June 2003 Commit Log

Number of Commits:
Number of Active Developers:
nobu 2003-06-30 10:08


3 lines of code changed in:

nobu 2003-06-30 09:53

* eval.c (mnew): ignore metaclasses have no influence, for rklass.


9 lines of code changed in:

shigek 2003-06-29 14:20

Bug in '/' fixed by Tadashi Saito.

4 lines of code changed in:

seki 2003-06-28 23:03

import drb-2.0.4 (use LocalJumpeError#reason)

8 lines of code changed in:

nobu 2003-06-28 04:41


3 lines of code changed in:

nobu 2003-06-28 04:29

* configure.in (rb_cv_stack_grow_dir): check stack growing direction.

* eval.c (rb_thread_restore_context): prior configuration macro.

* gc.c (ruby_stack_length): always return the address of lower edge.

* gc.c (rb_gc_mark_locations): remove margin. [ruby-dev:20462]

* gc.c (rb_gc, Init_stack): prior configuration macro.

* gc.c (Init_stack): add safety margin.

82 lines of code changed in:

nobu 2003-06-27 06:41

* string.c (rb_str_split_m): remove white spaces on the head of

the last element, when limit is specified. [ruby-talk:74506]

7 lines of code changed in:

shigek 2003-06-27 05:40

Changed according to Tadashi Saito's advice.

4 lines of code changed in:

shigek 2003-06-27 05:38

1.From Tadashi Saito's advice

to_parts changed to split,assign removed, ** added,bugs in infinite? & nozero? fixed.

2.Rounding functionalities added

mode now accepts rounding mode.

round accepts second argument for Bankers' rounding.

735 lines of code changed in:

eban 2003-06-27 04:05


3 lines of code changed in:

nobu 2003-06-26 19:24

* io.c (io_fflush): need to check if closed after thread switch.


* io.c (fptr_finalize): ditto.

* string.c (rb_str_rindex_m): fixed wrong fix. should move backward

first only when matching from the end.

21 lines of code changed in:

nobu 2003-06-26 13:40


3 lines of code changed in:

nobu 2003-06-26 13:34

* class.c (class_instance_method_list): get rid of warning about

arguement type mismatch, and inline method_list().


27 lines of code changed in:

nagai 2003-06-25 15:40

tk.rb :

* add and modify :

TkWidget.database_class, TkWidget.database_classname,

TkWidget#database_class, TkWidget#database_classname

* instances of a subclass of TkToplevel or TkFrame are

created with ":class=>subclass" option as default.

For example, the followings create similar objects.

(1) TkFrame.new(:class=>'XXX')

(2) class XXX < TkFrame; end; XXX.new

sample/tkoptdb.rb :

* add new part of sample script

154 lines of code changed in:

matz 2003-06-25 08:12

* class.c (rb_generic_class_instance_methods): merge argument

check (and warning) into one function; following DRY principle.


24 lines of code changed in:

nagai 2003-06-25 06:49

tkcanvas.rb :

* Although requiring manual control of GC, memory eating problem

of TkCanvas Items is fixed. Probably, a time when GC should run

is only after removing many canvas items. GC's cost is large

and the man who knows proper timing to start GC is the man who

create the script. So, Ruby/Tk doesn't start GC automatically.

tktext.rb :

* add some methods and bug fix

tk.rb :

* add widget destroy hook binding to TkBindTag::ALL

128 lines of code changed in:

eban 2003-06-25 06:34


3 lines of code changed in:

matz 2003-06-25 06:28

* variable.c (autoload_delete): should delete Qundef from iv_tbl.

(ruby-bugs-ja PR#504)

11 lines of code changed in:

nagai 2003-06-24 17:46

tk.rb :

* TkToplevel, TkFrame, TkPanedwindow, TkOptionDB : bug fix

* TkOptionDB : make it more secure to use procs defined on resourceDB

sample/tkoptdb.rb, sample/resource.ja, sample/resource.en :

* sample script how to use TkOptionDB.

resource.ja and resource.en are samples of resource definition file

which are read by tkoptdb.rb.

203 lines of code changed in:

why 2003-06-24 15:12

* lib/yaml/types.rb: replaced Kernel::Hash reference with Object::Hash

from [ruby-talk:74270]

6 lines of code changed in:

nobu 2003-06-24 09:59

* eval.c (rb_yield_0): show yielded block position not only yielding

point. [ruby-dev:20441]

17 lines of code changed in:

aamine 2003-06-24 08:42

* lib/net/http.rb (HTTPHeader#proxy_basic_auth): missing `@'.

6 lines of code changed in:

aamine 2003-06-24 06:26

* config.guess: have wrongly returned "alphaev56-unknown-linux-" on Linux/Alpha.

7 lines of code changed in:

eban 2003-06-24 03:07


3 lines of code changed in:

aamine 2003-06-23 20:54

* configure.in: always add -mieee for gcc/alpha. [ruby-dev:20429]

12 lines of code changed in:

nobu 2003-06-23 18:40

* array.c (rb_ary_unshift_m): need to check number of arguments.


11 lines of code changed in:

aamine 2003-06-23 15:55

* io.c (io_close): missing prototype.

* ext/socket/socket.c (bsock_do_not_rev_lookup_set): ditto.

* ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (foletype_guid, foletype_progid): ditto.

* error.c (syserr_initialize): length argument of sprintf() is an int.

16 lines of code changed in:

eban 2003-06-23 15:30

* MANIFEST: add wince files.

* ext/tk/MANIFEST: add sample/tkmenubutton.rb.

17 lines of code changed in:

nagai 2003-06-23 15:22

tk.rb :

* TkRoot and TkToplevel : bug fix

23 lines of code changed in:

  • ext/tk/lib: tk.rb (+23 -8)
nobu 2003-06-23 09:45

sorry, typo again.

1 lines of code changed in:

nobu 2003-06-23 09:45


1 lines of code changed in:

nobu 2003-06-23 09:41

* dir.c (find_dirsep): get rid of warnings.

* eval.c (error_print): temporary value might be disposed by GC.

* hash.c (env_has_value, env_index): should not increment NULL.

* io.c (io_read, rb_io_sysread): not read when length is 0.

* io.c (rb_io_reopen): ensure initialized IO.

* io.c (rb_io_init_copy): sychronize file pointer.

* io.c (rb_io_s_pipe): make exception proof.

* string.c (rb_str_rindex_m): Fixnum 0 matched end of string.

75 lines of code changed in:

akr 2003-06-23 08:19

* io.c (rb_open_file): initialize flags.

4 lines of code changed in:

matz 2003-06-23 07:52

* string.c (rb_str_upto): generate sequence according to "succ"

order. formerly check was done by dictionary order.


* string.c (rb_string_value): fill constant empty string along

with setting ELTS_SHARED if str->ptr is NULL. [ruby-core:01179]

* string.c (rb_string_value_ptr): ditto.

* string.c (rb_check_string_type): ditto.

* string.c (str_gsub): move END(0) check before mbclen2().

* string.c (scan_once): reduce END(0) check.

* io.c (rb_io_initialize): accept fixnum mode.

* eval.c (error_print): replace strchr() by memchr(), einfo may

contain "\0".

* pack.c (pack_unpack): range check for "@" move; initialize check

for "m".

* error.c (syserr_initialize): avoid buffer overflow.

* file.c (rb_file_s_readlink): expand buffer until readlink


113 lines of code changed in:

eban 2003-06-23 05:49


3 lines of code changed in:

akr 2003-06-23 05:47

* time.c (time_arg): initialize v[6] even when argc is 10 to

avoid valgrind error.

6 lines of code changed in:

nagai 2003-06-22 17:17

tk.rb :

* TkRoot.new and TkToplevel.new accept Wm commands as elements

of a hash argument.

e.g. TkRoot.new(:title=>'App Title')

TkToplevel.new(:parent=>Tk.root, :title=>'XXX', :class=>'ZZZ')

* TkMenu :: add some methods

* TkOptionMenubutton :: bug fix


* add comments about the usage of a TkTimer object.


* sample of TkMenubutton and TkOptionMenubutton

165 lines of code changed in:

nobu 2003-06-22 11:40

typo in date, reported by daz.

2 lines of code changed in:

matz 2003-06-21 18:15

* eval.c (proc_invoke): forgot "break";

1 lines of code changed in:

matz 2003-06-21 16:36

* eval.c (proc_invoke): should not propagate distination tag if

tag is already handled in this level. (ruby-bugs-ja PR#501)

5 lines of code changed in:

matz 2003-06-21 15:51

* object.c (str_to_id): check for empty string before intern.


15 lines of code changed in:

nagai 2003-06-21 13:55

tk.rb :

* TkRoot.new and TkToplevel.new accept Wm commands as elements

of a hash argument.

e.g. TkRoot.new(:title=>'App Title')

TkToplevel.new(:parent=>Tk.root, :title=>'XXX', :class=>'ZZZ')


* add comments about the usage of a TkTimer object.

52 lines of code changed in:

eban 2003-06-21 13:40


3 lines of code changed in:

nobu 2003-06-21 13:27

* object.c (rb_to_id): use rb_str_intern() instead of rb_intern()

directly, for sanity check.

7 lines of code changed in:

nagai 2003-06-21 09:47

Ruby/Tk libraries except tk.rb :

* remove direct-accesses to a TkComm::INTERP

* remove direct-accesses to a TkComm::INITIALIZE_TARGETS

* use TkINTERP_SETUP_SCRIPTS constant for setting up the interpreter

tcltklib.c :

* support to create a safe interpreter with safe-Tk ( Tk8.x )

you can test it by the following


require 'tk'

safeip = Tk::INTERP._eval('::safe::interpCreate')

Tk::INTERP._eval('::safe::loadTk ' + safeip)

Tk::INTERP._eval(safeip + ' eval button .b -text SlaveIP -command exit')

Tk::INTERP._eval(safeip + ' eval pack .b')



82 lines of code changed in:

uema2 2003-06-21 05:55

* wince/Makefile.sub: undefine HAVE__SETJMP.

* wince/resource.rb: include winver.h in wince3.0.

7 lines of code changed in:

matz 2003-06-20 18:22

* eval.c (proc_invoke): should not propagate TAG_BREAK and

TAG_RETURN from orphan Proc object. [ruby-core:01148]

10 lines of code changed in:

nagai 2003-06-20 15:52

tcltklib.c :

* Tk interpreter returns TAINTED strings.

12 lines of code changed in:

matz 2003-06-20 08:11

* parse.y (new_yield): distinguish "yield 1,2" and "yield [1,2]".


* eval.c (rb_eval): support new_yield() change.

* variable.c (rb_const_get_0): warn for Foo::BAR when BAR is a

toplevel constant (i.e. a constant defined under Object).


* parse.y (no_blockarg): separate no block argument check and

ret_args argument processing.

* range.c (rb_range_beg_len): out_of_range check after adjusting

end point. [ruby-dev:20370]

* parse.y (call_args): the first argument to arg_cancat() should

be NODE_LIST. [ruby-core:01151]

* eval.c (rb_eval): should dispatch based on ID type.

* eval.c (rb_yield_0): should restore scope_vmode during yield.


149 lines of code changed in:

usa 2003-06-20 07:22

* defines.h (PATH_ENV): name of PATH environment. [new].

* defines.h (ENV_IGNORECASE): define for case insensitive platforms

to access environment variables.

* dln.c (dln_find_exe): use PATH_ENV instead of "PATH".

* hash.c (env_delete, rb_f_getenv, env_fetch, rb_env_path_tainted,

env_aset): ditto.

* ruby.c (proc_options): ditto.

55 lines of code changed in:

nagai 2003-06-19 17:14

tcltklib.c :

* lib_do_one_event() : change default value of the argument

* lib_do_one_event() : returns true/false

* add TclTkLib::EventFlag::NONE ( == 0 )

* add set_no_event_wait() and get_no_event_wait()

* modify MANUAL.euc and README.euc

tk.rb :

* change default value of TkCore.do_one_event argument

* add TkCore.set_no_event_wait(wait) and TkCore.get_no_event_wait

* add Tk.exit ( == destroy root widget )

tkafter.rb :

* rename TkAfter => TkTimer ( TkAfter is an alias name now. )

* set_callback returns self

* continue() raises an exception, if already running or no procedure.

* skip() raises an exception, if not running.


* new sample for TkTimer class.

284 lines of code changed in:

nahi 2003-06-19 17:08

* lib/csv.rb: Import csv module.

1340 lines of code changed in:

seki 2003-06-19 15:00

import from drb-2.0.4b3

7 lines of code changed in:

eban 2003-06-19 08:16

* rubytest.rb: add library path to include standard libraries.

5 lines of code changed in:

usa 2003-06-19 05:21

* hash.c (env_delete, rb_f_getenv, env_fetch): case insensitive to

access environment variables on DOSISH platforms.

14 lines of code changed in:

nagai 2003-06-18 20:46

tk.rb :

* small bug fix

* rename 'no_create' option to 'without_creating'

* add TkWindow#pack_in, TkWindow#grid_in, TkWindow#place_in

* add TkWindow#bind_class and TkWindow#database_class

If defined specific_class (@db_class), bind_class returns @db_class.

In other case, bind_class returns TkWinow#class().

It is useful for binding.

TkWindow#database_class is defined for querying the option database.

It's same to TkWinfo.classname(self).

* add TkBindTag.new_by_name and TkDatabaseClass for binding to database class

* check varname whether already exsist or not. (TkVarAccess.new)

* TkTextWin#bbox returns an array of four numbers

* autoload TkDialog2, TkWarning2

* scan event callback arguments and convert to proper type

* TkBindTag.new accepts a block ( TkBindTag.new(context){callback} )

* If given taglist, TkWindow#bindtags(taglist) returns taglist

* add TkWindow#bindtags=(taglist)

* Tk.focue and Tk.focus_lastfor return nil if there is no target widget.

* Tk::Wm.client returns the argument string when setting name

* TkGrid.columnconfiginfo and rowconfiginfo given a slot return a number.

* TkWindow.grid_columnconfiginfo and grid_rowconfiginfo :: ditto

* rename and define alias :: TkOption ==> TkOptionDB

* define alias :: TkTimer ==> TkAfter

* some instance methods change from public to private

* some TkComm methods change to module functions

(help to treat return values from Tk)

* add support for -displayof option to some TkWinfo methods

* bind, bind_append and bind_remove :: returns the target of event-binding

* add Tk8.4 features

* add TkPaneWindow


* classes without showing at initialize : TkDialog2, TkWarning2

* add show method to reuse TkDialog object

* some instance methods change from public to private

* add new features for configuration

tktext.rb :

* small bug fix

* some methods return self

* add TkTextMark#+(mod) and TkTextMark#-(mod) (e.g. mark + '3 chars')

* add some methods

tkcanvas.rb :

* small bug fix

* some methods return self

tkentry.rb :

* some methods return self

* TkEntry#bbox returns an array of four numbers

* scan validatecommand arguments and convert to proper type

tkbgerror.rb :

* support to define a error handler by user

tcltklib.rb :

* reported by Ferenc Engard <engard@all.hu> on [ruby-talk:60759]

... and so on

1650 lines of code changed in:

seki 2003-06-18 16:45

import from drb-2.0.4b3

1353 lines of code changed in:

katsu 2003-06-18 15:51

added changelogs about zlib

17 lines of code changed in:

katsu 2003-06-18 15:40

This is a null commit to correct the previous log.

(zstream_run): In a particular situation, deflate/inflate will return Z_BUF_ERROR, even though another call is required by the zlib library.

0 lines of code changed in:

katsu 2003-06-18 15:38

*** empty log message ***

5 lines of code changed in:

why 2003-06-18 02:06

* ext/syck/rubyext.c (rb_syck_load_handler): merge key implemented.

* ext/syck/rubyext.c (transfer_find_i): removed use of String#=~ in favor

of Regexp#match.

* lib/yaml.rb: YAML::try_implicit returns.

* lib/yaml/rubytypes.rb: Regexps added for type matching.

* lib/yaml/emitter.rb: fix String + nil error.

112 lines of code changed in:

why 2003-06-17 17:55

* ext/syck/gram.c: added grammar for certain empty sequence entries.

* ext/syck/handler.c, ext/syck/syck.c, ext/syck/syck.h: track bad anchors.

* ext/syck/token.c: added pause token, tag possible circular references.

* lib/yaml/rubytypes.rb: parsing YMD time as Date instance.

* ext/syck/rubyext.c: ditto. DomainType, PrivateType, BadAlias classes.

1045 lines of code changed in:

usa 2003-06-17 13:30

* win32/win32.c (rb_w32_opendir): need to set errno. [ruby-talk:73761]

8 lines of code changed in:

matz 2003-06-17 04:12

* eval.c: remove rb_cBlock.

35 lines of code changed in:

eban 2003-06-16 10:10

* numeric.c (rb_fix2uint): renamed from rb_fix2int on IA64.

5 lines of code changed in:

nobu 2003-06-16 09:03

* eval.c (proc_invoke): format the message for localjump_error().

8 lines of code changed in:

usa 2003-06-16 08:25

* ext/dl/dl.c (rb_dl_callback): use rb_block_proc() instead of


* ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ev_on_event): ditto.

9 lines of code changed in:

matz 2003-06-16 08:14

* eval.c (proc_alloc): re-unification of Block and Proc. Block

class is no longer available.

162 lines of code changed in:

eban 2003-06-16 06:44

* bcc32/Makefile.sub: undefine HAVE_GETGROUPS.

5 lines of code changed in:

eban 2003-06-16 06:03

* lib/rexml/quickpath.rb: escape '[' to avoid warning.

1 lines of code changed in:

eban 2003-06-16 05:53


3 lines of code changed in:

matz 2003-06-16 05:49

* regex.c (calculate_must_string): should handle option_set

properly. [ruby-talk:73481]

* regex.c (re_compile_fastmap): a bug in flag manipulation.


13 lines of code changed in:

ser 2003-06-15 19:31

REXML hadn't been tested with Ruby 1.8.0, which was really, really,

unbelievably stupid of me. There were a lot of warnings and some errors

that were caused by Block vs. Proc differences; these have been fixed.

REXML passes all of the tests under Ruby 1.8.0.

28 lines of code changed in:

eban 2003-06-14 14:48


3 lines of code changed in:

matz 2003-06-14 14:41

* eval.c (method_arity): should handle NODE_BMETHOD and

NODE_DMETHOD. [ruby-core:01138]

15 lines of code changed in:

shugo 2003-06-13 01:26

* lib/net/ftp.rb (storebinary): seek correctly. Thanks, William Webber.

* lib/net/ftp.rb (putbinaryfile): rescue FTPPermError.

14 lines of code changed in:

nagai 2003-06-12 23:13

tk.rb : add 'no_create' option to widget initialize method.

It allows to create ruby objects for widgets created on Tcl/Tk.

(e.g. TkButton.new('widgetname'=>'.bbb', 'no_create'=>true) )

It is useful for some Tcl/Tk Mega Widgets.

MANIFEST, README : forgot to commit when added tkmacpkg.rb and tkwinpkg.rb

28 lines of code changed in:

nagai 2003-06-12 22:14

tk.rb : widget configure returns self (for method call chain)

tkmacpkg.rb : Mac resource (not new but not included untill now)

tkwinpkg.rb : Win DDE and registry (not new but not included untill now)

135 lines of code changed in:

why 2003-06-10 15:15

* ext/syck/token.c: preserve newlines prepended to a block.

* ext/syck/implicit.c (syck_match_implicit): added !merge and !default.

* lib/yaml/constants.rb: remove '\z' escape.

* lib/yaml/emitter.rb: ensure reset of @seq_map shortcut flag.

* lib/yaml/encoding.rb: remove Unicode translation methods.

* lib/yaml/rubytypes.rb: improved round-tripping of Strings.


1220 lines of code changed in:

eban 2003-06-10 08:51

* sample/test.rb: add block to proc to avoid warning.

1 lines of code changed in:

eban 2003-06-10 08:07

* lib/rexml/cdata.rb,lib/rexml/quickpath.rb,lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb:

avoid warnings.

4 lines of code changed in:

eban 2003-06-10 07:43


3 lines of code changed in:

matz 2003-06-10 06:37

* lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb: typo.

1 lines of code changed in:

matz 2003-06-10 06:36

* lib/irb/slex.rb: small cleanups. (ruby-bugs-ja PR#492)

* lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb: ditto.

11 lines of code changed in:

matz 2003-06-10 06:22

* lib/irb.rb (IRB::Irb::eval_input): warn and exit if $SAFE >=3

after input evaluation.

* lib/irb.rb (IRB::Irb::eval_input): untaint input string. now

irb works for levels 1 and 2.

* ext/syck/rubyext.c (syck_loader_transfer): should not use

rb_cProc directly, since type_proc may be Proc, Block, or


30 lines of code changed in:

ser 2003-06-10 03:05

The versions on the import were messed up; I imported an untranslated

source tree. This fixes that.

3 lines of code changed in:

ser 2003-06-10 02:44

Added the REXML files to the MANIFEST.

53 lines of code changed in:

ser 2003-06-10 02:31

Initial revision

6643 lines of code changed in:

nagai 2003-06-09 19:09

fix : 100% CPU problem of Tk.mainloop

27 lines of code changed in:

nagai 2003-06-09 16:50

renew Tk.mainloop

66 lines of code changed in:

eban 2003-06-09 14:22


3 lines of code changed in:

nobu 2003-06-09 11:02

* configure.in: checks presence of grp.h and setgroups().

7 lines of code changed in:

nobu 2003-06-09 05:27

* process.c (proc_getgroups, proc_setgroups): raise

NotImplementedError unless available. [ruby-talk:73014]

17 lines of code changed in:

uema2 2003-06-08 05:38

* wince/setup.mak: set SUBSYSTEM in each platform.

* wince/stdlib.c: fix mblen() bug.

14 lines of code changed in:

matz 2003-06-07 16:34

* parse.y (value_expr0): class and module statements should not be

warned for "void value expression". [ruby-talk:72989]

* gc.c (add_final): should determine type by respond_to?

* gc.c (define_final): ditto.

* io.c (rb_io_ctl): should not depend on respond_to?

* range.c (range_step): rb_check_string_type().

* process.c (proc_setgroups): new functions.

174 lines of code changed in:

nobu 2003-06-06 12:34


3 lines of code changed in:

nobu 2003-06-06 12:29

* eval.c (error_print): needs to be exception proof.

* eval.c (error_handle, rb_longjmp): bails out when exception

reentered. (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#487), [ruby-core:01119],


* eval.c (Init_Proc): pre-allocates critical error objects.

* parse.y (cmd_brace_block, do_block, brace_block): initialize block

variables at the beginning of the block. [ruby-talk:72521]

74 lines of code changed in:

matz 2003-06-06 10:44

* gc.c (define_final): eliminate rb_f_lambda() call.

* class.c (rb_scan_args): ditto.

* signal.c (sig_trap): ditto.

* hash.c (rb_hash_initialize): ditto.

* variable.c (rb_f_trace_var): ditto.

* ext/dl/dl.c (rb_dl_callback): ditto.

* ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ev_on_event): ditto.

* eval.c (ruby_cleanup): $SAFE is turned off in the finalization.

Each END proc should preserve its own $SAFE level. [ruby-core:01119]

* marshal.c (marshal_load): remove unused variable "hash".


* hash.c (env_str_new): freeze strings from ENV. [ruby-talk:72860]

* array.c (rb_ary_first): optional argument to retrieve first n


* array.c (rb_ary_last): optional argument to retrieve last n


53 lines of code changed in:

matz 2003-06-06 10:24

* eval.c (ruby_cleanup): $SAFE is turned off in the finalization.

Each END proc should preserve its own $SAFE level. [ruby-core:01119]

* marshal.c (marshal_load): remove unused variable "hash".


* hash.c (env_str_new): freeze strings from ENV. [ruby-talk:72860]

* array.c (rb_ary_first): optional argument to retrieve first n


* array.c (rb_ary_last): optional argument to retrieve last n


104 lines of code changed in:

aamine 2003-06-06 08:05

* lib/net/http.rb: define Net::HTTPResponse#to_ary for backward compatibility. [ruby-talk:72927]

* lib/net/protocol.rb: add warning.

24 lines of code changed in:

why 2003-06-05 18:42

* ext/syck/rubyext.c (syck_parser_mark): was a bit heavy on the GC.

* lib/yaml.rb (YAML::transfer): added.

76 lines of code changed in:

uema2 2003-06-05 13:33

* wince/stdlib.c: add mblen().

21 lines of code changed in:

usa 2003-06-05 10:38

* bcc32/Makefile.sub, win32/Makefile.sub, wince/Makefile.sub

(MISSING): link with missing/erf.c.

* missing.h (erf, erfc): fix prototype.

* missing/erf.c: new. [ruby-list:37753]

111 lines of code changed in:

eban 2003-06-05 10:36

* ext/curses/curses.c (window_s_allocate,curses_finalize):

avoid VC++ warnings.

7 lines of code changed in:

eban 2003-06-05 07:42


3 lines of code changed in:

matz 2003-06-05 07:40

* math.c (math_erf,math_erfc): new function. [ruby-list:37753]

* eval.c (ruby_finalize): no longer need to turn off $DEBUG in the

finalizer. (ruby-bugs-ja PR#473)

36 lines of code changed in:

why 2003-06-05 06:40

* ext/syck/rubyext.c: using GC nodes caused segfault. [ruby-core:1071]

45 lines of code changed in:

why 2003-06-05 05:43

* ext/syck/token.c: directives choked on a period.

* ext/syck/gram.y: anchors work above a collection. [ruby-core:1071]

* ext/syck/handler.c, ext/syck/syck.c: ensure a fresh strtable between

parser iterations.

326 lines of code changed in:

matz 2003-06-03 14:57

* eval.c (rb_call_super): should search superclass method based on

orig_func, not last_func.

13 lines of code changed in:

eban 2003-06-03 10:48


3 lines of code changed in:

matz 2003-06-03 10:46

* eval.c (rb_call): typo.

1 lines of code changed in:

matz 2003-06-03 10:40

* eval.c (rb_call_super): inheritance line adjustment moved from

rb_call(). [ruby-core:01113]

* eval.c (rb_eval): use rb_call_super() to follow DRY principle.

62 lines of code changed in:

eban 2003-06-02 05:53


3 lines of code changed in:

matz 2003-06-02 05:49

* array.c (push_values_at): Array#values_at should work with

ranges too.

* range.c (rb_range_beg_len): length calculation was wrong.

* eval.c (rb_call): should set T_ICLASS in the frame->last_class.


113 lines of code changed in:

keiju 2003-06-01 19:43

context.rb typo, thank rubikichi-san

1 lines of code changed in:

eban 2003-06-01 16:39

* ext/digest/defs.h: better support for old Cygwin, again.

1 lines of code changed in:

  • ext/digest: defs.h (+1 -1)
eban 2003-06-01 16:27

* ext/digest/defs.h: better support for old Cygwin.

1 lines of code changed in:

  • ext/digest: defs.h (+1 -1)
eban 2003-06-01 15:20

* ext/digest/defs.h: avoid warnings on Cygwin.

3 lines of code changed in:

eban 2003-06-01 13:58

* configure.in: should not use def file, use ld with

--export-all-symbols option on Cygwin/MinGW.

* defines.h: ditto.

* cygwin/GNUmakefile.in: ditto.

27 lines of code changed in:

uema2 2003-06-01 05:44

* wince/string_wce.c: add strpbrk() for hpcpro support.

* wince/setup.mak: add hpcpro(CE2.11) & armv4t(CE.NET) support.

* wince/resource.rb: ditto.

* wince/Makefile.sub: ditto.

57 lines of code changed in:

nobu 2003-06-01 02:39


4 lines of code changed in:

nobu 2003-06-01 02:38

* variable.c (rb_autoload_load): autoloaded constants under a module

belong to the module. [ruby-core:01094], [ruby-dev:20309]

5 lines of code changed in:

May 2003 »

Generated by StatSVN 0.3.2-SNAPSHOT