(26 files, 1461 lines)
(1 files, 28 lines)
(1 files, 1 lines)
(2 files, 371 lines)
(6 files, 360 lines)
(1 files, 8 lines)
(2 files, 65 lines)
set eol-style=native for java, xml, html and properties files
eol-style=LF for sh and eol-style=CRLF for bat
365 lines of code changed in:
Update to Axis2 1.2 level (i.e. trunk) SNAPSHOT - and update poms to generate synapse 1.0-rc1-snapshots
currently a possible axis2 addressing bug prevents normal synapse operation - will get it fixed on axis2 asap
77 lines of code changed in:
add sample keystores for synapse and the sample axis2 server to demonstrate the new https transport
0 lines of code changed in:
show how to use client authentication and hostname verification with a commented out sample parameter in the axis2.xml
update to set the content type header for messages going out through the nio transport
6 lines of code changed in:
leave only tested transports in the default axis2.xml's
4 lines of code changed in:
update samples 0 to 3 to new syntax and update sample documentation
0 lines of code changed in:
removed synapse mustunderstand handler as its no longer used
0 lines of code changed in:
add full support for NIO SSL listener and sender
added a sample keystore to start the Synapse server
updated the default axis2.xml for Synapse and sample axis2 server to use the new transports
34 lines of code changed in:
added the NIO SSL transport listener, and a sample jks keystore to startup the listener
updated the axis2.xml we ship to include the SSL listener
updated the synapse.sh script to support the renaming of the SynapseHTTPServer as SynapseServer
updated pom.xml to include dependency for niossl - but the code should now be compiled under JDK 1.5, and the target code would be 1.4 compatible. Hence it is still possible to run Synapse on JDK 1.4 if the NIO SSL transport is not used
19 lines of code changed in:
pool outgoing connections at application level
close all pipe channels
update axis2.xml used by sample axis2 server to use NIO server instead of SimpleHttpServer
0 lines of code changed in:
checkin new NIO transport based on HttpCore and NIO extensions
fix build break and updated test case where an invalid name attribute was present
change version to SNAPSHOT
14 lines of code changed in:
Update POMs and docs for 0.91, and remove references to incubator/ update status to show graduation
0 lines of code changed in: