Benoit Xhenseval
2009-05-01 16:59
Rev.: 386
3 lines of code changed in 1 file:
Benoit Xhenseval
2009-04-26 09:02
Rev.: 385
7 lines of code changed in 1 file:
Benoit Xhenseval
2009-03-14 11:37
Rev.: 381
2 lines of code changed in 1 file:
Benoit Xhenseval
2009-03-14 00:01
Rev.: 380
87 lines of code changed in 1 file:
Benoit Xhenseval
2009-03-10 23:33
Rev.: 377
12 lines of code changed in 1 file:
Benoit Xhenseval
2007-04-13 10:49
Rev.: 338
3 lines of code changed in 1 file:
Benoit Xhenseval
2007-04-09 23:26
Rev.: 336
15 lines of code changed in 3 files:
Benoit Xhenseval
2007-04-09 23:15
Rev.: 335
72 lines of code changed in 36 files:
statsvn-ant-dotnet.bat (+2 -2),
statsvn-ant-http.bat (+2 -2),
statsvn-ant-manual4eclipse.bat (+2 -2),
statsvn-ant-svn.bat (+2 -2),
statsvn-ant.bat (+2 -2),
statsvn-antunit.bat (+2 -2),
statsvn-commons-lang.bat (+2 -2),
statsvn-continuum.bat (+2 -2),
statsvn-felix.bat (+2 -2),
statsvn-grails.bat (+2 -2),
statsvn-groovy.bat (+2 -2),
statsvn-hibernate.bat (+2 -2),
statsvn-jboss.bat (+2 -2),
statsvn-jdk7.bat (+2 -2),
statsvn-joda-time.bat (+2 -2),
statsvn-jruby.bat (+2 -2),
statsvn-jtreemap.bat (+2 -2),
statsvn-log4j.bat (+2 -2),
statsvn-m2plugins.bat (+2 -2),
statsvn-maven1.bat (+2 -2),
statsvn-maven2.bat (+2 -2),
statsvn-mule.bat (+2 -2),
statsvn-objectlabkit.bat (+2 -2),
statsvn-pebble.bat (+2 -2),
statsvn-pzfilereader.bat (+2 -2),
statsvn-qalab.bat (+2 -2),
statsvn-qpid.bat (+2 -2),
statsvn-ror.bat (+2 -2),
statsvn-ruby.bat (+2 -2),
statsvn-servicemix.bat (+2 -2),
statsvn-spring-richclient.bat (+2 -2),
statsvn-subversion.bat (+2 -2),
statsvn-synapse.bat (+2 -2),
statsvn-testng.bat (+2 -2),
statsvn-xmlunit.bat (+2 -2),
statsvn-xstream.bat (+2 -2)
Benoit Xhenseval
2007-04-09 22:18
Rev.: 333
161 lines of code changed in 42 files:
grails.properties (new 8),
joda.properties (+7 -2),
pebble.properties (new 8),
springrc.properties (new 68),
statsvn-ant-dotnet.bat (+1),
statsvn-ant-http.bat (+1),
statsvn-ant-manual4eclipse.bat (+1),
statsvn-ant-svn.bat (+1),
statsvn-ant.bat (+1),
statsvn-antunit.bat (+1),
statsvn-commons-lang.bat (+1),
statsvn-continuum.bat (+1),
statsvn-felix.bat (+1),
statsvn-grails.bat (+2 -1),
statsvn-groovy.bat (+1),
statsvn-hibernate.bat (+1),
statsvn-jboss.bat (+1),
statsvn-jdk7.bat (+2 -1),
statsvn-joda-time.bat (+2 -1),
statsvn-jruby.bat (+1),
statsvn-jtreemap.bat (+2 -1),
statsvn-log4j.bat (+1),
statsvn-m2plugins.bat (+1),
statsvn-maven1.bat (+1),
statsvn-maven2.bat (+1),
statsvn-mule.bat (+2 -1),
statsvn-objectlabkit.bat (+2 -1),
statsvn-pebble.bat (new 6),
statsvn-pzfilereader.bat (+2 -1),
statsvn-qalab.bat (+2 -1),
statsvn-qpid.bat (+1),
statsvn-ror.bat (+1),
statsvn-ruby.bat (+1),
statsvn-servicemix.bat (+1),
statsvn-spring-richclient.bat (+2 -1),
statsvn-subversion.bat (+1),
statsvn-synapse.bat (+1),
statsvn-testng.bat (+2 -1),
statsvn-xmlunit.bat (new 6),
statsvn-xstream.bat (+1),
statsvn.properties (+1 -1),
xmlunit.properties (new 13)
Benoit Xhenseval
2007-03-26 07:21
Rev.: 318
3 lines of code changed in 1 file:
Jason Kealey
2007-03-26 01:06
Rev.: 317
8 lines of code changed in 1 file:
Benoit Xhenseval
2007-03-25 23:40
Rev.: 316
80 lines of code changed in 11 files:
joda.properties (new 8),
mule.properties (new 8),
statsvn-joda-time.bat (+1 -1),
statsvn-jtreemap.bat (+1 -1),
statsvn-mule.bat (+1 -1),
statsvn-objectlabkit.bat (+1 -1),
statsvn-pzfilereader.bat (+1 -1),
statsvn-qalab.bat (+1 -1),
statsvn-testng.bat (+1 -1),
statsvn.properties (new 44),
testng.properties (new 13)
Benoit Xhenseval
2007-03-25 19:12
Rev.: 315
35 lines of code changed in 14 files:
statsvn-continuum.bat (new 5),
statsvn-hibernate.bat (+1),
statsvn-joda-time.bat (+1 -1),
statsvn-jtreemap.bat (+1),
statsvn-m2plugins.bat (new 5),
statsvn-maven1.bat (new 5),
statsvn-maven2.bat (new 5),
statsvn-objectlabkit.bat (+1),
statsvn-pzfilereader.bat (+1),
statsvn-qalab.bat (+1),
statsvn-qpid.bat (+1),
statsvn-ror.bat (new 5),
statsvn-spring-richclient.bat (+1),
statsvn-testng.bat (+2 -1)
Benoit Xhenseval
2007-03-23 20:52
Rev.: 312
200 lines of code changed in 31 files:
statsvn-ant-dotnet.bat (new 5),
statsvn-ant-http.bat (new 5),
statsvn-ant-manual4eclipse.bat (new 5),
statsvn-ant-svn.bat (new 5),
statsvn-ant.bat (new 5),
statsvn-antunit.bat (new 5),
statsvn-commons-lang.bat (new 5),
statsvn-felix.bat (new 5),
statsvn-grails.bat (new 5),
statsvn-groovy.bat (new 5),
statsvn-hibernate.bat (new 4),
statsvn-jboss.bat (new 5),
statsvn-jdk7.bat (new 5),
statsvn-joda-time.bat (new 5),
statsvn-jruby.bat (new 5),
statsvn-jtreemap.bat (new 4),
statsvn-log4j.bat (new 4),
statsvn-mule.bat (new 5),
statsvn-objectlabkit.bat (new 4),
statsvn-pzfilereader.bat (new 4),
statsvn-qalab.bat (new 4),
statsvn-qpid.bat (new 4),
statsvn-ruby.bat (new 4),
statsvn-servicemix.bat (new 5),
statsvn-spring-richclient.bat (new 4),
statsvn-subversion.bat (new 4),
statsvn-synapse.bat (new 5),
statsvn-testng.bat (new 4),
statsvn-xstream.bat (new 5),
sync-ant.bat (new 33),
sync-felix.bat (new 33)