set svn:eol-style
0 lines of code changed in:
* lib/{soap,wsdl,xsd}, test/{soap,wsdl,xsd}: imported soap4r/1.5.4.
== SOAP client and server ==
=== for both client side and server side ===
* improved document/literal service support.
style(rpc,document)/use(encoding, literal) combination are all
supported. for the detail about combination, see
* let WSDLEncodedRegistry#soap2obj map SOAP/OM to Ruby according to
WSDL as well as obj2soap. closes #70.
* let SOAP::Mapping::Object handle XML attribute for doc/lit service.
you can set/get XML attribute via accessor methods which as a name
'xmlattr_' prefixed (<foo name="bar"/> -> Foo#xmlattr_name).
=== client side ===
* WSDLDriver capitalized name operation bug fixed. from
1.5.3-ruby1.8.2, operation which has capitalized name (such as
KeywordSearchRequest in AWS) is defined as a method having
uncapitalized name. (converted with GenSupport.safemethodname
to handle operation name 'foo-bar'). it introduced serious
incompatibility; in the past, it was defined as a capitalized.
define capitalized method as well under that circumstance.
* added new factory interface 'WSDLDriverFactory#create_rpc_driver'
to create RPC::Driver, not WSDLDriver (RPC::Driver and WSDLDriver
are merged). 'WSDLDriverFactory#create_driver' still creates
WSDLDriver for compatibility but it warns that the method is
deprecated. please use create_rpc_driver instead of create_driver.
* allow to use an URI object as an endpoint_url even with net/http,
not http-access2.
=== server side ===
* added mod_ruby support to SOAP::CGIStub. rename a CGI script
server.cgi to server.rb and let mod_ruby's RubyHandler handles the
script. CGIStub detects if it's running under mod_ruby environment
or not.
* added fcgi support to SOAP::CGIStub. see the sample at
sample/soap/calc/server.fcgi. (almost same as server.cgi but has
fcgi handler at the bottom.)
* allow to return a SOAPFault object to respond customized SOAP fault.
* added the interface 'generate_explicit_type' for server side
(CGIStub, HTTPServer). call 'self.generate_explicit_type = true'
if you want to return simplified XML even if it's rpc/encoded
== WSDL ==
=== WSDL definition ===
* improved XML Schema support such as extension, restriction,
simpleType, complexType + simpleContent, ref, length, import,
* reduced "unknown element/attribute" warnings (warn only 1 time for
each QName).
* importing XSD file at schemaLocation with xsd:import.
=== code generation from WSDL ===
* generator crashed when there's '-' in defined element/attribute
* added ApacheMap WSDL definition.
* sample/{soap,wsdl}: removed.
58 lines of code changed in: