March 2002 Commit Log

Number of Commits:
Number of Active Developers:
donaldp 2002-03-31 23:57

Expand the XPath todo to note that we could use it to do antcalls

5 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/docs: todo.html (+2)
  • proposal/myrmidon/src/xdocs: todo.xml (+3)
donaldp 2002-03-31 23:54

Add a todo for XPath like structures for tasks

32 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/docs: todo.html (+19)
  • proposal/myrmidon/src/xdocs: todo.xml (+13)
donaldp 2002-03-31 23:47

Add a TODO for writing an Embeddor HOWTO and assign it to me.

25 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/docs: todo.html (+16 -1)
  • proposal/myrmidon/src/xdocs: todo.xml (+9)
donaldp 2002-03-31 23:43

Add a new TODO

26 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/docs: todo.html (+16)
  • proposal/myrmidon/src/xdocs: todo.xml (+10)
holtdl 2002-03-31 23:11

Added info wrt nested elements (PR 3189).

30 lines of code changed in:

holtdl 2002-03-31 22:05

Add check for "%_JAVACMD%.exe" (PR 2484).

1 lines of code changed in:

holtdl 2002-03-31 21:21

Added a 'srcfile' attribute (PR 1681).

(But also found a NPE bug in the mapper stuff :( -- will try

to fix in a separate change.)


Obtained from:

Submitted by:

Reviewed by:

115 lines of code changed in:

sbailliez 2002-03-31 17:02

Updating Excalibur to the i18n lib grabbed directly from Myrmidon.

Thanks Peter ;-)

0 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-31 11:15

Only display log message in verbose mode.

Submitted by: "Vincent Massol" <>

1 lines of code changed in:

darrell 2002-03-31 10:56

* New ProjectBuilder which programmatically converts from Ant1 to Myrmidon

project, rather than using a stylesheet. (This is now the default builder for

".xml" files.)

* Removed xml-apis.jar and xalan.jar, and added jaxp.jar back in. Hopefully, this

will keep us out of avoid jar version hell.

* Added more stuff to the ${java.class.path} property available to ant1 tasks.

* Can now fully build Myrmidon using Ant1 compatibility layer. All test bar one

(Ant1CompatTestCase) pass when run using Myrmidon.

55 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-31 10:56

Patch that lets the changelog task perform some logging to ease

debugging and see what cvs command is executed.

Submitted by: "Vincent Massol" <>

3 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-31 05:17

Add a basic page about configuring tasks in myrmidon.

15 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-31 02:38

Start to integrate documentation about

* Configuring tasks

* Types/Roles

* Converter architecture

It is woefully incomplete but got sick of looking at it. Hopefully uploading it will make me more likely to work on it ;)

69 lines of code changed in:

holtdl 2002-03-31 02:17

Do a bit of clean-up on <buildnumber>/<changelog> docs;

add them to the tasks tables; add <buildnumber> to the

core tasks list.


Obtained from:

Submitted by:

Reviewed by:

96 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-31 00:15

Source sections are <pre/> and thus should not have all that surrounding whitespace.

40 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-30 23:51

Reflected across from 1nt1.x tree...

Rename basedir to dir and make it default to basedir if not specified

8 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-30 23:51

Rename basedir to dir and make it default to basedir if not specified

10 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-30 23:50

Ignpore all elisp files, IDEA project files and pif files

3 lines of code changed in:

holtdl 2002-03-30 21:45

Bad, Copyright, bad <thwackthwack>!

1 lines of code changed in:

holtdl 2002-03-30 21:37

Document <dirset> and new <dirset>/<filelist> support for

<path> and <pathconvert> (and clean that puppy up!). is comment changes only, no code.


Obtained from:

Submitted by:

Reviewed by:

196 lines of code changed in:

holtdl 2002-03-30 18:50


1 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-30 14:25

Change name of task page to "My First Task" so that we can have a taskwriters howto that lists lifecycle and configuration explanations

71 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-30 14:20

Replace index.xml with a merge of

* ant1 frontpage

* original design doc for myrmidon

* some other random thoughts

139 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/docs: index.html (+77 -21)
  • proposal/myrmidon/src/xdocs: index.xml (+62 -20)
donaldp 2002-03-30 14:18

Add a few more items to the TODO list. Specifically

* Optional dependencies (will use if present but fine if not present)

* Converting Ant1.x mail tasks to myrmidon

45 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/docs: todo.html (+29)
  • proposal/myrmidon/src/xdocs: todo.xml (+16)
ehatcher 2002-03-30 13:16

Patch to enable JOnAS for <serverdeploy> (PR 7633). Supplied by Cyrille Morvan.

427 lines of code changed in:

darrell 2002-03-30 06:56

* Added <ant1.antcall> task, and test. <ant1.ant> and <ant1.antcall> now

share a common abstract base class.

* Fixed <ant1> test files so that they run under Ant1.4, for checking.

* Fixed build so that ant1_todo.atl only includes the correct files.

72 lines of code changed in:

darrell 2002-03-30 03:52

* i18n of Ant1Compatibility layer (except stuff stolen directly from Ant1 -

need to look at refactoring Ant1 to allow extension without cut&paste).

* Updated todo and regenerated docs.

* Javadoc

272 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-30 03:21

Carry across changelog enhancements

113 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-30 03:10

Fix bug where a log of a single file without other logs in between would only retrieve first change

38 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-30 03:08

Add support for nested filesets that allow selection of which files ou want to perform cvs log on

36 lines of code changed in:

darrell 2002-03-30 01:59

* Added test for Ant version, so that Ant1Compat tests now run automatically

when run under Ant1.5.

14 lines of code changed in:

darrell 2002-03-30 01:19

* Added nested <condition> element to IfTask, to allow any arbitrary condition

to be used in <if>. Tests updated for new functionality.

* Ant1 conversion stylesheet uses nested <is-set> condition on <if>,

to replicate Ant1 behaviour of 'if=' and 'unless=' on targets.

* ant1compat antlib generated as part of standard build.

* Minor build cleanup: ${custom-tasks-dir} -> ${build.custom-tasks} for


* Ant1CompatProject now uses ProjectHelper for property resolution, rather than

trying to duplicate Ant1 behaviour.

* Added tests for Ant1 Compatibility layer. These have been exclude from regular

build, as they fail when run under Ant1.4.1, because the JUnit task *always*

places ant.jar *first* in the JUnit classpath. Tests work under Ant1.5alpha,

since it adds ant.jar *last* by default. (Tests also function correctly by

invoking JUnit directly - or with Intellij JUnit integration).

288 lines of code changed in:

holtdl 2002-03-30 01:03

(Oh what the hell -- if the coding sucks, it can get backed out

or corrected :)


- new DirSet datatype

- support for DirSet and FileList to <path>

- support for DirSet and FileList to <pathconvert>

(Note: The added support for FileList doesn't have anything

to do with DirSet, I just figured while was there, might as

well add that as well.)

Will put through doc/testcases stuff in a separate commit.


Obtained from:

Submitted by:

Reviewed by:

367 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-29 13:12

Move samples into new directory

0 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-29 13:09

Move documentation build instructions into main build file.

20 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-29 13:08

Use rather than

1 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-29 13:07

Remove audit report build file

0 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-29 13:06

Merge jdepend report generation into main build file.

23 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-29 12:59

Load settings from ant.proeprties rather than to make it easier to use for windows users

1 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-29 12:58

Ignore all elisp and a few other typers of files

3 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-29 12:57

final static --> static final to follow JLS recomendations

200 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-29 12:55

Under deian the tools.jar is put in a different location - *sigh*

26 lines of code changed in:

conor 2002-03-29 11:21

More Ant1 compatability

54 lines of code changed in:

stevel 2002-03-29 07:12

documenting classpathref

5 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-29 03:10

Restyle doc

271 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-29 01:55

days --> daysinpast in example

added banner for nested elements

Submitted by: Diane Holt

2 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-29 01:41

Again with the fixing of the speling.

6 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/java/org/apache/antlib/build: (+6 -6)
donaldp 2002-03-29 01:40

Typo fix.


Submitted by: Erik Hatcher

5 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-29 01:30

Integrate Buildnumber task.

302 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-28 23:59

Arrrg the dreaded copyright !

Thanks diane for reminding me ;)

1 lines of code changed in:

holtdl 2002-03-28 23:49

Aaaaargh -- forgot the #@%! copyright.

2 lines of code changed in:

holtdl 2002-03-28 23:39

Add an initial example of straight <include>/<exclude> so it's

clear how to do it that way, then chain the <patternset> one

off of that. (Suggested by Dominique Devienne.)

13 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-28 23:37

Document one omre attribute of changelof.


Obtained from:

Submitted by:

Reviewed by:

5 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-28 23:11

Add a daysinpast to support the use case of the maven tool

20 lines of code changed in:

holtdl 2002-03-28 23:11

Rats! -- forgot to doc it. (See:, rev 1.12)


Obtained from:

Submitted by:

Reviewed by:

22 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-28 23:11

Update the documentation again for daysinpast

13 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-28 23:01

Add sample of output to task

19 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-28 22:58

Add in all the classes for the changelog task.

I believe they *should* compile under 1.1 - can someone check ?

1158 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-28 22:57

Add in ChangeLog documentation

107 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-28 22:56

Integrate changelog task

5 lines of code changed in:

holtdl 2002-03-28 22:39

Add failOnError attribute (submitted by Steven Tamm -- PR #7549).

