug of

soap4r. XSDDateTimeImple.to_time passed a Float to Time.local/ as an

usec, and NUM2LONG(rb_num2long for Float) causes rounding error.

4 lines of code changed in:

nahi 2003-10-01 16:29

* test/logger/test_logger.rb: unlinking file before close causes problem under

win32 box.

* lib/xsd/datatypes.rb(XSDFloat, XSDDouble): add +/- sign explicitly when

stringified and embedded into XML instance. Ruby's sprintf may format -0.0

as "0.0" (no minus sign) depending on underlying C sprintf implementation.

* test/xsd/test_xsd.rb, test/soap/test_basetype.rb: follow above change.

* test/soap/calc/*: give httpd config param "CGIInterpreter".

"/usr/bin/env ruby" thing does not work under non-Unix boxes.

* ChangeLog: corrected wrong DoW of my log entries...

24 lines of code changed in:

nahi 2003-09-26 19:34

* test/soap/*, test/wsdl/*, test/xsd/*: move TestCase classes into each module

namespace. TestMarshal in test/soap/marshal/test_marshal.rb crashed with


14 lines of code changed in:

nahi 2003-09-26 19:08

* test_soapelement.rb: Illegal require path.

1 lines of code changed in:

nahi 2003-09-24 16:18

* lib/soap/* (29 files): SOAP4R added.

* lib/wsdl/* (42 files): WSDL4R added.

* lib/xsd/* (12 files): XSD4R added.

* test/soap/* (16 files): added.

* test/wsdl/* (2 files): added.

* test/xsd/* (3 files): added.

* sample/soap/* (27 files): added.

* sample/wsdl/* (13 files): added.

1065 lines of code changed in:

Generated by StatSVN 0.3.2-SNAPSHOT