July 2001 Commit Log

Number of Commits:
Number of Active Developers:
sbailliez 2001-07-31 20:12

Fixed a typing mistake to exclude Sitraka's tasks

1 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-31 11:24

Resolve properties within properties files by first consulting the project

properties first.

PR: 2915

24 lines of code changed in:

sbailliez 2001-07-31 09:05

the optional xsl to be used with JProbe Coverage tasks. It generates a framed report a la JavaDoc

439 lines of code changed in:

sbailliez 2001-07-31 09:02

added definition for the 3 JProbe Coverage tasks: jpcoverage, jpcovreport, jpcovmerge

3 lines of code changed in:

sbailliez 2001-07-31 08:41

Documentation for JProbe Coverage tasks

74 lines of code changed in:

sbailliez 2001-07-31 08:40

JProbe Coverage tasks: covmerge, covreport, coverage

2211 lines of code changed in:

sbailliez 2001-07-31 08:29

Sitraka JProbe Coverage tasks: covmerge, covreport, coverage

As it needs a regexp engine, the build.xml is modified to build it only if OroMatcher exists in the classpath.

4 lines of code changed in:

sbailliez 2001-07-31 07:11

Update to Crimson 1.1.1 which is a bugfix release.

0 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-30 14:07

Add some better error management for exec errors. By wrapping the real

exception in a build exception, hopefully we'll get a stack trace

PR: 2542

4 lines of code changed in:

  • src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs: Execute.java (+4 -4)
conor 2001-07-30 13:35

Produce a summary, on request, of the actions taken by the replace


PR: 956

32 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-30 13:08

Add Locale support to TStamp task.

Submitted by: Michal Pise <michal.pise@st.ms.mff.cuni.cz>

37 lines of code changed in:

  • src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs: Tstamp.java (+37 -3)
conor 2001-07-30 11:15

Manifest is no longer in a fileset and so needs an uptodate check of its own

Also now log warnings about malformed manifests

404 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-30 06:21

Update documentation of <ftp> to mention the new mkdir action.

Submitted by: Larry V. Streepy, Jr. <streepy@healthlanguage.com>

17 lines of code changed in:

  • docs/manual/OptionalTasks: ftp.html (+17 -3)
conor 2001-07-29 13:57

Make the manifest class more accomodating to malformed manifests

29 lines of code changed in:

  • src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs: Manifest.java (+29 -19)
conor 2001-07-28 14:11

Add new Manifest handling class.

Manifest entries longer than 72 bytes are wrapped according to the spec

Illegal manifest files now cause errors

Standard fields are provided by default and merged in

Manifest set by attribute and any added in META-INF/Manifest.mf are merged

PR: 1193, 2295

501 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-27 14:50

Add ignoreNoncriticalErrors and skipFailedTransfers attributes to


ignoreNoncrtiticalErrors makes the task ignore all error messages when

creating a directory (some servers return strange codes if the

directory in question already exists).

skipFailedTransfers warns about failed file transfers but keeps going

on - transfering everything that works.

Submitted by: Steve Loughran <steve_l@iseran.com>

Add a "mkdir" action to <ftp>, make <ftp> take a missing remote file a

"the file is not uptodate" when sending files.

Submitted by: Larry V. Streepy, Jr. <streepy@healthlanguage.com>

188 lines of code changed in:

  • docs/manual/OptionalTasks: ftp.html (+14)
  • src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs/optional/net: FTP.java (+174 -72)
bodewig 2001-07-27 10:13

Fix for the NPE that makes the Cactus build fail.

Actually test6 of taskdef.xml failed as well, I just didnd't run it

after my last changes as it is not part of the testsuite - argh.

1 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-27 09:57

update documentation for <apply> to add outputproperty attribute here

as well.

6 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-27 09:55

Add outputproperty attribute to <exec> to capture the output of the

external command in a property.

Submitted by: Peter Vogel <pvogel@arsin.com>

37 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-27 09:14

New suite of tasks of Continuus.

Submitted by: Beno?t Moussaud <benoit.moussaud@criltelecom.com>

Note that I don't use Continuus, so this patch has not been tested for

functionality (it compiles and looks OK, that's all I can check).