18 lines of code changed in:

  • src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs/optional/perforce: (+18 -1)
conor 2002-03-28 14:49

Make sure XSL resources are available for Junit task

32 lines of code changed in:

conor 2002-03-28 12:51

Sync with Ant1 changes

1 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/mutant/src/java/bootstrap/org/apache/ant/builder: (+1)
bodewig 2002-03-28 12:15

New utility class that deals with the specifics of a Java


* Moved JVM version detection code from Project to the new class.

* Unified the "find executable" methods and factored them into the new


310 lines of code changed in:

darrell 2002-03-28 11:56

* Ant1CompatProject now provides a hacked "java.class.path" property,

which includes the ant1compat.atl file. This is closer to what's expected

by Ant1 build files.

* antlib.xml typedefs everything it needs, in preparation for building with


45 lines of code changed in:

darrell 2002-03-28 07:30

* Added new task <ant-call> to core, which can execute a named target

in the current project, or any referenced project.

* <ant1.ant> now works by executing AntTask.

* Fixed minor bug in DefaultClassloaderManager which was causing NPEs

in URLClassLoader.

* DefaultTaskContext now removes properties when they are set to null.

(rather than throwing a NPE inside HashMap).

264 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-28 06:35

Condition changes:

* Split <is-set> into <is-set> and <is-true> conditions. <is-true> uses the

converter to determine whether something is 'true', so is a little fussy.

* Moved <uptodate> and <equals> into antlib, and made <uptodate> a condition.

* Added <type-available> condition, which checks whether a particular

type is defined.

* Fixed <not> to actually work.

* Added test cases for some of the conditions.

36 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-28 06:30

Switch on the 'build' antlib.

4 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-28 06:29

Moved PathUtil.addJavaRuntime() into a new <java-runtime> FileList implementation.

3 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-28 06:25

Moved across converter messages that were left behind.

0 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-28 02:02

Update the example of the changelog task to use start/end date filtering

2 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/make: sample.ant (+2 -1)
donaldp 2002-03-28 02:01

Update the changelog task to allow filtering by dates

67 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/java/org/apache/antlib/cvslib: (+67 -4)
donaldp 2002-03-28 02:00


2 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/java/org/apache/antlib/cvslib: (+2 -2)
donaldp 2002-03-28 01:59

the start of a testcase - currently contains nothing! ;)

0 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-28 01:59

Add in a basic MasterConverter

Not used in ant but will be used by outside users of the library.

0 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-28 01:58

Add a simple date converter

1 lines of code changed in:

ehatcher 2002-03-27 17:50

fixed typo

1 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2002-03-27 16:46

JDK 1.1

8 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2002-03-27 16:32

improve (at least I hope so ;-) the "Writing your Own Tasks" section.

163 lines of code changed in:

ehatcher 2002-03-27 14:32

Refactoring of server deployment task. Renamed from <ejbdeploy> to <serverdeploy>. Moved to new j2ee package so its not EJB-centric. Submitted by Christopher A. Longo -

1155 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2002-03-27 14:08

pointer to Joseph Shelby's series.

61 lines of code changed in:

jskeet 2002-03-27 10:21

Fixed up JavaDocs so they build without errors. The main changes were:

o Capitalisation. Please capitalise the first word of a new sentence, otherwise break-iterator complains.

o @created tags. These aren't valid JavaDoc, and the info is in CVS anyway...

14 lines of code changed in:

jskeet 2002-03-27 10:18

Added @ant.datatype tag.

1 lines of code changed in:

jskeet 2002-03-27 09:48

Fixed up JavaDoc comments again.

61 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2002-03-27 09:22

parts 2 and 3 of Alex's article.

6 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-27 07:04

* Added ClassLoaderManager.createClassLoader( File[] ), to create a

ClassLoader from a class-path.

* Moved responsibility for creation of ClassLoaders out of the tasks, and into

the ClassLoaderManager, which caches them, and resolves extension dependencies.

* Added PathUtil.createClassLoader() convenience method to create a ClassLoader

from a Path.

* Changed the PathUtil methods to use the more general FileList, rather than Path.

* Added 'classpath' attribute to the <*-available> conditions.

204 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-27 07:01

Extracted out a superclass from the exceptions in myrmidon.interfaces.*, to

make it a little easier to add new exceptions to the interfaces packages.

46 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-27 06:59

Include more of the stack trace on error.

2 lines of code changed in:

ehatcher 2002-03-27 00:38

documented (not sufficiently, but its at least a start) the new nesting patternset and corrected copyright

5 lines of code changed in:

holtdl 2002-03-27 00:10

Change the J/W gif to "Winner"; add links to the J/W article;

tweak the announcement a bit; make the intro to Ant match the

user man; add non-break where needed (now that I know the code :)


Obtained from:

Submitted by:

Reviewed by:

87 lines of code changed in:

ehatcher 2002-03-26 22:52

Implementation of nested patternsets. Addresses PR3761

39 lines of code changed in:

ehatcher 2002-03-26 21:18

doc patch supplied by Stephan Beal <>

8 lines of code changed in:

holtdl 2002-03-26 21:01

Clean up the <compilerarg> info. (And a couple of tweaks.)


Obtained from:

Submitted by:

Reviewed by:

7 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2002-03-26 09:48

spread the word

Feel free to expand on it 8-)

31 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2002-03-26 08:38

add some resources.

127 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2002-03-26 08:05

Add FAQ for national characters in build files.

Submitted by: Mark Stehr <>

70 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-26 02:40

* Updated todo list.

* Removed the 'differences to ant1' blurbage from index.xml.

* Regenerated HTML.

111 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-26 02:19

Started moving across the <javac> task to the java antlib:

* Added <javac> task, which extends AbstractFacadeTask.

* Added JavaCompilerAdaptor and ExternalCompilerAdaptor abstract adaptors.

Currently only handle classpath, debug and deprecation args.

* Added basic jikes and javac (modern) compilers.

18 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-26 02:17

Changed the build to pick up manifest files for antlibs out of src/manifest.

9 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-26 02:15

Tidy up addJavaRuntime().

14 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/todo/org/apache/tools/todo/types: (+14 -18)
adammurdoch 2002-03-26 02:15

Ignore super-type tags when generating ant-roles.xml.

1 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/manifest: ant-roles.j (+1 -1)
adammurdoch 2002-03-26 02:14

* Added --debug command-line option.

* Changed --log-level to map logging levels so that they match the TaskContext

log methods.

21 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-26 02:12

Fix DefaultTaskContext.getProperties() to include inherited properties.

7 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-26 02:11

Update javadocs.

5 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-26 00:43

Zap the bootstrap stuff

0 lines of code changed in:

holtdl 2002-03-25 20:21

Fix examples so they don't get filtered when we gen the

release (PR #7450). Other minor edits.

35 lines of code changed in:

holtdl 2002-03-25 19:39

Add a little to the -projecthelp stuff, some more about if/unless,

fix a few typos, etc.

19 lines of code changed in:

holtdl 2002-03-25 19:14

Add "implementation" -> "compiler".


Obtained from:

Submitted by:

Reviewed by:

3 lines of code changed in:

holtdl 2002-03-25 19:07

Add patch submitted by Ingmar Stein.

3 lines of code changed in:

conor 2002-03-25 13:27

Sync up with Ant1

29 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/mutant/build: ant1compat.xml (+16)
  • proposal/mutant/src/java/antlibs/ant1compat/org/apache/tools/ant: (+11)
  • proposal/mutant/src/java/antlibs/system: antlib.xml (+2 -2)
donaldp 2002-03-25 11:14

Add menu item for differences.xml

1 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/xdocs/stylesheets: project.xml (+1)
donaldp 2002-03-25 11:08

Extracted list of differences from the index page into a differences.xml document.

1 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-25 10:50

Let IDEA style the xml

88 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/xdocs: index.xml (+88 -73)
bodewig 2002-03-25 10:50


1 lines of code changed in:

  • docs/manual/OptionalTasks: test.html (+1 -1)
donaldp 2002-03-25 10:39

Fix example to use valid XML.

Submitted by:

3 lines of code changed in:

  • docs/manual/OptionalTasks: test.html (+3 -3)
bodewig 2002-03-25 10:37

Rename the attribute of <javac>'s <compilerarg> from implementation to


5 lines of code changed in:

  • docs/manual/CoreTasks: javac.html (+2 -2)
  • src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs: (+1 -1)
  • src/testcases/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs: (+2 -2)
bodewig 2002-03-25 10:14

revert <javac>'s fork attribute to a true boolean and add executable

attribute to set the path to the compiler.

35 lines of code changed in:

  • docs/manual/CoreTasks: javac.html (+9 -4)
  • src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs: (+16 -20)
  • src/testcases/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs: (+10 -9)
conor 2002-03-25 05:40

MOve Attribute Setter outof Reflector to its own class

102 lines of code changed in:

ehatcher 2002-03-24 14:51

EJB hot deploy tool, contributed by Christopher A. Longo -

(sorry for the multi-step commit - darn lock files!)

4 lines of code changed in:

ehatcher 2002-03-24 14:49

EJB hot deploy tool, contributed by Christopher A. Longo -

0 lines of code changed in:

conor 2002-03-24 13:28

Fixes to allow xdoclet to build under gump/mutant

52 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-24 07:59

Zap jar innards that included some junk code

0 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-24 07:55

Move to the external bzip package

2 lines of code changed in:

darrell 2002-03-24 07:53

* Added 'property-resolver' role, with 'default'

and 'classic' implementations.

* Ant1CompatProject doesn't instantiate

ClassicPropertyResolver directly.

22 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-24 02:30

Zap last of frantic proposal

0 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-24 02:27

Add a note about separating execute()/validate() into different passes.

8 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/xdocs: todo.xml (+8)
donaldp 2002-03-24 02:24

Refactor changelog task so that the parser/writer are separated from task.

This makes it easy to implement a writer that outputs as GNU style changelogs or some other format

63 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-24 02:04

Integrate a changelog task that generates an XML changelog (useful for doing reports on codebase)

286 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-24 02:03

Remove uneeded import

0 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/java/org/apache/antlib/cvslib: (-1)
donaldp 2002-03-24 01:43

Actually make this work by toString()ing the embeddor properties

3 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/java/org/apache/myrmidon/frontends: (+3 -2)
donaldp 2002-03-24 00:46

no message

1 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/java/org/apache/antlib/cvslib: (new 1)
donaldp 2002-03-24 00:15

Remove unused variable

0 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/java/org/apache/antlib/cvslib: (-1)
donaldp 2002-03-24 00:15

Add cvspass resources

8 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-24 00:15

i18n'ed task

65 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/java/org/apache/antlib/cvslib: (+65 -33)
donaldp 2002-03-24 00:05

Start to integraqte Alexandrias ChangeLog task into myrmidon

2 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/java/org/apache/antlib/cvslib: (new 2)
donaldp 2002-03-23 23:58

Start to integraqte Alexandrias ChangeLog task into myrmidon

2 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-23 23:41

Made embeddor not implement the framework lifecycle stages

38 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-23 23:21

Remove last remanents of antfarm

0 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-23 23:20

Add TODO to ProjectListener

3 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-23 23:20

Add SecurityManager TODO

20 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/xdocs: todo.xml (+20)
stevel 2002-03-23 20:48

oops, forgot to check this in last week

2 lines of code changed in:

  • src/testcases/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs/optional: (+2 -2)
stevel 2002-03-23 19:53

bit more detail on target names

13 lines of code changed in:

stevel 2002-03-23 19:52

style sheet control; you can point to anyhting or turn it off completely.

nb, can we make this a logger and not a listener?

22 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-23 10:16

* Use the shared classloader as the parent of antlib classloaders, rather

than using the container classloader.

* DefaultWorkspace and ExecManagerFactory figure out myrmidon.home using

their parameters, rather than using system properties.

* Split embeddor/workspace/project handling code out of CLIMain into a new

EmbeddedAnt helper class. CLIMain is now responsible for setting up the

logger, and command-line option handling. EmbeddedAnt is responsible for

starting the embeddor, building the project, and executing targets (and

cleaning-up). Should make it considerably simpler to embed myrmidon.

152 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-23 09:08

showed a few uses of ant to make sure it works,

Really should unit-test this

33 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-23 09:07

Introduce a basic <ant/> task

139 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-23 09:07

Add some todos

3 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/java/org/apache/myrmidon/interfaces/embeddor: (+3)
donaldp 2002-03-23 09:06

Add embeddor to serviceManager.

Man is this an ugly hack ;)

2 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-23 08:55

Fix classloader problem

1 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-23 07:53

Move StringToFileConverter back as it references TaskContext

2 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-23 07:30

Made it possible to parse out hex, octal and binary numbers via the converters

88 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-23 05:36

Move OsCondition to nativelib package

0 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/java/org/apache/antlib/nativelib: (new)
donaldp 2002-03-23 05:34

Move the primitive, reusable and non-myrmidon specific converters into the aut hierarchy

18 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-23 05:03

Zap unused import

0 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-23 05:02

Only dump propertys with a specified prefix

26 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-23 04:57

Fix javadoc error

1 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-23 04:56

Move AbstractMasterConverter from




5 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-23 04:54

Separate and document the myrmidon agnostic part of MasterConverter into an abstract class. This will make it easier to reuse in other projects.

5 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-23 04:38

More accurate javadoc

4 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-23 04:37

Merge DefaultConverterRegistry into DefaultMasterConverter

59 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-23 04:21

No need to extend AbstractLoggable as never used Logger

0 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-23 04:20

Move creation to new method so easy to overide in the future.

15 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-23 04:01

Converted remaining xdoclet tags from

ant:* --> ant.*

89 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-23 03:46

task:name -->

40 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-23 03:36

Reuse xdoclet from the xdocs proposal

5 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-23 03:14

Add log4j jar to make it easier to compile separate to the myrmidon proposal.

1 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-23 03:08

Constant can be static

2 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/java/org/apache/myrmidon/frontends: (+2 -1)
donaldp 2002-03-23 03:07

Add junit from main ant tree into classpath.

Compile tests in same target as compile rest of code.

11 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-23 03:06

Make class compile

1 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-23 02:48

Integrate checkstyle target.

Not fully integrated into our build as we get bazillions of errors ;(

208 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-23 02:27

Add a simple buildnumber task.

13 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-23 01:49

Remove unused member variables

2 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-23 01:45

Renamed testcases hierarchy to test

7 lines of code changed in:

holtdl 2002-03-22 18:55

Fix a typo (and do a little verbiage clean-up) and

get rid of a pick&put booboo.


Obtained from:

Submitted by:

Reviewed by:

11 lines of code changed in:

holtdl 2002-03-22 18:35

Add <loadproperties> and new vss* tasks to tables (tasksoverview).

Add <basename>/<dirname> (WHATSNEW) and do a little clean-up

(group new-tasks bullets, spelling/grammar/etc.), but didn't

go wild.

Fix spacing for usinglist.


Obtained from:

Submitted by:

Reviewed by:

61 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-22 12:25

Zap the zip files which are no w in a separate library

6 lines of code changed in:

darrell 2002-03-22 10:06

Make sure verbose messages aren't logged twice.

1 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2002-03-22 08:43

documentation for vsscreate.

PR: 7153

Submitted by: Gary Weaver <>

Also made the date field update itself instead of outdated.

65 lines of code changed in:

  • docs/manual/OptionalTasks: vss.html (+65 -1)
adammurdoch 2002-03-22 07:18

Added TaskContext.verbose(), and fixed up the usages of info() and warn().

136 lines of code changed in:

darrell 2002-03-22 05:54

Modifications to Ant1 compatibility layer.

* Recontextualize Ant1 project for every Task.contextualize()

* Use Converter so that non-string properties are not ignored

* Javadoc

73 lines of code changed in:

darrell 2002-03-22 04:26

Converted Ant1 Compatibility layer README to xdoc,

and updated the docs.

250 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-22 04:12

* Changed Path.addPath( Path ) -> Path.add( FileList ), so that <path>

can accept any nested FileList implementation, including <path>.

* Added <list-path> diagnostic task.

* Added test cases for <path>.

106 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-22 03:44

Move over to new tar package

4 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2002-03-21 11:34

yet another JDK 1.1 issue

1 lines of code changed in:

conor 2002-03-21 11:12

JDK 1.1 fix - thanks Stefan

4 lines of code changed in:

conor 2002-03-21 11:00

I knew it was 70 for a reason :-) Need to allow for the end of line bytes

17 lines of code changed in:

  • src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs: (+17 -8)
bodewig 2002-03-21 10:44

spashscreen task

Submitted by: Les Hughes <>

356 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-21 10:29

* Changed DefaultPropertyResolver to use the converter to convert from Object -> String.

* Added general purpose Object -> String converter that simply uses Object.toString().

* Reorganised AbstractComponentTestCase, to give sub-classes the opportunity to replace

the default implementation of a component, with a particular implementation.

205 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-21 10:22

Add in proposals for replacement of the Avalon Configuration system

0 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-21 09:56

Add some todo items related to extension /antlib paths

141 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/xdocs: todo.xml (+141 -61)
bodewig 2002-03-21 09:47

add umask and chmod capability to <ftp>

Submitted by: Jay van der Meer <>

96 lines of code changed in:

  • WHATSNEW (+5 -1)
  • docs/manual/OptionalTasks: ftp.html (+14 -2)
  • src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs/optional/net: (+77 -7)
donaldp 2002-03-21 09:31

Copy across a debugging task from the frantic proposal

1 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2002-03-21 09:17

enable <javac>'s source attribute for jikes as well.

PR: 7002

16 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2002-03-21 09:05

restore alphabetical order

1 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2002-03-21 08:58

documentation for xmlcatalog

Submitted by:

137 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2002-03-21 08:48

new task vsscreate.

undocumented and as tested as all the other vss tasks.

PR: 7153

Submitted by: Gary S. Weaver <>

261 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2002-03-21 08:33

additional vss tasks (add and cp).

not really tested, but they look the same as all the other vss tasks

that went in untested 8-)

PR: 7153

Submitted by: Nigel Magnay <>

502 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2002-03-21 08:19

Make detection system for java|javac|javadoc fallback to *.exe instead

of * on dos based systems.

PR: 7117

6 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2002-03-21 08:09

make sure files get closed during copy.

PR: 7302

64 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-21 08:03

* Moved ExecuteJava -> package. Added a bunch of Javadocs,

and i18n-ed the error and log messages.

* Moved Java ->

* Moved Path and friends -> framework.file package.

95 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-21 06:38

Changes to todo.types.Path, should be useable now:

* Removed Path.isEmpty().

* Changed Path.list() -> listFiles( TaskContext ).

* Extracted FileList interface from Path. This interface has a single

listFile( TaskContext ) method.

* Split PathElement into two FileList implementations, ParsedPathElement and

ArrayFileList. Removed the special handling of nested PathElement

and Path objects from Path.listFiles().

* Added FileList -> String converter.

* Temporarily disabled Argument.setPath() and EnvironmentVariable.setPath().

152 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-21 06:33

Configurer now ignore methods that take an array type as their parameter.

7 lines of code changed in:

darrell 2002-03-20 22:30

Modifications to Ant1 compatibility layer.

* Completed property hooks, so that the underlying Ant1 project

is not used for setting, getting or resolving properties.

* Made PropertyResolver.resolveProperties()take a TaskContext,

instead of Avalon Context. (We can always split out a generic

interface later, if need be.) Ant1 compatibility layer user

ClassicPropertyResolver, which needs a better name.

* Added modified BuildException, which incudes a Myrmidon-friendly

getCause() method, to allow Ant1 exceptions to be properly cascaded.

* DefaultTaskContext:

- Allow "+" in property names.

- Implemented DefaultTaskContext.getProperties()

- No longer implements avalon Context (not needed)

315 lines of code changed in:

conor 2002-03-20 13:47

Better handling of malformed desscriptor names

3 lines of code changed in:

conor 2002-03-20 13:37

Fix for directory based naming when descriptor in root of descriptor dir

PR: 4822

8 lines of code changed in:

conor 2002-03-20 12:35

Bring mutant into line with current Ant1 build

3 lines of code changed in:

conor 2002-03-20 12:23

Don't rewrite the manifest if it hasn't changed.

PR: 7045

Submitted by: (Jose Alberto Fernandez)

21 lines of code changed in:

  • src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs: (+21 -4)
conor 2002-03-20 12:11

Retain order of sections and attributes in manifests.

437 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-20 08:19

More refactoring of java app execution:

* Added ExecuteJava.setIgnoreReturnCode() and executeForked() methods.

* Converted the remaining tasks from CommandlineJava to ExecuteJava.

* Removed CommandlineJava.

* Added convenience methods to Commandline and EnvironmentData.

* Made SysProperties into a static util class. It now longer extends

EnvironmentData, and can now handle Map (and Properties) as well as


377 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-20 08:09

Removed unnecessary try block.

1 lines of code changed in:

stevel 2002-03-20 06:42

some comment cleanup/addition and factored out a test into a standalone assertion

30 lines of code changed in:

stevel 2002-03-20 06:36

one more test;

just to show what we have today is not that consistent

27 lines of code changed in:

holtdl 2002-03-20 05:27

Ooops, bit by < and > (been a long day...)


Obtained from:

Submitted by:

Reviewed by:

2 lines of code changed in:

holtdl 2002-03-20 05:24

Dang, missed one.


Obtained from:

Submitted by:

Reviewed by:

1 lines of code changed in:

holtdl 2002-03-20 05:20

Add the listfiles attribute -- but mostly, clean this puppy up!

(defaultexcludes, good grief... :)


Obtained from:

Submitted by:

Reviewed by:

225 lines of code changed in:

holtdl 2002-03-20 03:21

Just when you think you've remembered everything...


Obtained from:

Submitted by:

Reviewed by:

14 lines of code changed in:

holtdl 2002-03-20 03:11

Fix typo.


Obtained from:

Submitted by:

Reviewed by:

1 lines of code changed in:

holtdl 2002-03-20 02:56

Drat! -- caught by the 'cp' copyright fiend.


Obtained from:

Submitted by:

Reviewed by:

2 lines of code changed in:

holtdl 2002-03-20 02:48

Finally add the new <basename> and <dirname> tasks. (yay!)


Obtained from:

Submitted by:

Reviewed by:

510 lines of code changed in:

darrell 2002-03-20 01:14

Modifications to Ant1 compatibility layer.

* Use modified version of, to provide all

available classes in Path.systemClasspath.

(Uses taken from Mutant proposal,

for obtaining complete classpath from a ClassLoader.)

* Removed <ant> and <antcall> from ant1compat.atl

descriptor, since they don't work.

* Modified build so that xdoclet.jar and

jdepend.jar aren't included in dist/lib.

36 lines of code changed in:

conor 2002-03-20 00:06

Increase max length to 72

1 lines of code changed in:

  • src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs: (+1 -1)
holtdl 2002-03-20 00:02

Add Stefan's note wrt needing junit.jar and <junit> class files

in the same classpath. (And the usual compulsive clean-up :)


Obtained from:

Submitted by:

Reviewed by:

135 lines of code changed in:

  • docs/manual/OptionalTasks: junit.html (+135 -99)
ehatcher 2002-03-19 23:18

Fix typo. Patch sent by Daniel Rall.

1 lines of code changed in:

umagesh 2002-03-19 22:45

New attribute - ignoreSstemClasses - added to <available>.

PR: 6031

Submitted by: (Peter Janes)

220 lines of code changed in:

holtdl 2002-03-19 22:21

Change the failed message to something (hopefully) a bit more clear.


Obtained from:

Submitted by:

Reviewed by:

2 lines of code changed in:

holtdl 2002-03-19 21:17

Add info wrt change in -projecthelp behaviour.


Obtained from:

Submitted by:

Reviewed by:

3 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-19 12:02

Add some more ignores.

3 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-19 11:32

First pass of making ExecuteJava responsible for all java application

execution (after which it can be split into AUT):

* ExecuteJava now handles both in-jvm and forked java app execution. Logging

and error reporting are pretty rough.

* Moved most of the guts of <java> into ExecuteJava.

* Copied most of CommandlineJava into ExecuteJava. Haven't changed

CommandlineJava (much) yet.

* Removed the ability to use system properties when executing in-jvm.

* Another attempt at fixing the ant1 descriptor to enable <java> and <path>.

274 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-19 11:19

Configurer changes:

* Handle the case where a class has both a setFoo() and addFoo() method.

* Ignore addContent( String ) if there is a non-String addContent() method.

* Ignore add( String ) if there is a non-String add() method.

* Added test cases for these.

335 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-19 11:17

Log command-line using info() rather than debug().

9 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/java/org/apache/myrmidon/framework: (+9 -8)
bodewig 2002-03-19 07:02


11 lines of code changed in:

stevel 2002-03-19 06:30

no code changes, only comments to make sense of what is going on

19 lines of code changed in:

stevel 2002-03-19 06:19

set properties in nested strings. not tested.

14 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-19 02:44

Some refactoring of Path. The plan is to make the 'evaluate' API of Path a

little narrower, to make it easier to extract an interface, and get multiple

path implementations happening.

* Replaced usages of Path.append() with Path.addPath(), and removed append().

* Replaced usages of Path.addExisting() with Path.addPath(), and removed


* Replaced Path.size() with Path.isEmpty().

* Added the setX() methods back.

* Replaced usages of Path.toString() with new PathUtil.formatPath() method, and

removed Path.toString(). Probably missed a few usages.

* Replaced FileUtil.translatePath( Path ) with PathUtil.formatPath(), and

removed translatePath().

* Enabled the String -> Path converter again.

236 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-19 02:41

Split <available> condition into <class-available> and <resource-available>.

18 lines of code changed in:

umagesh 2002-03-18 20:52

Pass the ManifestException to BuildException

1 lines of code changed in:

  • src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs: (+1 -1)
adammurdoch 2002-03-18 11:49

More refactoring of framework.Execute:

* By default, execute() checks the return code of the process against 0.

This can be changed using setReturnCode() and setIgnoreReturnCode().

* Default working directory is now the project's base directory.

* Tidied up tasks to reflect the new defaults.


* Made getBaseDirectory() and getService() protected.


* Extracted AbstractLogger out of BasicLogger, and changed RoutingLogger to

extend AbstractLogger, rather than BasicLogger.

* RoutingLogger now uses a wrapped Logger to determine which message types

are enabled, so that it respects the logging level set on the command-line.

Kinda hacky, but better than writing out all the debug messages.

* Changed LoggingExecOutputHandler to use warn log level, rather than info.

Again, a hacky fix to get logging of external command output happening when

not running in verbose mode.

198 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-18 09:15

Ran IDEA's optimise imports.

24 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-18 08:53

Some refactoring of framework.Execute:

* Moved the general-purpose logging and validation code from Exec task to


* Removed Execute's constructor, replaced with a TaskContext passed to


* If no ExecOutputHandler is provided, Execute routes the process' stdout

and stderr via TaskContext's log methods.

* Removed a bunch of debug messages from tasks, as Execute now takes care of this.

* Replaced a bunch of return code == 0 checks, with calls to

Execute.setReturnCode( 0 ).

209 lines of code changed in:

darrell 2002-03-18 05:39

Build now registers test failure, and halts *after*

all tests have been run.

6 lines of code changed in:

darrell 2002-03-18 03:16

Need to fork JUnit, because Myrmidon requires xml-apis,

which clashes with jaxp.jar from Ant1.

2 lines of code changed in:

conor 2002-03-18 02:44

Ah! cruel ones, leave me alone now

While I murmur a little and ponder


182 lines of code changed in:

darrell 2002-03-18 02:33

First cut of Ant1 compatibility layer.

* TransformingProjectBuilder

- Performs an XSL transform on all ".xml" build files.

- Identity transform is used for projects with "version" attribute.

- Added xalan.jar to lib - replaced jaxp.jar with xml-apis.jar

* Compatibility Layer

- Described more fully in src/ant1compat/README.txt

- Uses pre-compiled Ant1 jar files for Ant1 code-base.

Insulates from changes in the main tree, and simplifies build.

- "ant." prefix used for all ant1 tasks

280 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-17 10:31

Move testcases ant-descriptor into testcases hierarchy

2 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-17 10:12

Fix a few issues with build process

21 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-17 10:02

Add in test data forgot to add in last set of test-related commits

0 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-17 10:00

Converted remainder of the optional tasks into the hierarchy o.a.t.todo rather than o.a.t.ant so as not to clash with ant1 compatability later

185 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-17 09:56

Move most of the optional tasks into the hierarchy o.a.t.todo rather than o.a.t.ant so as not to clash with ant1 compatability later

821 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-17 09:42

Move all but the optional tasks into the hierarchy o.a.t.todo rather than o.a.t.ant so as not to clash with ant1 compatability later

1324 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-17 08:12

Ignore velocity output

2 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-17 08:10

Added final to catch clause

1 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/java/org/apache/myrmidon/components/deployer: (+1 -1)
donaldp 2002-03-17 08:09

Remove debugging system.out

0 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-17 08:09

Update manifest to reflect new location of test data

1 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-17 08:08

Update build file to reflect new testing approach

25 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-17 08:07

Removed old hierarchy for test data

0 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-17 08:07

* Migrated all tests into packages other than the one they are testing. The reason for this is that all the tests are BlackBox, using public APIs and there is no reason to have the testcases in the same package as the actual code. Thus all test code is in a sub-package from the code it actually tests.

ie Test code for package foo is located in package foo.test

* Migrated all the test data into the same hierarchy so that there is only one place where you have to look for test data.

This required that resource retrieval be hackled a little because no longer in same package as tested code/

225 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-16 08:48

Filtering refactor:

* Added LineFilter role, which represents a filter that handles lines of text.

* Added TokenSet role, which represents a set of token -> value mappings.

* Renamed FilterSetCollection -> LineFilterSet. This is now a compound

LineFilter that takes a set of nested LineFilters. This is pretty much

just a placeholder until the new filter streams are ported across from ant 1.

* Renamed Filter -> SingletonTokenSet. This is a TokenSet that contains a

single mapping. Moved to antlib.core.

* Added PropertyTokenSet, a TokenSet that uses the project properties as

its mappings. Added to antlib.core.

* Split FilterSet into TokenLineFilter, which is a LineFilter that replaces

tokens with their value, and FileTokenSet, which is a TokenSet loaded from

a properties file.

20 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-16 08:46

Don't call setDebug() 'cause it doesn't exist any more.

0 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs/archive: (-1)
  • proposal/myrmidon/src/todo/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs/archive: (-1)
adammurdoch 2002-03-16 08:45

Cleanup imports.

0 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/util: (-9)
  • proposal/myrmidon/src/todo/org/apache/tools/ant/util: (-9)
donaldp 2002-03-16 04:24

Decouple tar package from myrmidon by cloning Os.isFamily behaviour

5 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/java/org/apache/aut/tar: (+5 -3)
donaldp 2002-03-16 04:24

Pushed initializer code into separate methods

95 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/java/org/apache/aut/nativelib: (+95 -91)
donaldp 2002-03-16 04:13

Add accessor for checksum

10 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/java/org/apache/aut/tar: (+10)
donaldp 2002-03-16 04:10

Remove unused v7format variable and fixed up javadoc errors

4 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-16 04:09

Remove unused debug variable and fixed up javadoc errors

1 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-16 04:08

Ran IDEAs new audit features across codebase to pick up a few anomalies

17 lines of code changed in:

umagesh 2002-03-16 02:57

Remove unnecessary imports to make bootstrap work.

20 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-15 23:51

Add in ludicrously small jar with a single class in it. Need to repackage stuff over in avalonland to make this more reasonable.

0 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-15 23:50

Excalibur has been broken up into to lots of little small products - and thus we don't have to drag in all its contents - just the stuff we need.

This replaces the big jars with small ones of required components

0 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2002-03-15 16:21


1 lines of code changed in:

conor 2002-03-15 14:15

Refactor dependency analysis.

Add a DependencyAnalyzer interface

Currently supports BCEL based analyzers

Refactor ejbjar not to require BCEL to run.

More to come ...

1281 lines of code changed in:

conor 2002-03-15 14:04

Cleanup of style

33 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2002-03-15 10:04

folow the new image url

1 lines of code changed in:

ehatcher 2002-03-15 09:53

Removing the logos, moving artwork into images

12 lines of code changed in:

ehatcher 2002-03-15 09:51

Removing the logos

5 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2002-03-15 07:17

add license

109 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-15 05:56

Make the encodings ascii to help us poor linux schmucks who got a crappy range of fonts.

7 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-15 02:48

TypeManager changes:

* Reverted TypeManager to reference roles by name, rather than type.

* DefaultTypeManager now uses the RoleManager to determine a role's type, to

use for doing instanceof checks.

* DefaultMasterConverter, InstantiatingServiceManager, and VfsManager no

longer look up a TypeFactory in their service() method.

* Added ROLE field to several interfaces.

279 lines of code changed in:

umagesh 2002-03-15 02:44

Remove contents from filter reader proposal, now that the code has been migrated to the main tree.

4 lines of code changed in:

umagesh 2002-03-15 02:36

No more deprecated warnings for aliased attributes of oft-used zip, jar, war and ear tasks.

Conor, Costin and I voted +1

Stefan voted +0

However, there is *no* guarantee that all these aliases will stay for Ant2. DestFile is currently the most promising attribute name to be carried over to Ant2.

I have left the @deprecated tags in there and haven't touched javadoc also.

28 lines of code changed in:

umagesh 2002-03-15 01:15

Check for possible null message and/or null stream.

30 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-15 00:28

Update build file to copy across more of the useful xsl sheets.

Submitted by: "Ingmar J Stein" <>

2 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-15 00:12

Added reporting xslt sheet for checkstyle and removed some cruft from jdepend stylesheet.

Submitted by: "Ingmar J Stein" <>

6 lines of code changed in:

stevel 2002-03-14 07:19

-renamed CompilerAdapter to JspCompilerAdapter

-added a method to this to get a JspMangler

-added a boolean method which returns true if the compiler handles its own dependency checking

-jspc doesnt do dependency work if this test returns true for its compiler

-jspc uses the supplied mangler if it does need to do dependency checking

-jspc should use package names too, but this aint tested yet

-jspc caches the list of generated files and deletes any zero byte length ones after a build (failures)

-jspc also assumes that a zero byte java file was an error when deciding when to compile files

-jasperc gets jasper to return 9 on an error, catches and throws this as a buildException

638 lines of code changed in:

umagesh 2002-03-14 01:43

Dreaded 2002

1 lines of code changed in:

umagesh 2002-03-14 01:01

* Add a link to external dependency page.

* Remove unnecessary trailing spaces in junit.html.

Submitted by:

Ylan Segal <>

64 lines of code changed in:

holtdl 2002-03-13 17:02

Clarify the shell-script-running stuff a bit. (faq.{xml,html})

Add needed jars for <junitreport> to lib deps table. (install.html)


Obtained from:

Submitted by:

Reviewed by:

21 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-13 09:36

Add a first cut of an abstractFacade task. This is supposed to be the base class of the Jspc, Javac, Rmic and similar facade tasks

3 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-13 09:35

Expose the new Configuration methods in AbstractContainer task

35 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2002-03-13 09:06


2 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-13 08:02

Some small doc updates.

25 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-13 07:35

Project Model:

* Removed "if" and "unless" conditions from targets.

* Moved parsing of "project->target" dependencies out of DefaultWorkspace,

into DefaultProjectBuilder.

* DefaultWorkspace now detects cycles in the target dependency graph.

* DefaultWorkspace now executes the implicit target for referenced projects.

* Changes to DefaultProjectBuilder error reporting.

* Added a few more test cases for DefaultProjectBuilder.

Unit Tests:

* Moved AbstractComponentTest.getLogger() up to AbstractMyrmidonTest.

* Removed AbstractComponentTest.setup(). Components are now created on demand.

* Use BasicLogger in unit tests.

914 lines of code changed in:

conor 2002-03-12 23:08

Fix up context class loader setting with regard to build.sysclasspath

5 lines of code changed in:

holtdl 2002-03-12 21:23

Add a q&a about executing batch/shell scripts.

Add a bit more info to a few of the existing answers.

(And the usual verbiage&whatnot clean-up tweaks.)


Obtained from:

Submitted by:

Reviewed by:

392 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-12 11:14

Add some extra methods to configurer interface that allows you to pass in the class/interface to use during configuring process. This makes it dead simple to support facades

157 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-12 11:10

Lazy access of resolver as not in ServiceManager at construction

6 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-12 11:09

Make the output from runtime clearer

1 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/java/org/apache/myrmidon/frontends: (+1 -1)
donaldp 2002-03-12 10:33

Configurer.configure -->

Configurer.configureElement + Configurer.configureAttribute

41 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-12 10:20

Move PropertyResolver and friends into own package hierarchy

34 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-12 10:17

No need for clas to be public

1 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/java/org/apache/myrmidon/components/workspace: (+1 -1)
donaldp 2002-03-12 09:45

Remove LogKit dependencies from workspace package by introducing alternate logger implementation to do routing.

19 lines of code changed in:

sbailliez 2002-03-12 09:11

Enhance lookup path so that it works automagically with 1.x and 2.x versions...

30 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-12 09:10

Make LogKit an optional part not required by default frontend. Replace it with a basic console logger instead

169 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-12 08:42

LogLevel is not universal enough to be used in the api package so moving it back into the framework package

8 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/java/org/apache/antlib/core: (+1 -1)
  • proposal/myrmidon/src/java/org/apache/myrmidon/framework: (new 7)
donaldp 2002-03-12 08:41

Move the generic log() methods back into LogLevel. The reason for this is to remove yet another Avalon dependency from the api package.

I also think that usage of the log() methods except in really rare circumstances leads to poor programming idioms. Hopefully there will only be a handful of tasks that use it (like <log/>) and thus it is not universal enough to be in the TaskContext.

60 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-12 08:25

Bracket to next line

3 lines of code changed in:

conor 2002-03-11 13:01

Cleanup of ProjectHelper bits - many to go.

109 lines of code changed in:

conor 2002-03-11 13:01

Minor style fixup

5 lines of code changed in:

conor 2002-03-11 12:12

checkstyle corrections

27 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/mutant/src/java/antcore/org/apache/ant/antcore/antlib: (+1 -2)
  • proposal/mutant/src/java/antlibs/ant1compat/org/apache/tools/ant: (+10 -10)
  • proposal/mutant/src/java/antlibs/system/org/apache/ant/antlib/system: (+1 -2), (+1 -2)
  • proposal/mutant/src/java/bootstrap/org/apache/ant/builder: (+14 -11)
conor 2002-03-11 11:54

JDK 1.4 compatability

5 lines of code changed in:

  • src/testcases/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs: (+5 -5)
conor 2002-03-11 11:53

When Available checks for a class make sure the class can actually be

used and not just loaded.

10 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2002-03-11 10:17

JDK 1.1 fixes, second half.

Thanks Conor 8-)

6 lines of code changed in:

conor 2002-03-11 09:40

Restore 1.1 operation

Refactor context class loader methods into a utility class

Add URL method to FileUtils (still need to pick that up in Project)

Rename xcatalog to XMLCatalog

531 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-11 08:41

* AbstractTask no longer extends AbstractLogEnabled.

* DefaultExecutor no longer log enables Tasks.

* Added TaskContext.log( LogLevel, ... ) methods.

* Moved LogLevel to myrmidon.api package.

976 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2002-03-11 07:23

JDK 1.1 fixes

incomplete in the case of XCatalog, I'll follow up on this.

22 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-11 06:07

* Added NameValidator, to provide a reasonably flexible mechanism for

specifying/testing name validity.

* NameValidator is used by DefaultProjectBuilder for project and target

names, and by DefaultTaskContext for Property names.

* Added ProjectException, thrown by

* Tidy-up error messages for project building errors.

* Added a bunch of tests

Submitted by Darrell DeBoer []

259 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-11 06:02

Move ClassLoaderManager and DefaultClassLoaderManager into their own packages.

76 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-11 06:00

Test case testNoComponentImplSharing was checking the wrong set of packages.

82 lines of code changed in:

stevel 2002-03-11 04:41

silly me, I forgot to check this in

8 lines of code changed in:

  • src/testcases/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs/optional: (new 8)
ehatcher 2002-03-09 23:47

don't mangle artwork!

5 lines of code changed in:

ehatcher 2002-03-09 22:25

fixing two typos ("please" and "weblogic"). changing case of JBoss to the case.

8 lines of code changed in:

  • docs/manual/OptionalTasks: ejb.html (+8 -8)
adammurdoch 2002-03-09 11:41

Fix 'test' target when jcifs or netcomponents not available.

2 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-09 10:31

VFS Tidy-ups:

* Added FileObject.copy().

* Renamed <v-copy> task attributes file -> srcfile, tofile -> destfile, todir -> destdir.

* Moved provider instantiation out of DefaultFileSystemManager, and into

myrmidon-aware VfsManager. Providers are instantiated using the TypeManager.

The list of providers isn't configurable yet.

* Some support for %nn encoded URI (not quite complete).

* Zip file system now handles zip files from any file system, not just local

files. Still read-only at this stage. Uses a truely dodgy and very temporary

replication mechanism.

* Zip file system now handles relative paths in URI (e.g., that are

resolved against the base dir.

* Fixed bug in resolving names against the root file of a file system.

* Changed behaviour of FileName.resolveName( ".." ) for the root file of

a file system.

* Added more test cases.

* A bucketload of other minor changes.

1019 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-09 10:13

* Some fixes to the command-line launcher:

* Was not exiting with non-zero exit code when the build failed.

* Fix the error reporting so that the entire exception chain is reported.

* Only print out stack traces when in verbose or debug mode.

* Wrap all exceptions thrown during task initialisation and execution with

a general 'task failed' exception.

* Another <property> testcase.

224 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-09 02:04

* Added PropertyResolver service interface, together with 2 implementations.

(One implementation mimics Ant1 behaviour). These are added in the

"workspace" packages, since that's where PropertyUtil was. Not sure if this

is the right place.

* DefaultTaskContext now implements Context interface, used by

PropertyResolver. This avoids having the PropertyResolver dependent on

TaskContext, avoiding a potential circularity problem. (since TaskContext has

a "resolve" method of it's own).

* Removed PropertyUtil.

* Tests for PropertyResolver implementations.

Submitted by Darrell DeBoer []

58 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-09 01:51

* Ignore missing type.j for now.

* Added missing stuff back into descriptors.

* Split out aut.jar and ant1.jar from myrmidon-api.jar.

* Reformat with indent of 4 (to make IDEA happy).

566 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon: build.xml (+566 -523)
  • proposal/myrmidon/src/manifest: (new)
adammurdoch 2002-03-09 01:47

Don't include the 'dos' OS family in the 'windows' OS family.

Submitted by Darrell DeBoer []

1 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/java/org/apache/aut/nativelib: (+1 -1)
umagesh 2002-03-09 01:13

Use assertEquals instead of explicit check/fail combo.

7 lines of code changed in:

ehatcher 2002-03-08 22:23

Per Bill Burton's request

19 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2002-03-08 11:16

give conext classloaders in <junit> another try, catch Xalan errors in


26 lines of code changed in:

stevel 2002-03-08 08:40

reworking of jspc in order to get it into shape. Added name mangling support in dependency checking, jasperc is running in separate process so that exec failure should be caught; classpath param can set path to jasper too

426 lines of code changed in:

stevel 2002-03-08 08:34

two new tests

45 lines of code changed in:

stevel 2002-03-08 08:34

cut out jspc testing unless jasper is around

11 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2002-03-08 08:32

Make DefaultInputHandler subclass friendly.

35 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2002-03-08 08:20

give credit to Jeff for his NetWare patches.

5 lines of code changed in:

umagesh 2002-03-08 02:02

Testcase for LoadProperties inclusive of testcases for a few filter readers as well.

86 lines of code changed in:

umagesh 2002-03-07 19:42

Fix StripJavaComments such that it strips out java comments properly. Testcase added.

48 lines of code changed in:

umagesh 2002-03-07 18:30

Redo comment filtering logic. The previous one was buggy. I will add a testcase this evening.

37 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2002-03-07 16:10

commit the rest of Jeff Tulley's patches for Novell NetWare.

Submitted by: Jeff Tulley <>

145 lines of code changed in:

stevel 2002-03-07 07:39

tuning the start page; including a link to the web page. Can you believe the docs didnt really have one anywhere obvious till now.

7 lines of code changed in:

umagesh 2002-03-07 03:13

Note the dependency of JavaClassHelper with bcel.jar

6 lines of code changed in:

umagesh 2002-03-07 03:09

Missed adding Filter Chain earlier.

488 lines of code changed in:

costin 2002-03-06 16:43

First draft for the 'TaskFactory' hook.

The goal is to make Task/DataType ( or any other ProjectComponent ) creation more modular

and flexible.

0 lines of code changed in:

costin 2002-03-06 16:37

The project helper impl - all the private methods that used to be in ProjectHelper.

I only did a small refactoring to change inner classes to static inner classes

and pass explicitely the parameters. This improve the compatibility with jikes,

gcj and possibly other compilers, and is ( IMHO ) cleaner.

1169 lines of code changed in:

costin 2002-03-06 16:36

Since nobody objects, this is the 'project helper modularization' commit.

The default is ProjectHelperImpl, which have the original ( SAX1 ) implementation.

Most of the XML-related code has been removed, the only remaining problem

is the AttributeList that is passed to the introspection helper ( which is

XML and SAX1 specific ). It's easy to pass this by using a AttributeListImpl,

and hopefully the introspection helper will be made less SAX1-specific someday.

139 lines of code changed in:

umagesh 2002-03-06 14:29

Redo previous ant.task changes that I had inadvertently not merged.

4 lines of code changed in:

conor 2002-03-06 12:37

There may be a better way to achive a bootstrap. Later.

276 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/mutant/build: ant1compat.xml (+229 -74)
  • proposal/mutant/src/java/bootstrap/org/apache/ant/builder: (+47 -13)
donaldp 2002-03-06 11:05

Rename xdoclet template files to end with .j which seems to be the standard? for their templates

15 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-06 11:00

Add target to test generation of xdocs for types

10 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-06 11:00


85 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-06 10:59

Use URLs directly rather than go via a FIle.

This allows temp[lates to be stored inside jar

3 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-06 10:58

Use URLs directly

2 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-06 10:57

Suck manifest out of classpath

7 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-06 10:38

No need to be LogEnabled

0 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-06 10:37

Convert Jspc to using TaskContext to log

58 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-06 10:37

Convert Javac to using TaskContext to log

34 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-06 10:37

Convert Rmic to using TaskContext to log

72 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-06 10:13

Convert Javac to using TaskContext to log

82 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-06 10:09

Push logging methods into TaskContext.

231 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-06 10:09

Made it possible for subclasses to get at logger

12 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-06 09:48


78 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-06 09:33

Start to integrate antdocs generation into build process.

40 lines of code changed in:

conor 2002-03-06 08:31

Add author tags

Fix up missing Javadoc params

9 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-06 08:30

Made it possible for users to overide build proeprties and default to using the log4j in myrmidon so it builds out of the box.

9 lines of code changed in:

conor 2002-03-06 08:17

Facade tasks for Ant1 tasks implemented by the system antlib

331 lines of code changed in:

umagesh 2002-03-06 03:25

Promote Filter Reader proposal to main trunk.

4207 lines of code changed in:

conor 2002-03-05 23:31

Minor style fixes for Task class

9 lines of code changed in:

  • src/main/org/apache/tools/ant: (+9 -5)
costin 2002-03-05 21:53

Another version of the SAX2-based project helper ( I can revert back

to the first one, and redo the fixes ).

I fixed the inner class problems, fixed the Attributes->AttributeList conversion.

I also turned the processing from 'implicit' recursive to an explicit

stack. The model is identical with the one used by Axis, and it's much

cleaner and easier to maintain/extend/etc.

Again, I can move back to the first one if anyone has a problem with this

change. I think it's a very good one, but may be too much.

317 lines of code changed in:

costin 2002-03-05 21:03

Jikes ( and gcj ) have some problems dealing with internal non-static classes.

The compiler is required to 'rewrite' the code, removing 'private' and

adding an extra parameter ( try to decompile ProjectHelper and look

at method signatures ). While standard javac seem to work fine, I had

problems with many other compilers ( usually gcj, but now jikes is

complaining as well ).

I manually did what the compiler would do - now it should work

with any compiler.

( the runtime exception was a "Verifier error, expecting object/array on stack" )

I'll do the same thing for the SAX2 helper.

107 lines of code changed in:

umagesh 2002-03-05 20:40

Eliminate compile time dependency of ClassConstants with JavaClasshelper that uses bcel. Compilation of JavaClassHelper will be performed only if bcel is present at the time of compile.

37 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/sandbox/filterreaders/src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/filters: (+37 -5)
jskeet 2002-03-05 15:53

Expanded JavaDoc comments on variable names.

14 lines of code changed in:

  • src/main/org/apache/tools/ant: (+14 -5)
conor 2002-03-05 15:45

Cleanup of

59 lines of code changed in:

  • src/main/org/apache/tools/ant: (+59 -39)
donaldp 2002-03-05 14:46

Refactored core so that adders and setters are again separated for elements and attributes respectively.

141 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-05 14:45

Continued to refactor tests so that they are easier to maintain

208 lines of code changed in:

jskeet 2002-03-05 14:39

Fixed up the fix-up to obey "Must not be null" etc style.

9 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-05 14:36

Commit new "data" classes to use during testing.

One class per test

10 lines of code changed in:

umagesh 2002-03-05 14:27

Check for Null.

PR: 6871

Submitted by: Brian Deitte <>

4 lines of code changed in:

  • src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs: (+4 -4)
conor 2002-03-05 14:21

Fix up errors in Project format and javadoc picked up with checkstyle

92 lines of code changed in:

conor 2002-03-05 14:03

Need to have these live in the right package

2 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/mutant/src/java/antlibs/ant1compat/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs: (+1 -1), (+1 -1)
conor 2002-03-05 13:49

New datatype - xcatalog - used to store information about locally available

XML DTDs. This allows such info to be shared among a number of different

tasks such as XMLValidate, ejbjar, style, etc.

Also checkstyle cleanup of the affected files.

Submitted by: dIon Gillard <>

392 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-05 09:22

No need for separation between ConfigurationState and DefaultConfigurationState at this stage so push it all into one class

5 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-05 09:11

No need for separation between ConfigurationState and DefaultConfigurationState at this stage so push it all into one class

0 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-05 09:09

Continued the removal of creator cruft

11 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-05 08:44

Remove support for creators

12 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-05 08:43

Comment out test while the evolution of ant1 -> myrmidon continues

4 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2002-03-05 07:57

Add "DO NOT EDIT" warning to the generated HTML files.

Suggested by: Diane Holt <>

10 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-05 07:54

no message

222 lines of code changed in:

costin 2002-03-05 06:46

Quick change to ProjectHelperImpl to use SAX2.

Note that it already had dependencies on SAX2 interfaces, but the original

helper worked with SAX1 parsers too. This one will only work with SAX2.

IMHO SAX2 should be the default, and the old one should be kept

around for backward compat or special cases.

The parser is not using the namespace in any way - it'll use the

RoleFactory plugin to allow use of the namespace in task creation.

331 lines of code changed in:

costin 2002-03-05 05:50

Updated ProjectHelper.

I used the current sources ( with the new comments), and reimplemented

all changes.

The current version doesn't have anything related with the other proposals,

and is functionally equivalent with the old ProjectHelper - except it's

cleaner ( all private and SAX code moved to the helper imple ).

I created a new package, o.a.t.ant.helper to keep the core cleaner -

other helpers may be commited.

The SAX2 based helper is easy to write, but depends on few improvements

on RoleFactory ( createTask with namespace support, etc ).

I'm working on a new implementation of the task factory, with support

for data types and other roles - but that's another story.

731 lines of code changed in:

ehatcher 2002-03-05 03:28

A few additions special case additions to the xdocs proposal generation

8 lines of code changed in:

ehatcher 2002-03-05 03:27

Substantial refactoring.

Added datatype generation as well as xdocs for them. Created wrapper task somewhat similar to Darrell DoBoer's in mymidon (although his is still slicker!).

Since its already processing all of Ant's main source code, I added in generation of todo lists of both Ant and this proposal - into two separate directories.

197 lines of code changed in:

ehatcher 2002-03-05 02:06

hot off the press.... now supports Ant properties within XDoclet tags

0 lines of code changed in:

holtdl 2002-03-05 00:46

Ooops -- forgot the dang gif.


Obtained from:

Submitted by:

Reviewed by:

0 lines of code changed in:

holtdl 2002-03-05 00:43

Edit the right dang file this time! (Sure hope I'm doing this right

this time.)

Also add the JavaWorld finalist logo (unless for some reason people

don't want it up there).


Obtained from:

Submitted by:

Reviewed by:

392 lines of code changed in:

umagesh 2002-03-05 00:33

Document <loadproperties> task.

2 lines of code changed in:

umagesh 2002-03-05 00:21

Test chain of filters.

39 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/sandbox/filterreaders/src/etc/testcases/taskdefs: loadfile.xml (+25)
  • proposal/sandbox/filterreaders/src/testcases/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs: (+14 -4)
umagesh 2002-03-04 23:59

Make TailFilter behave exactly like the unix tail application.

4 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/sandbox/filterreaders/src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/filters: (+4 -3)
umagesh 2002-03-04 22:17

null check.

2 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/sandbox/filterreaders/src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/filters: (+2 -1)
umagesh 2002-03-04 20:48

Improved doc; loadfile.xml typo fix.

171 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/sandbox/filterreaders/docs/manual/CoreTypes: filterchain.html (+169 -25)
  • proposal/sandbox/filterreaders/src/etc/testcases/taskdefs: loadfile.xml (+2 -2)
bodewig 2002-03-04 15:52

remove redundant attribute.

3 lines of code changed in:

conor 2002-03-04 15:17

New facades for ant and antcall tasks.

234 lines of code changed in:

conor 2002-03-04 13:12

Fix minor typo

1 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2002-03-04 08:49

The always entertaining 2002 patch of the morning.

8 lines of code changed in:

jskeet 2002-03-04 08:43

JavaDoc now builds without warnings again - thanks Erik :)

1 lines of code changed in:

jskeet 2002-03-04 08:38

Reapplied previous JavaDoc patch.

4 lines of code changed in:

  • src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs: (+4 -2)
adammurdoch 2002-03-04 04:24

Doc updates.

108 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-04 04:23

Fixed circular package dependency:

* Moved antlib.vfs.FileSelector to antlib.vfs.selectors

* Moved framework.Condition to framework.conditions

21 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-04 02:44

* Moved FileNameMapper to framework. Got rid of setTo() and setFrom()

from the interface, as these are no longer needed.

* Changed tasks to accept a FileNameMapper directly, rather than using Mapper.

* Removed the 'flatten' attribute from the <copy> task.

* Removed the 'ext' attribute from the <native2ascii> task.

* Removed Mapper and MapperType.

* Moved <flatten> mapper to antlib.

* Made ExtMapper available as <map-extension> and moved to antlib.

* Added <prefix> mapper, to apply a fixed prefix to names.

* Added <chain> mapper, to apply a chain of mappers to names.

* Added <mapped-fileset>, a fileset that transforms nested filesets using a mapper.

