Author | Changes | Lines of Code | Lines per Change |
Totals | 132 (100.0%) | 2098 (100.0%) | 15.8 |
asankha | 80 (60.6%) | 1380 (65.8%) | 17.2 |
ruwan | 28 (21.2%) | 370 (17.6%) | 13.2 |
indika | 12 (9.1%) | 317 (15.1%) | 26.4 |
chathura_ce | 12 (9.1%) | 31 (1.5%) | 2.5 |
enableSec and enableRM tags are added again to the proxy service to engage rampart and sandesha [recognizing the engagement from policy is not yet impl. on policy]
20 lines of code changed in:
fix sample #50 for rampart outgoing messages with latest axis2 and rampart versions
11 lines of code changed in:
Fix for the application of Glen's fix to get through the addressing validation
Remove unwanted .classes from the mar
update for latest BSF and load all snapshots only from my m2 repo to get some consistency in the face of unstable axis2 builds
2 lines of code changed in:
set eol-style=native for java, xml, html and properties files
eol-style=LF for sh and eol-style=CRLF for bat
820 lines of code changed in:
Update to Axis2 1.2 level (i.e. trunk) SNAPSHOT - and update poms to generate synapse 1.0-rc1-snapshots
currently a possible axis2 addressing bug prevents normal synapse operation - will get it fixed on axis2 asap
3 lines of code changed in:
small spelling mistakes fixed
46 lines of code changed in:
fix possible NPE for non Axis2 / generic SOAP faults
9 lines of code changed in:
Did minor refactorings to the endpoint code.
5 lines of code changed in:
Fixed an issue in FailoverEndpoint. FailoverEndpoint should build the envelop before sending, so that it can resent the same envelop if an failure occures.
1 lines of code changed in:
Fix to make turning on MTOM/SwA on endpoints possible without having to enable those in the axis2.xml (related to SYNAPSE-45)
4 lines of code changed in:
do not engage addressing unless specifically requested for outgoing messages through <enableAddressing>
2 lines of code changed in:
Fixed - Addressing should only be removed from the cloned message context. Original message context used to send should not be altered as it is required if we want resend after a failure.
Added javadocs for endpoints.
4 lines of code changed in:
Axis2 has a strange behaviour where some of the headers returned from getEnvelope().getHeader().examineAllHeaderBlocks() returns raw OMElements and not only SOAPHeaderBlock's - make our code resilient
9 lines of code changed in:
Fix issues with fault handling, and allow propagation of actual cause to Synapse. Also allow Synapse to send back a fault message through a new MC property named RESPONSE to convert a messages' direction after the changes to the fault mediator
27 lines of code changed in:
Refactored the endpoint package structure and added transactional resource access methods to the Context
62 lines of code changed in:
Fixed some issues in the failover endpoints.
4 lines of code changed in:
Allow Synapse to get notified of connection and send errors for load balancing etc from the non blocking transport
87 lines of code changed in:
fixed some minor issues
Change property mediator so that It can remove or set properties
6 lines of code changed in:
fix unit test failures for extensions module
5 lines of code changed in:
refactor properties to use local entries and transactional resources (partly), this might break the build temporarily
73 lines of code changed in:
(27 more)