RUBY Developers: ryan

Login name:
Total Commits:
26 (0.0%)
Lines of Code:
2711 (0.2%)
Most Recent Commit:
2006-07-18 19:28

Activity by Clock Time

Activity by Hour of Day for ryan

Activity by Day of Week for ryan

Activity in Directories

Directory Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 26 (100.0%) 2711 (100.0%) 104.2
lib/rdoc/parsers/ 2 (7.7%) 1782 (65.7%) 891.0
lib/ 9 (34.6%) 694 (25.6%) 77.1
lib/uri/ 6 (23.1%) 158 (5.8%) 26.3
/ 3 (11.5%) 26 (1.0%) 8.6
test/uri/ 1 (3.8%) 21 (0.8%) 21.0
lib/rdoc/ 1 (3.8%) 12 (0.4%) 12.0
lib/rdoc/generators/ 1 (3.8%) 11 (0.4%) 11.0
lib/irb/ 2 (7.7%) 4 (0.1%) 2.0
lib/rinda/ 1 (3.8%) 3 (0.1%) 3.0

Activity of ryan

Most Recent Commits

ryan 2006-07-18 19:28


3 lines of code changed in:

ryan 2006-07-18 19:28

patch was misapplied. fixed. sorry

1 lines of code changed in:

ryan 2006-07-09 00:17

cached rdoc diagrams, private rdoc comments, minor clarifications in debug.rb and pp.rb

55 lines of code changed in:

ryan 2006-07-08 23:25

Massive rdoc for fortran overhaul from Yasuhiro Morikawa

1775 lines of code changed in:

ryan 2005-11-22 00:58

Updated rdoc to fix timeout.rb and include rinda directory. By Eric Hodel

37 lines of code changed in:

ryan 2005-09-07 17:07

Added .document file for lib/uri.

Added mathew's patches to test_ftp.rb

Fixed a minor typo in getoptlong.rb

29 lines of code changed in:

ryan 2005-09-07 17:07


3 lines of code changed in:

ryan 2005-08-24 06:08

Lovely RDOC patches from mathew (metaATpoboxDOTcom) on URI/* and getoptlong.rb

171 lines of code changed in:

ryan 2005-06-09 23:47

Added Eric Hodel's rdoc to resolv.rb and added file to .document

637 lines of code changed in:

Generated by StatSVN 0.3.2-SNAPSHOT