Note 2: I'm not sure whether my assumption



is correct.

1372 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-27 08:43

added autoresponse attribute to <vssget> and <vsslabel> as well as a quiet

attribute to <vssget>.

Submitted by: Jon Skeet <jon.skeet@peramon.com>

Note that I don't use VSS, so this patch has not been tested for

functionality (it compiles and looks OK, that's all I can check).

97 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-27 08:24

Add failonerror attribute to <delete>.

Submitted by: Steve Loughran <steve_l@iseran.com>

I've modified Steve's original submission to ensure quiet and

failonerror don't get set to true at the same time - also fixed the

logging a little as messages about failures to delete a file would go

to verbose logging or swallowed inconsistently in quiet mode.

109 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2001-07-27 07:27

Added simple ignore to get rid of CVSes '?' messages

0 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2001-07-27 07:24

Minor updates to make the CVS M messages go away ;)

16 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-27 06:52

Add overwrite attribute to unjar/war/zip and untar - if set to false,

files newer than the entries in the archive will not be replaced.

Default is true for backwards compatibility.

PR: 1667

58 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2001-07-27 06:46

More P4 tasks.

Submitted by: Les Hughes [mailto:leslie.hughes@rubus.com]

267 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-26 15:38

Make UnknownElement aware of TaskContainer so that one can taskdef a

TaskContainer at runtime.

76 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-26 10:13

remove temporary debug

0 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-26 07:51

Adapt DTD to recent changes (types can be specified in targets and the

TaskContainer concept).

67 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-25 14:40

Add tests for property resolution in property files

Update JUnit jar to latest version (3.7)

38 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-25 14:17

Old bug reverled by my recent changes.

2 lines of code changed in:

  • src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs: Property.java (+2 -1)
conor 2001-07-25 12:12

Fixed up the protocol checking for class resources. You can now use

depend to pick up out of date class files with respect to dependent

classes on the classpath (i.e. not just jars)

57 lines of code changed in:

  • src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs/optional/depend: Depend.java (+57 -52)
bodewig 2001-07-25 10:12

Add Dirk's Perl script to the -emacs mode question.

Submitted by: Dirk-Willem van Gulik <dirkx@apache.org>

78 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-25 07:58

Add FAQ entries for io-redirection via < and > in <exec>.

Somebody else will have to provide Windows details, if necessary 8-)

170 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-24 14:59

Upgrade <depend> to check dependencies on jars in the classpath. You

need to provide a classpath to <depend> to trigger this behaviour.

Doesn't currently handle classes in the classpath.

PR: 2663

194 lines of code changed in:

  • src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs/optional/depend: Depend.java (+194 -32)
conor 2001-07-24 14:55

Got my wires crossed

2 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-24 14:53

Make resource load failures only print under debug. Up to the caller

to decide whether this is an error

2 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-24 13:28

Javadoc improvements.

Submitted by: robert burrell donkin <robertdonkin@mac.com>

113 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-24 13:13

remove some stray tabs.

Pete was faster than me, but he doesn't run untabify on his sources 8-)

1 lines of code changed in:

  • src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs: CVSPass.java (+1 -1)
donaldp 2001-07-24 12:58

this is a corrected version of the CVSPass task.

The old one did not include shifts for all ASCII characters.

A diff is included.

Submitted by: "Ingmar Stein" <stein@xtramind.com>

23 lines of code changed in:

  • src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs: CVSPass.java (+23 -27)
bodewig 2001-07-24 08:18

document handling of inner classes in <rmic>.

PR: 2436

7 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-23 16:31

Resolve properties loaded from files before sending them to the project

helper for resolution. This removes extraneous reporting of undefined

properties due to the "reording" of properties stored in the properties


Unify property extraction between ProjectHelper and property task.

PR: 2687

121 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-23 14:50

Security Manager does not work under 1.1. Take it out for now

but I'd like to bring it back with some reflective insulation.

0 lines of code changed in:

  • src/main/org/apache/tools/ant: Main.java (-9)
bodewig 2001-07-23 14:50

Pointer to VAMP Ant Task Suite.

