set eol-style=native for java, xml, html and properties files
eol-style=LF for sh and eol-style=CRLF for bat
499 lines of code changed in:
Axis2 has a strange behaviour where some of the headers returned from getEnvelope().getHeader().examineAllHeaderBlocks() returns raw OMElements and not only SOAPHeaderBlock's - make our code resilient
0 lines of code changed in:
Fix issues with fault handling, and allow propagation of actual cause to Synapse. Also allow Synapse to send back a fault message through a new MC property named RESPONSE to convert a messages' direction after the changes to the fault mediator
8 lines of code changed in:
refactor properties to use local entries and transactional resources (partly), this might break the build temporarily
2 lines of code changed in:
Fixed to the issues in JIRA 65 ,55
0 lines of code changed in: