RUBY Developers: keiju

Login name:
Total Commits:
163 (0.4%)
Lines of Code:
3319 (0.3%)
Most Recent Commit:
2007-03-22 16:25

Activity by Clock Time

Activity by Hour of Day for keiju

Activity by Day of Week for keiju

Activity in Directories

Directory Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 163 (100.0%) 3319 (100.0%) 20.3
lib/irb/ 61 (37.4%) 1229 (37.0%) 20.1
lib/irb/ext/ 20 (12.3%) 859 (25.9%) 42.9
lib/ 14 (8.6%) 463 (13.9%) 33.0
lib/irb/cmd/ 13 (8.0%) 282 (8.5%) 21.6
lib/shell/ 14 (8.6%) 260 (7.8%) 18.5
/ 24 (14.7%) 123 (3.7%) 5.1
doc/irb/ 6 (3.7%) 87 (2.6%) 14.5
lib/irb/lc/ja/ 5 (3.1%) 7 (0.2%) 1.4
lib/irb/lc/ 5 (3.1%) 7 (0.2%) 1.4
bin/ 1 (0.6%) 2 (0.1%) 2.0

Activity of keiju

Most Recent Commits

keiju 2007-03-22 16:25

* lib/shell: commit miss(support for ruby 1.9(YARV) thread model).

48 lines of code changed in:

keiju 2007-03-20 13:38

* lib/shell.rb, lib/shell: support for ruby 1.9(YARV) thread model.

269 lines of code changed in:

keiju 2007-03-13 11:13

* lib/sync.rb: support for ruby 1.9(YARV) thread model.

89 lines of code changed in:

keiju 2007-03-06 09:50

* lib/shell/process-controller.rb: fix thread synchronization problem for [ruby-dev:30477].

9 lines of code changed in:

keiju 2006-08-04 11:16

* forget to ci ChangeLog

lib/irb/{init.rb,ruby-lex.rb,slex.rb}: can't input '\c' for

[ruby-core: 7122]. and support for ruby1.8.X.

5 lines of code changed in:

keiju 2006-08-04 11:06

* lib/irb/{init.rb,ruby-lex.rb,slex.rb}: can't input '\c' for

[ruby-core: 7122]. and support for ruby1.8.X

38 lines of code changed in:

keiju 2006-07-19 15:18

* lib/irb/completion.rb: support for completion of numeric

number. [ruby-dev: 29038]

20 lines of code changed in:

keiju 2006-02-28 14:47

* lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb: fixed that irb can't parse /\^/. [ruby-dev:28404] and

* lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb: support "\s" in irb.

5 lines of code changed in:

keiju 2005-12-09 17:10

* lib/matrix.rb: add Matrix#determinant_e, Matrix#rank_e.

[ruby-dev:27820] and related thread.

143 lines of code changed in:

keiju 2005-08-30 08:22

* lib/irb/init.rb: bug fix. [ruby-dev: 26920]

4 lines of code changed in:

keiju 2005-08-29 11:00

* lib/irb/init.rb: make IRB -I option that is same befavior for ruby.


* lib/irb/locale.rb: support to print help message when OS locale is

ja_JP.utf-8. [ruby-dev:26872]

14 lines of code changed in:

keiju 2005-08-26 06:36


3 lines of code changed in:

keiju 2005-08-26 06:36

* lib/irb/init.rb: make IRB -I option that is same befavior for ruby.


* lib/irb/locale.rb: support to print help message when OS locale is

ja_JP.utf-8. [ruby-dev:26872]

13 lines of code changed in:

keiju 2005-07-29 08:18

* lib/irb/context.rb: fix `irb --readline` option. [ruby-dev:40955]

19 lines of code changed in:

keiju 2005-06-30 11:11

* lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb (RubyLex::identify_number): alternative implements

for [ruby-dev:26410]. And support a numeric form of 0d99999.

19 lines of code changed in:

keiju 2005-04-14 10:58

* lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb, lib/irb/slex.rb: bug fix of [ruby-Bugs-1745]

* lib/irb/ext/loader.rb, lib/irb/ext/save-history.rb:

fix location of @RCS_ID

* lib/irb/cmd/help.rb: a lost of release IRB 0.9.5.

28 lines of code changed in:

keiju 2005-04-14 07:16

* lib/irb/notifier.rb, lib/irb/output-method.rb, lib/irb/ext/history.rb

fixed warning of 'ruby -w'

11 lines of code changed in:

keiju 2005-04-13 21:45

* doc/irb/irb.rd.ja: a lost of release IRB 0.9.5.

* lib/irb/slex.rb: bug fix by [ruby-core :04707].

13 lines of code changed in:

keiju 2005-04-13 16:30

* bin/irb lib/irb.rb lib/irb/...: IRB 0.9.5(new files)

313 lines of code changed in:

keiju 2005-04-13 16:27

* bin/irb lib/irb.rb lib/irb/...: IRB 0.9.5.

446 lines of code changed in:

(18 more)

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