Submitted by: Gerald Bauer <vamp201apache@yahoo.com>

104 lines of code changed in:

glennm 2001-07-23 03:56

Fix for id/refid data type bug. Delays adding the

id to the list of references till runtime when the

data type is inside a target. Without this change,

if multiple data types have the same id, only the

one that is last refered to in the file *and* is

configured at runtime (i.e. its target is executed)

will work properly. Otherwise, you will end up

using an unconfigured data type.

43 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-22 15:44

Add a security manager so that non-forked java programs that call

System.exit() work

100 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-22 15:29

Route log messages to the subproject in <ant> and <antcall> situations

37 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-22 13:12

This is a major change. :-)

It introduces the concept of a TaskContainer to allow a task to contain

other tasks. This allows Task composition

It introduces a <parallel> task for multithreading support. There is

also a <sequential> task.

It reworks System.out management to handle all task generated output

and route it through the Ant event system. This handles multithreaded


This is a major rework to the patch originally submitted by Thomas. I

have taken a different route for the output management, in particular.

Based on patch by Thomas Christen <chr@active.ch>

729 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-22 09:56

OK, reverting change since it was bad and the errorlevel is being

set anyway :-(

0 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-21 13:03

Add exit code to batch files

PR: 314

16 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-20 14:01

Fix up typo in documentation

PR: 2706

Submitted by: jfreidling@bigfoot.de

1 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-20 10:07

Make inheritall attribute available to <antcall> as well.

28 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-19 14:37

Document the requirement for optional jar and how to install it

19 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-19 14:09

Allow compiler attribute to contain compiler options

1 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-19 11:09

Fix for when build.compiler is not defined (D'Oh)

Submitted by: Mark Crook <markc@cortexebusiness.com.au>

1 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-19 06:38

Make sure "ant -find" will return a "normal" filename (without /./)

for the build file.

Reported by: Costin Manolache <cmanolache@yahoo.com>

Fix suggested by: Jesse Glick <Jesse.Glick@netbeans.com>

I still think we should fix Project.resolveFile to handle ../ and ./

sequences in rootDir as well.

2 lines of code changed in:

  • src/main/org/apache/tools/ant: Main.java (+2 -1)
bodewig 2001-07-18 14:16

Add pointer to TiniAnt

Submitted by: Sean Kelly <kelly@ad1440.net>

96 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-18 14:03

Linked the compiler used by ejbjar to the build.compiler property. This

linking can be overidden by either supplying a value to the compiler attribute

or setting that attribute to "default", in which case ejbc's default compiler

choise will be used.

PR: 1146

Suggested by: David Ventimiglia <david.ventimiglia@msdw.com>

21 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-18 13:32

Fixed check for differences. As it was, check would be ignored for all

files after the manifest file.

PR: 1125

Submitted by: Michael Ondrejko <mondrejko@acm.org>

1 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-18 13:05

Add example of environment variables being read in as properties.

11 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-18 11:31

Adapt testcase to changes in CommandlineJava.

9 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-18 10:07

Apply the same magic <javadoc> uses to locate the javadoc command to

CommandlineJava (and with thus to <java fork="true">).

Suggested by: Jesse Glick <Jesse.Glick@netbeans.com>

Also, add .exe on OS/2 as well.

This still doesn't work for IBM's JDK 1.3 on AIX (java is in

JAVA_HOME/jre/sh and javac in JAVA_HOME/sh) - need to find out what

java.home points to and where javadoc is, before we can fix that.

30 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-18 09:53

Add the correct path to the runtime library on MacOS X in <javac> and <rmic>.

Based on patch submitted by: Otto Moerbeek <omoerbeek@mac.com>

30 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-18 08:06

Add ability to define several tasks/types at once, reading definitions

from a property file.

Submitted by: <cmanolache@yahoo.com>

151 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-18 06:13

proposed logo

Submitted by: Joris Van den Bogaert <joris_vandenbogaert@yahoo.com>

19 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-18 03:16

More classloader improvements

23 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-18 02:29

Improve the performance of the classloader - The classloader will, however,

now have the jars open.

26 lines of code changed in:

glennm 2001-07-17 14:54

Look for java.home/../bin/javadoc(.exe) before falling

back on plain old javadoc. Just looking in the java.home

directory tree isn't sufficient, as it may give incorrect

results on Windows (thanks to Connor for the info.).

27 lines of code changed in:

  • src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs: Javadoc.java (+27 -2)
bodewig 2001-07-17 14:32

Tell us which class you cannot find, please.

1 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-17 14:19

Set the thread context class loader when running <java> tasks

PR: 1085

87 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-17 13:09

documentation update for new errorProperty and failureProperty

attributes of <junit>.

PR: 1794

Submitted by: robert.watkins@qsipayments.com (Robert Watkins)

39 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-17 12:12

Add a new front end fro Ant which will perform many of the functions

of the current ant launcher scripts. Also allows many of the classes

necessary for Ant to be hidden from Java tasks run in VM.

Changes to the classloader to allow the parent loader to be specified.

198 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-16 06:54

Make references to files in CVS work with new box.

The file docs/manual/Implementation/Antidote.html needs to be adapted

as well, but as it is completely out of date, I didn't touch it -

Antidote committers, please go ahead.

5 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-16 06:36

Make test OS independant.

2 lines of code changed in:

glennm 2001-07-15 14:25

The javadoc task now looks for the javadoc executable

in the java.home/../bin directory. That way if your

java installation isn't in your path, you can still

create javadocs.

2 lines of code changed in:

  • src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs: Javadoc.java (+2 -1)
bodewig 2001-07-13 14:09

Slightly change the output of the plain junit formatter to make it

more readable.

Submitted by: David Rees <d.rees.l@usa.net>

2 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-13 13:57

Various patches to PCVS task:

More robust parser that allows for platform independant paths.

Support for UNC names and a new updateonly attribute.

Submitted by: Thomas Christensen <tchristensen@nordija.com>

Don Jeffery <donj@apogeenet.com>

Fix for problematic file names

Submitted by: ScottCarlson@email.com

151 lines of code changed in:

  • docs/manual/OptionalTasks: pvcstask.html (+19 -4)
  • src/etc/testcases/taskdefs/optional: pvcs.xml (+13 -2)
  • src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs/optional/pvcs: Pvcs.java (+107 -36)
  • src/testcases/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs/optional: PvcsTest.java (+12)
bodewig 2001-07-13 13:10

fix log messages of perforce tasks.

Submitted by: Les Hughes <leslie.hughes@rubus.com>

19 lines of code changed in:

  • src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs/optional/perforce: P4Base.java (+19 -12)
bodewig 2001-07-13 13:06

forgot to check a package for missing close() calls on LogOutputStreams.

17 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-13 12:55

Make sure streams get flushed and closed - otherwise we may be losing

messages sent to the logging system, especially on platforms where

line ends are neither \r nor \n - for example OS/390.

Reported by: Myron Uecker <uecker@us.ibm.com>

40 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-13 09:15

yet another article.

59 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-13 08:56

Add two FAQs - had two answer the first one at least twice this week

and the second one has been part of the defunct interactive FAQ.

207 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-13 08:07

Some javadoc enhancements in JUnitTask.

Submitted by: robert burrell donkin <robertdonkin@mac.com>

<junit> can now set a property on failed tests.

PR: 1794

Submitted by: Robert Watkins <robert.watkins@qsipayments.com>

Don't format the test run-times in XML report. They are not intended

to be read by humans anyway but give the XSLT processor a hard time to

parse otherwise.

PR: 2314

130 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-12 13:51

Make sure XML report will be UTF8 encoded.

Submitted by: Stephane Bailliez <sbailliez@imediation.com>

3 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-12 13:26

Add filepath attribute/element to available to search for a file in a

given path - handy if you want to search for an executable for example.

Submitted by: John Morrison <John.Morrison@uk.experian.com>

34 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-12 13:02

Add vssver.scc to default excludes

PR: 2015

In some cases DirectoryScanner could miss included files/directories.

PR: 1415

25 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-12 12:43

Allow policy file to exist outside of Weblogic Home

PR: 1161

29 lines of code changed in:

  • src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs/optional/ejb: WLRun.java (+29 -27)
conor 2001-07-12 12:12

Use /nul when checkign for the existence of directories on Windows

(Although it doesn't work if the directory name is quoted - woohoo)

Check for Ant in C:\Ant for Windows 9X users

PR: 2101

Based on suggestion by eswierk@cs.stanford.edu (Ed Swierk)

14 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-12 12:06

Make <apply> work really parallel and not parallel on a per fileset basis.

PR: 1763

Merge <apply> and <execon> into a single task (and keep Transform as

an empty class for backwards compatibility at the source level).

245 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-12 11:26

Set level back to verbose - messages are too annoying as it is common

to attempt to load property files which don't exist - there for optional

override of properties.

PR: 1451

1 lines of code changed in:

  • src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs: Property.java (+1 -1)
conor 2001-07-12 10:30

Just find directory above script home rather than removing bin dirs which

may take out more than was intended

PR: 2082

Submitted by: Daniel.Barclay@digitalfocus.com

1 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-12 10:24

update attribute of zip had the wrong default value (my fault).

1 lines of code changed in:

  • src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs: Zip.java (+1 -1)
bodewig 2001-07-12 10:06

make <uptodate> search for target files in the same directory as

source files

Submitted by: Gunnlaugur Thor Briem <gthb@dimon.is>

3 lines of code changed in:

  • src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs: UpToDate.java (+3 -1)
bodewig 2001-07-12 08:07

update attribute for <zip> and friends - update archive instead of

creating a new one.

PR: 163

Submitted by: Jon Skeet <jon.skeet@peramon.com>

85 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-12 07:36

New filesonly attribute for <zip> and friends - suppresses directories.

PR: 2053

Submitted by: Peter Janes <peterj@liberate.com>

51 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-12 07:09

<junit> will now try to include the task-definition itself as well as

the needed support classes (Ant and JUnit itself) in the classpath if

running in forked mode - this means that you shouldn't have to use

different classpath elements for "in VM" and "fork" mode any longer.

Doesn't work for JDK 1.1 as the URL returned by Class.getResource

doesn't contain the name of the JAR file there.

PR: 1239

48 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-11 16:29

Again forgot to save some files, argh.

Part two of the mimemail task patch.

1 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-11 16:11

New task mimemail - this task requires JavaMail (and JAF) that's why

it is optional and doesn't replace the existing mail task. The main

improvement is that it supports attachments you can specify via a


Submitted by: Glenn Twiggs <glenn_twiggs@bmc.com>

Steve Loughran <steve_l@iseran.com>

Erik Hatcher <erik@hatcher.net>

Paulo Gaspar <paulo.gaspar@krankikom.de>

565 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-11 15:36

Describe timestamp's ability to offset dates

34 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-11 15:00

Changed the logging level of invalid property files to warning

PR: 1451

2 lines of code changed in:

  • src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs: Property.java (+2 -2)
bodewig 2001-07-11 12:10

change credit for some logos.

Submitted by: Blair Hughes <blair_hughes@hp.com>

34 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-11 10:08

testcase for JUnitTestRunner.

Submitted by: Stephane Bailliez <sbailliez@imediation.com>

54 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-11 09:58

help the garbage collector by cleaning out references in

AntClassLoader and IntrospectionHelper after the build has finished.

This helps applications that run Ant in the same VM over and over

again like CruiseControl or wrappers that run Ant in incremental mode.

PR: 2568

Submitted by: robert.watkins@qsipayments.com (Robert Watkins)

43 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-11 09:37

Make bootstrap process for JDK < 1.3 on Unix work again (bootstrap

uses the <chmod> task to make antRun executable which in turn needs an

executable antRun script ...)

6 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-11 09:29

Log properties for JUnit tests.

Submitted by: Erik Hatcher <erik@hatcher.net>

90 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-11 08:18

Give a different message if a test fails due to timeout.

Submitted by: Julian M. Savage <jsavage@fisci.com>

3 lines of code changed in:

  • src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs/optional/junit: JUnitTask.java (+3 -4)
bodewig 2001-07-11 08:16

Properly mask out JDK 1.4 specific stuff.

7 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-11 08:03

support java.util.regex package of JDK 1.4 in regexp mapper.

140 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-11 06:50

Add debug information to the getResource methods.

44 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-10 15:40

Stop using canonical paths. This will change the behavior of Ant when

symbolic links are present (but in a way that is probably closer to

what the user expects) and remove some problems on platforms that use

"uncommon" native file names like OS/390 or VMS.

Submitted by: Jesse Glick <Jesse.Glick@netbeans.com>

21 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-10 14:55

CHange most usage of the classloader so that it loads from the

system classpath first.

9 lines of code changed in:

glennm 2001-07-10 14:08

Test for the 4NT shell, which requires a

different method of slurping command line

args than cmd.exe.

Submitted by: Jim Anderson

7 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-10 13:23

InheritAll documentation update

Submitted by: Craeg K Strong <cstrong@arielpartners.com>

21 lines of code changed in:

  • docs/manual/CoreTasks: ant.html (+21 -5)
conor 2001-07-10 12:00

Logo proposals from Blair Hughes

308 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-09 14:47

Interim fix for Gump failure to build FOP. IN Gump's mode of operations

ensures the system loader is always used.

7 lines of code changed in:

  • src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs: Definer.java (+7 -2)
glennm 2001-07-08 20:30

Overview of core tasks with a short description

of what each task does.

PR: 2328

23 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2001-07-08 11:21

Setup constructors so that they actually compile.

3 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2001-07-08 07:29

Update manifest and build file to reflect addition of new task file-manip-test.

Also change in pattern from name->value for include/exclude etc.

12 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2001-07-08 07:26

Update to reflect that that evaluate throws ContextException instead of TaskException.

13 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2001-07-08 07:23

Change to throw context exception as lack of value in context is the reason for PropertyException.

2 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/java/org/apache/myrmidon/framework: Condition.java (+2 -2)
donaldp 2001-07-08 07:22

Name->Value to reflect better semantics.

10 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/java/org/apache/myrmidon/framework: Pattern.java (+10 -11)
donaldp 2001-07-08 07:21

Change to reflect fact that context no longer resolves propertys.

Thus extends AbstractContainerTask to implement functionality.

4 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2001-07-08 07:18

Convert parameter to use FIle type directly rather than converting from String.

6 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2001-07-08 07:16

Update task to reflect new location of property resolving

6 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2001-07-08 07:15

Remove resolveValue() as it is not needed here but in AbstractContainerTask.

Cleaned up default implementation of TaskContext

22 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-08 06:21

If the package list cannot be found, the offline links are

skipped - a message is printed at verbose level

PR:` 1304

13 lines of code changed in:

  • src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs: Javadoc.java (+13 -6)
conor 2001-07-08 04:56

Handle spaces in JikesPath.

Add warning not to use Longfilenames for ANT_HOME on Win9X

PR: 1957

21 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-08 00:00

Add noEJBC attribute to <ejbjar>'s weblogic element to skip ejbc.

PR: 1654

32 lines of code changed in:

nico 2001-07-07 16:29

Moved conversion of ANT_HOME to after the 'try to find ANT' section as suggested in Bug# 1479 by Daniel.Barclay@digitalfocus.com

10 lines of code changed in:

  • src/script: ant (+10 -10)
conor 2001-07-07 14:57

Made the meaning of the dest directory explicit.

PR: 1744

3 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-07 14:05

Another location where invalid paths can be ignored

PR: 381

8 lines of code changed in:

  • src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/types: Path.java (+8 -1)
conor 2001-07-07 13:54

AntClassLoader now ignores paths which are invalid relative to the


PR: 381

15 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-07 13:51

Remove unnecessary use of Project.resolveFile by converting arguments to

Files from Strings

63 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-07 12:57

use Execute task instead of ExecTask , no temp file are now created.

correct finding the Borland DD.

Submitted by: MOUSSAUD Benot <benoit.moussaud@criltelecom.com>

109 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-07 12:37

Make Ant work with spaces everywhere.

PR: 562

20 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-07 10:22

Add support for delimiter type. Base don the ideas contained in

the bugzilla report suggested by johan.adelow@corustechnologies.com (Johan Adelow)

PR: 273

30 lines of code changed in:

  • src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs: SQLExec.java (+30 -5)
conor 2001-07-07 10:19

Only delete the target file when it is in fact a file - don't

delete directories.

