Directory test/wsdl/

Directory Created:
2003-09-24 16:18
Total Files:
Deleted Files:
Lines of Code:

Browse with ViewVC


             any (5 files, 216 lines)

             axisArray (3 files, 156 lines)

             datetime (5 files, 192 lines)

             document (6 files, 579 lines)

             map (3 files, 234 lines)

             marshal (3 files, 123 lines)

             qualified (5 files, 420 lines)

             raa (7 files, 888 lines)

             ref (3 files, 218 lines)

             rpc (5 files, 1411 lines)

             simpletype (2 files, 194 lines)

                 rpc (7 files, 341 lines)

             soap (2 files, 182 lines)

Lines of Code

test/wsdl/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 22 (100.0%) 394 (100.0%) 17.9
nahi 17 (77.3%) 394 (100.0%) 23.1
shyouhei 5 (22.7%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0

Most Recent Commits

shyouhei 2007-02-13 00:01

set svn:eol-style

0 lines of code changed in:

nahi 2004-12-20 14:50

* added files:

* lib/soap/mapping/wsdl*.rb

* lib/wsdl/soap/element.rb

* lib/wsdl/xmlSchema/simpleContent.rb

* modified files:

* lib/soap/*

* lib/wsdl/*

* lib/xsd/*

* test/soap/*

* test/wsdl/*

* test/xsd/*

* summary

* imported from the soap4r repository. Version: 1.5.3-ruby1.8.2

* added several XSD basetype support: nonPositiveInteger,

negativeInteger, nonNegativeInteger, unsignedLong, unsignedInt,

unsignedShort, unsignedByte, positiveInteger

* HTTP client connection/send/receive timeout support.

* HTTP client/server gzipped content encoding support.

* improved WSDL schema definition support; still is far from

complete, but is making step by step improovement.

0 lines of code changed in:

nahi 2004-07-03 14:33

* added files:

* lib/soap/header/*

* lib/soap/rpc/httpserver.rb

* lib/wsdl/soap/cgiStubCreator.rb

* lib/wsdl/soap/classDefCreator.rb

* lib/wsdl/soap/classDefCreatorSupport.rb

* lib/wsdl/soap/clientSkeltonCreator.rb

* lib/wsdl/soap/driverCreator.rb

* lib/wsdl/soap/mappingRegistryCreator.rb

* lib/wsdl/soap/methodDefCreator.rb

* lib/wsdl/soap/servantSkeltonCreator.rb

* lib/wsdl/soap/standaloneServerStubCreator.rb

* lib/wsdl/xmlSchema/enumeration.rb

* lib/wsdl/xmlSchema/simpleRestriction.rb

* lib/wsdl/xmlSchema/simpleType.rb

* lib/xsd/codegen/*

* lib/xsd/codegen.rb

* sample/soap/authheader/*

* sample/soap/raa2.4/*

* sample/soap/ssl/*

* sample/soap/swa/*

* sample/soap/whois.rb

* sample/wsdl/raa2.4/*

* test/soap/header/*

* test/soap/ssl/*

* test/soap/struct/*

* test/soap/swa/*

* test/soap/wsdlDriver/*

* test/wsdl/multiplefault.wsdl

* test/wsdl/simpletype/*

* test/wsdl/test_multiplefault.rb

* modified files:

* lib/soap/baseData.rb

* lib/soap/element.rb

* lib/soap/generator.rb

* lib/soap/netHttpClient.rb

* lib/soap/parser.rb

* lib/soap/property.rb

* lib/soap/soap.rb

* lib/soap/streamHandler.rb

* lib/soap/wsdlDriver.rb

* lib/soap/wsdlDriver.rb

* lib/soap/encodingstyle/handler.rb

* lib/soap/encodingstyle/literalHandler.rb

* lib/soap/encodingstyle/soapHandler.rb

* lib/soap/mapping/factory.rb

* lib/soap/mapping/mapping.rb

* lib/soap/mapping/registry.rb

* lib/soap/mapping/rubytypeFactory.rb

* lib/soap/mapping/wsdlRegistry.rb

* lib/soap/rpc/cgistub.rb

* lib/soap/rpc/driver.rb

* lib/soap/rpc/proxy.rb

* lib/soap/rpc/router.rb

* lib/soap/rpc/soaplet.rb

* lib/soap/rpc/standaloneServer.rb

* lib/wsdl/data.rb

* lib/wsdl/definitions.rb

* lib/wsdl/operation.rb

* lib/wsdl/parser.rb

* lib/wsdl/soap/definitions.rb

* lib/wsdl/xmlSchema/complexContent.rb

* lib/wsdl/xmlSchema/complexType.rb

* lib/wsdl/xmlSchema/data.rb

* lib/wsdl/xmlSchema/parser.rb

* lib/wsdl/xmlSchema/schema.rb

* lib/xsd/datatypes.rb

* lib/xsd/qname.rb

* sample/soap/sampleStruct/server.rb

* sample/wsdl/amazon/AmazonSearch.rb

* sample/wsdl/amazon/AmazonSearchDriver.rb

* test/soap/test_property.rb

* test/soap/calc/test_calc_cgi.rb

* test/wsdl/test_emptycomplextype.rb

* summary

* add SOAP Header mustUnderstand support.

* add HTTP client SSL configuration and Cookies support (works

completely with http-access2).

* add header handler for handling sending/receiving SOAP Header.

* map Ruby's anonymous Struct to common SOAP Struct in SOAP Object

Model. it caused error.

* add WSDL simpleType support to restrict lexical value space.

