Commons-lang Developers: alex

Login name:
Total Commits:
42 (0.9%)
Lines of Code:
3416 (2.1%)
Most Recent Commit:
2003-07-05 23:37

Activity by Clock Time

Activity by Hour of Day for alex

Activity by Day of Week for alex

Activity in Directories

Directory Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 42 (100.0%) 3416 (100.0%) 81.3
src/java/org/apache/commons/lang/ 20 (47.6%) 2484 (72.7%) 124.2
src/test/org/apache/commons/lang/ 21 (50.0%) 928 (27.2%) 44.1
/ 1 (2.4%) 4 (0.1%) 4.0

Activity of alex

Most Recent Commits

alex 2003-07-05 23:37

javadoc fixes

9 lines of code changed in:

alex 2003-06-29 03:05


14 lines of code changed in:

alex 2003-06-29 03:05

introducing utility class from Justin Couch

419 lines of code changed in:

alex 2003-06-29 03:04


26 lines of code changed in:

alex 2003-06-29 03:03

cleaning up

use restructured EntityMap classes

71 lines of code changed in:

alex 2003-06-29 03:03



add escapeSql method

34 lines of code changed in:

alex 2003-06-29 03:02


restructure EntityMap inner classes

76 lines of code changed in:

alex 2003-05-24 15:28

making constants final (XML, HTML32, HTML40)

4 lines of code changed in:

alex 2003-05-24 15:21

fixed typo

2 lines of code changed in:

alex 2003-05-24 15:11

continuing performance improvements-- now uses a binary lookup

135 lines of code changed in:

alex 2003-05-24 13:29

initial performance testing for Entities

266 lines of code changed in:

alex 2003-05-24 04:38

add EntitiesTest to LangTestSuite

16 lines of code changed in:

alex 2003-05-24 04:35

refactoring Entities object in preparation for optimization

add unit tests for Entities class

move escape and unescape methods into Entities class

388 lines of code changed in:

alex 2003-04-09 21:30

improving javadoc

added apos entity to XML escape/unescape

add test for "unknown entity" behavior

36 lines of code changed in:

alex 2003-04-09 20:55

Extracted Entities class (instead of inner class)

Added support for full HTML 4.0 entity set

Separated XML, ISO8859-1 (HTML 3.2), and HTML 4.0 entities inside Entities object

Added escapeXml and unescapeXml public API methods

Escape now uses entities for values 0x80 or greater (previously 0x100)

511 lines of code changed in:

alex 2003-04-09 18:45

Escaping unicode uses capital letters e.g. \uABCD

Found and fixed bug when unicode character is at the end of a string to unescape

Added unit tests for above bug to both StringUtilsTest and StringEscapeUtilsTest

StringUtils.[un]escape now call StringEscapeUtils.[un]escapeJava

52 lines of code changed in:

alex 2003-04-09 17:30

make test strings 7-bit clean (bug 18836)

6 lines of code changed in:

alex 2003-04-02 06:14

added some more entities from HTML 4.0 spec, refactored (Entities class), initialize maps on demand

217 lines of code changed in:

alex 2003-03-31 03:53

StringEscapeUtils: escape/unescape Java/JavaScript/HTML

721 lines of code changed in:

alex 2003-03-29 16:17

changed chomp() to match Perl

deprecated chomp* methods in favor of new slice methods

improved unit tests and documentation

252 lines of code changed in:

(1 more)

Generated by StatSVN 0.3.2-SNAPSHOT