2 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-07 04:11

Restore use of external file

1 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-07 03:59

Add API as part of manual. The files that are in the API directory

are there to handle the situation when the API has not been generated

or it has been generated with JDK 1.1. One or both will be overwritten

when the API is actually generated via javadoc.

PR: 1812

23 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-07 03:09

javadoc @files do not work under JDK 1.1

3 lines of code changed in:

  • src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs: Javadoc.java (+3 -1)
conor 2001-07-07 00:11

Don't try to print out result set if the execute method returns false

PR: 1727

Submitted by: Gael_Marziou@hp.com (Gael Marziou)

4 lines of code changed in:

  • src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs: SQLExec.java (+4 -3)
conor 2001-07-06 15:18

Improve OS related messages in Exec

2 lines of code changed in:

  • src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs: ExecTask.java (+2 -2)
conor 2001-07-06 15:11

Update documentation stating where os attribute values come from.

PR: 1656

6 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-06 11:57

Add inheritAll attribute to <ant> task

Submitted by: Craeg K Strong <cstrong@arielpartners.com>

24 lines of code changed in:

  • src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs: Ant.java (+24 -4)
conor 2001-07-06 11:23

Documentation update for vmlauncher attribute

32 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-06 11:14

Add new vmlauncher attribute to exec. This defaults to true to execute

commands using the VM's capabilities, where available. If it is set to false

the underlying OS's shell will be used, either directly, or through the

antRun scripts. Allows use of some shell features (such as associating scripts

with their interpreters under Windows

PR: 413

56 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-05 13:10

Add encoding attribute to the zip tasks and the ZipOutputStream to

make the classes flexible enough to deal with non US-ASCII filenames

either consistent with the command line ZIP tools (it has been since

it uses the org.apache classes instead of java.util.zip) or the jar

command (which it has been up to Ant 1.3).

119 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-05 12:27

Work around a feature of the system classloader in some VMs - it

drops all classpath entries that are not present at VM start time.

PR: 2412

20 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-05 12:03

some method signatures in IntrospectionHelper have changed.

14 lines of code changed in:

glennm 2001-07-04 19:02

Provide more descriptive error messages whenunknown attributes and elements are encountered in the build file.Bugzilla: 1722

54 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-04 15:05

properly recurse remote directory in <ftp>

PR: 2285

Submitted by: Jean-Francois.Morneau@ift.ulaval.ca (Jean-Francois Morneau),

Roger Vaughn <rogervaughn@yahoo.com>

make sure <ftp> disconnects from the server when it's done

Submitted by: Brian Rumple <brumple@VALUBOND.COM>,

Roger Vaughn <rogervaughn@yahoo.com>

56 lines of code changed in:

  • WHATSNEW (+4)
  • src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs/optional/net: FTP.java (+52 -40)
bodewig 2001-07-04 14:40

delete existing target files before copying - this avoids overwriting

symlinks and is consistent with Unix's cp(1).

PR: 624

Submitted by: ederksen@arrow.lz.att.com (Enno Derksen)

9 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-04 11:42

shortcut navigation for bug database - add extra link for enhancement


PR: 2330

20 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-04 10:33

Search for the generated file in the "right" directory in <jjtree>.

PR: 1652

6 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-04 10:07

I always seem to forget saving this file.

2 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-04 10:04

Changes to rmic based on discussion with Rob van Oostrum

<rvanoostrum@ezgov.com> and Larry V. Streepy, Jr.

<streepy@healthlanguage.com> on the ant-user mailing list:

(1) don't even try to perform uptodate checks for IDL mode or when the

-always(generate) option for IIOP mode has been specified

(2) ignore -keepgenerated in IDL mode (we don't know what to keep)

(3) use the correct target file names in IIOP mode.

PR: 1625

119 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-04 09:45

make pathconvert task compile in JDK 1.1

3 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-03 23:43

Add in EAR task to the standard task defs

1 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-03 10:26

CruiseControl has changed its license.

6 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2001-07-03 09:32

more logos

37 lines of code changed in:

conor 2001-07-02 09:55

Add support for getResources to the classloader

Submitted by: David A. Herman <hermand@alumni.grinnell.edu>

103 lines of code changed in:

June 2001 »

Generated by StatSVN 0.3.2-SNAPSHOT