108 lines of code changed in:

nahi 2004-01-29 03:54

* test/rss/test_*: do $: trick while searching a module in the current


* test/xsd/test_xmlschemaparser.rb, test/wsdl/test_emptycomplextype.rb,


test/soap/calc/{test_calc.rb,test_calc2.rb}: do File.expand_path

before using __FILE__.

* test/yaml/test_yaml.rb: assert_equals -> assert_equal.

1 lines of code changed in:

nahi 2003-11-30 05:33

* lib/soap/encodingstyle/soapHandler.rb: refactoring - Simplifying

Conditional Expressions.

* lib/wsdl/soap/definitions.rb: refactoring - Move Method.

* test/xsd/{test_noencoding.rb,noencoding.xml}: new files. test for

encoding unspecified XML file parsing.

* test/wsdl/{test_fault.rb,map,datetime}: new files. test of

SOAPFault, dateTime and Apache's Map.

51 lines of code changed in:

nahi 2003-11-25 08:44

* test/wsdl/multiplefault.wsdl, test/wsdl/test_multiplefault.rb: removed. this

test requires extra libraries in soap4r/1.5.*.

0 lines of code changed in:

nahi 2003-11-25 08:31

* lib/soap/**/*.rb, lib/wsdl/**/*.rb, lib/xsd/**/*.rb: changed license; GPL2 -> Ruby's.

* lib/soap/rpc/driver.rb, lib/soap/wsdlDriver.rb, lib/soap/streamHandler.rb: add interface to streamhandler.

* lib/soap/marshal.rb: raise error if parse fails.

* lib/soap/netHttpClient.rb: add https support. Patched by Oliver M. Bolzer.

* lib/soap/netHttpClient.rb: dump HTTP response message body by itself.

* lib/soap/rpc/driver.rb, lib/soap/rpc/proxy.rb, lib/soap/wsdlDriver.rb: add driver#mandatorycharset interface to foce using charset for parsing response from buggy server.

* lib/soap/encodingstyle/soapHandler.rb: support Apache Axis's half typed multi-ref array.

* lib/soap/mapping/factory.rb, lib/soap/mapping/registry.rb: map SOAPStruct which has multi-accessors which name are the same, to an array.

* lib/soap/rpc/element.rb: fixed illegal parameter order.

* lib/soap/rpc/element.rb: element name of response message could have the name other than 'return'.

* lib/wsdl/operation.rb, lib/wsdl/operationBinding.rb, lib/wsdl/soap/classDefCreator.rb, lib/wsdl/soap/methodDefCreator.rb, lib/wsdl/soap/methodDefCreatorSupport.rb: WSDL/1.1 allows plural fault definition in a operation. [ruby-talk:84948]

* test/wsdl/multiplefault.wsdl, test/wsdl/test_multiplefault.rb: add test for above fix.

* lib/wsdl/soap/complexType.rb: support WSDL array definition with maxOccures="unbound".

* lib/xsd/charset.rb: use cp932 under emx. Patched by Siena. / SHINAGAWA, Norihide in [ruby-dev:21972]

* lib/xsd/xmlparser/parser.rb: set @charset nil by default. Nil means 'follow encoding declaration in XML'.

* sample/soap/digraph.rb, sample/wsdl/amazon/wsdlDriver.rb, sample/wsdl/googleSearch/sampleClient.rb, sample/wsdl/googleSearch/wsdlDriver.rb, test/wsdl/test_emptycomplextype.rb, test/wsdl/marshal/test_wsdlmarshal.rb, test/xsd/test_xmlschemaparser.rb: use { |f| } instead of [ruby-dev:21964]

* test/wsdl/emptycomplextype.wsdl, test/wsdl/test_emptycomplextype.rb: simplify the test case.

* test/wsdl/axisArray/*: add tests for axis's array encoding.

135 lines of code changed in:

nahi 2003-10-14 16:14

* lib/soap/baseData.rb: Introduce SOAPType as the common ancestor of

SOAPBasetype and SOAPCompoundtype.

* lib/soap/generator.rb, lib/soap/element.rb, lib/soap/encodingstyle/*:

Encoding methods signature change. Pass SOAPGenerator as a parameter.

* lib/soap/mapping/*, test/soap/marshal/test_marshal.rb: Refactoring for better

marshalling/unmarshalling support. Now I think SOAP marshaller supports all

kind of object graph which is supported by Ruby's original marshaller. Of

course there could be bugs as always. Find it. :-)

* lib/soap/rpc/standaloneServer.rb: Set severity threshould to INFO. DEBUG is

too noisy.

* lib/xsd/datatypes.rb: DateTime#of is obsoleted. Use DateTime#offset.

* test/wsdl/emptycomplextype.wsdl, test/xsd/xmlschema.xml: Avoid useless


0 lines of code changed in:

nahi 2003-09-26 19:34

* test/soap/*, test/wsdl/*, test/xsd/*: move TestCase classes into each module

namespace. TestMarshal in test/soap/marshal/test_marshal.rb crashed with


7 lines of code changed in:

nahi 2003-09-24 16:18

* lib/soap/* (29 files): SOAP4R added.

* lib/wsdl/* (42 files): WSDL4R added.

* lib/xsd/* (12 files): XSD4R added.

* test/soap/* (16 files): added.

* test/wsdl/* (2 files): added.

* test/xsd/* (3 files): added.

* sample/soap/* (27 files): added.

* sample/wsdl/* (13 files): added.

92 lines of code changed in:

Generated by StatSVN 0.3.2-SNAPSHOT