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(1 files, 55 lines)
Start updates to script mediator to support multi/single threaded script engines
2 lines of code changed in:
Update script mediator for latest BSF 3.0 snapshot
17 lines of code changed in:
Start converting script support to use BSF V3. Not finished yet and haven't tested any samples yet, but should build and the tests run ok
18 lines of code changed in:
set eol-style=native for java, xml, html and properties files
eol-style=LF for sh and eol-style=CRLF for bat
220 lines of code changed in:
update and fix copyright notice to be correct
17 lines of code changed in:
Script mediator enhancements http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SYNAPSE-67
Applying patch from Kasun with the following original comments:
The attached patch combines the script and inline script mediators
Updates the code for consistent logging and tracing support
Uses caching of scripts loaded from the registry
Supports AXIOM/E4X for performance if made available at runtime (Currently compiles with the non-Axiom JARS)
Adds javadocs and updated unit tests
38 lines of code changed in:
change remote registry parameter syntax
add XMlUnit to compare two xml
change sample
add throttle samples
3 lines of code changed in:
refactor properties to use local entries and transactional resources (partly), this might break the build temporarily
0 lines of code changed in:
add ScriptMediatorSerializer and test cases for that
57 lines of code changed in:
Groovy 1.0 final out today so start support for Groovy script
47 lines of code changed in: