Directory xstream/src/test/com/thoughtworks/acceptance/

Directory Created:
2003-09-26 12:08
Total Files:
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Lines of Code:

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                            directory in repo annotations (4 files, 594 lines)

                            directory in repo objects (6 files, 159 lines)

                            directory in repo someobjects (11 files, 159 lines)

Lines of Code

xstream/src/test/com/thoughtworks/acceptance/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 476 (100.0%) 8966 (100.0%) 18.8
joe 203 (42.6%) 4470 (49.9%) 22.0
joehni 228 (47.9%) 3521 (39.3%) 15.4
mauro 33 (6.9%) 630 (7.0%) 19.0
jstrachan 5 (1.1%) 174 (1.9%) 34.8
gas 2 (0.4%) 110 (1.2%) 55.0
jvanzyl 3 (0.6%) 58 (0.6%) 19.3
rinkrank 1 (0.2%) 3 (0.0%) 3.0
cv 1 (0.2%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0

Most Recent Commits

joehni 2007-03-22 10:02

Optimize imports.

0 lines of code changed in:

joehni 2007-03-22 09:52

Fix implicit collection for aliased member and items.

23 lines of code changed in:

joehni 2007-03-20 23:07

Fix aliasing of inherited fields (XSTR-387).

28 lines of code changed in:

joehni 2007-03-19 22:13

Fix aliasing of native types (XSTR-375).

1 lines of code changed in:

  • xstream/src/test/com/thoughtworks/acceptance: (+1 -2)
joehni 2007-03-10 19:19

Fields turned into transient members are now really ignored in accordance with FAQ (XSTR-243).

45 lines of code changed in:

joehni 2007-03-05 21:48

Support hex and octal values (XSTR-382).

14 lines of code changed in:

joehni 2007-03-05 21:30

Fix JDK 1.3 build.

21 lines of code changed in:

joehni 2007-03-05 21:29

Remove obsolete FIXME.

0 lines of code changed in:

joehni 2007-01-14 18:26

Play with StaX impls.

8 lines of code changed in:

joehni 2007-01-05 10:41

Fix test.

1 lines of code changed in:

joehni 2007-01-01 23:40

Rename StaxWriter2Test to StaxWriterTest.

2 lines of code changed in:

joehni 2006-12-30 04:32

Fix serialized DecimalFormatSymbols for JDK 6 in XmlFriendyTest (XSTR-370).

Introduce JDK 6 support in JVM class.

26 lines of code changed in:

joehni 2006-12-30 03:42

Normalize XML of hashed maps or sets to compare XML (XSTR-370).

85 lines of code changed in:

joehni 2006-12-30 02:37

Out-commented test for failing aliased primitive.

12 lines of code changed in:

gas 2006-12-24 23:49

java 1.3 and annotations support for specific (field as attribute feature) and (field aliasing)

25 lines of code changed in:

joehni 2006-12-15 12:42

Javadoc typo & wording.

1 lines of code changed in:

joehni 2006-11-24 16:37

Improve test.

12 lines of code changed in:

joehni 2006-11-10 22:28

Adjust svn properties.

175 lines of code changed in:

joehni 2006-10-19 02:46

Add more versatile boolean converter (XSTR-309).

99 lines of code changed in:

joehni 2006-10-16 09:54

Test field aliases for internal attribute names.

22 lines of code changed in:

(249 more)

Generated by StatSVN 0.3.2-SNAPSHOT