209 lines of code changed in:

umagesh 2002-03-04 01:07

Add a few preliminary testcases...

6 lines of code changed in:

umagesh 2002-03-04 00:33

Cheat the introspector by making ClassConstants delegate bcel stuff to a helper class.

3 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/sandbox/filterreaders/src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/filters: (+2 -31)
  • proposal/sandbox/filterreaders/src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/filters/util: (new)
  • proposal/sandbox/filterreaders/src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/types: (+1 -3)
umagesh 2002-03-03 20:44

Removing short form syntax for ClassConstants for the time being, as it forces user to have bcel.jar in classpath irrespective of whether the filter is being used or not.

3 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/sandbox/filterreaders/src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/types: (+3 -1)
ehatcher 2002-03-03 12:57

thanks again Bill Burton! all i can say is "wow!"

652 lines of code changed in:

ehatcher 2002-03-03 12:37

once again for Jose Alberto - think I got it right this time

1958 lines of code changed in:

jskeet 2002-03-03 10:06

Answered my own previous question concerning thread safety.

7 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-03 08:32

Document the new conditions.

More todo list updates.

207 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-03 07:33

Delete unused variable

0 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs/optional/i18n: (-2)
  • proposal/myrmidon/src/todo/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs/optional/i18n: (-2)
donaldp 2002-03-03 07:30

Delete some unused variables

2 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs/optional/i18n: (+1 -5)
  • proposal/myrmidon/src/todo/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs/optional/i18n: (+1 -5)
donaldp 2002-03-03 07:30

Merge Context back into TaskContext

58 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-03 07:14

Move dotnet tasks into antlib hierarchy

46 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-03 07:11

Move all rmc stuff into its own package

22 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-03 07:09

Die ProjectComponent die!

24 lines of code changed in:

umagesh 2002-03-03 06:52

Zip task

duplicate (attribute): behavior when a duplicate file is found. Valid values are add, preserve, and fail. The default value is add.

zipgroupfileset (nested fileset): allows for multiple zip files to be merged into the archive. Each file found in this fileset is added to the archive the same way that "zipfileset src" files are added.

Jar task

duplicate/zipgroupfileset: same as in Zip task

filesetmanifest (attribute): behavior when a Manifest is found in a zipfileset or zipgroupfileset file is found. Valid values are skip, merge, and mergewithoutmain. mergewill merge all of manifests together, and merge this into any other specified manifests mergewithoutmain merges everything but the Main section of the manifests. Default value is skip

manifest (existing attribute): this attribute now also accepts the name of a jar added through a fileset. If its the name of an added jar, the task expects the manifest to be in the jar at META-INF/

Submitted by: Brian Deitte <>

PR: 5667, 5036

437 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-03 06:45

Converted the Ant1 Howto write a task to ant2

24 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/xdocs: task.xml (new 24)
donaldp 2002-03-03 06:45

Rmove broken javadocs

0 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/types: (-6)
  • proposal/myrmidon/src/todo/org/apache/tools/ant/types: (-6)
donaldp 2002-03-03 06:45

Name build file so looks pretty under IDEA

3 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-03 06:44

Javac task has moved

2 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs/optional: (+1 -1)
  • proposal/myrmidon/src/todo/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs/optional: (+1 -1)
donaldp 2002-03-03 06:43

Use simplified AbstractContainerTask

6 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-03 06:42

Move Tasklist into framework as it is being used everywhere

0 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/java/org/apache/myrmidon/framework: (new)
donaldp 2002-03-03 06:41

Start process of simplifying writing container tasks

28 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-03 06:40

Move manifest stuff back into old tree

348 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-03 06:40

Move all javac specific files into a separate package

16 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-03 06:38

Compress javadocs

3 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/java/org/apache/myrmidon/interfaces/type: (+3 -8)
ehatcher 2002-03-03 02:30

fixed mapping typo

1 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-03 02:28

Added Condition <-> File Selector adaptors:

* Added <condition> file selector, which allows a set of nested conditions to

be used to select files.

* Added <file-test> condition, which evaluates a set of nested selectors against

a file.

* FileSelector doesn't extend DataType any more.

* Got rid of the @ant:data-type tags from the file selectors, cause they ain't.

* Renamed <condition> nested element in <filtered-path> -> <filter>.

* Renamed <is-empty> selector -> <is-empty-folder>

* Fixed NPE using <name> selector in a path.

* Fixed error messages.

32 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-03 02:19

Restructured the conditional tasks:

* Made framework.Condition an interface.

* Converted old framework.Condition into <is-set> condition.

* Ported all Ant 1 conditions to the new Condition interface, and removed

the old Condition and ConditionBase classes.

* Moved <and>, <or>, <not> conditions to framework.conditions.

* Moved <condition> task and <os> condition to antlib.

* Moved <available> to antlib. This is no longer a task, just a condition.

Removed all file checking, which will be done by other condition


* Removed conditions from <fail>, as it can be wrapped in an <if> instead.

* A target can now take both an "if" and an "unless" condition.

147 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-03 02:12

Make all name checking case-insensitive.

4 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/java/org/apache/aut/nativelib: (+4 -4)
ehatcher 2002-03-03 01:49

dramatically improved the "smarts" of finding real tasks. generation is just about there, which is sort of the litmus test to ensure that the right classes are being processed.

35 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/xdocs/src/org/apache/tools/ant/xdoclet: (+35 -3)
ehatcher 2002-03-03 01:48

"default" is a good standard target name - makes running "ant clean default" possible :)

4 lines of code changed in:

ehatcher 2002-03-03 01:47

eliminate blank lines between entries

1 lines of code changed in:

ehatcher 2002-03-03 01:46

Changing "ant:task" to "ant.task" to avoid JDK 1.4 javadoc warnings (XDoclet has been modified to handle this separator too).

Updating the majority of the rest of the tasks with the XDoclet tags. The generated is *almost* the same as the current hand maintained one!

99 lines of code changed in:

ehatcher 2002-03-03 01:37

Long since "deprecated" in the execute method. Any reason not to mark the entire class as deprecated?

2 lines of code changed in:

umagesh 2002-03-03 01:33

2000-2002 -> 2002

1 lines of code changed in:

  • src/testcases/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs: (+1 -1)
umagesh 2002-03-03 01:30

1. Fix bug where <move> ignored <filterset>s.

2. Add filterset based test to CopyTest.

3. Add MoveTest.

94 lines of code changed in:

ehatcher 2002-03-02 22:50

now supports JDK 1.4 friendlier tags like "ant.task". I like the colon separator better, but oh well, Sun makes the rules.

0 lines of code changed in:

ehatcher 2002-03-02 22:23

for Jose Alberto

sorry for the spam - get lock errors if i try too many files at once :(

11 lines of code changed in:

ehatcher 2002-03-02 22:21

for Jose Alberto

327 lines of code changed in:

umagesh 2002-03-02 16:39

Made <copy> and <move> filterchain aware. Existing <filterset> elements can live together with <filterchain> elements. However, all <filterset>s will only be processed *after* all <filterchain>s have been.

71 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/sandbox/filterreaders/src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs: (new), (new)
  • proposal/sandbox/filterreaders/src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/util: (+71 -4)
conor 2002-03-02 14:14

Small fixes from Gump testing

19 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/mutant: (+3)
  • proposal/mutant/build: ant1compat.xml (+3 -4)
  • proposal/mutant/src/java/antcore/org/apache/ant/antcore/execution: (+5 -2)
  • proposal/mutant/src/java/antlibs/ant1compat/org/apache/tools/ant: (+3 -3)
  • proposal/mutant/src/java/bootstrap/org/apache/ant/builder: (+2)
  • proposal/mutant/src/java/common/org/apache/ant/common/model: (+3 -1)
adammurdoch 2002-03-02 06:24

<if> wasn't checking its condition. Fixed, and added some test cases.

13 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/etc/testcases/org/apache/antlib/core: if.ant (new)
  • proposal/myrmidon/src/java/org/apache/antlib/core: (+7)
  • proposal/myrmidon/src/test/org/apache/antlib/core: (new 3)
  • proposal/myrmidon/src/testcases/org/apache/antlib/core: (new 3)
adammurdoch 2002-03-02 04:07

* Added 'descendent' name scope.

* Changed semantics of FileName.resolveName() with 'child' scope.

* Fixed a couple of problems in UriParser.normalise().

* Split up LocalFileNameParser into a Windows specifc parser and a generic


* More test cases.

539 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-02 04:03

* Added OsFamily enumerated type, to represents OS groupings.

* Replaced all usages of Os.isFamily( String ) with Os.isFamily( OsFamily ).

* Replaced all usages of "" system properties with calls to Os.isFamily().

284 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-02 03:56

Fix exception checking in unit tests.

6 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-02 03:00

* Add more stuff to todo list.

* Fix format of an example on the VFS page.

18 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-02 02:54

Update avalon jar to make getCause() public.

0 lines of code changed in:

holtdl 2002-03-02 02:49

Make it so the text can adjust to window width ('cause scrolling back&forth

is a PITA :) (Also all the usual grammar/spelling/wording/etc. edits.)


Obtained from:

Submitted by:

Reviewed by:

222 lines of code changed in:

umagesh 2002-03-02 02:20

Minor cleanups - sorry for spamming...

13 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/sandbox/filterreaders/src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/filters: (+13 -11)
umagesh 2002-03-02 02:16

All the filter cares about is a stream of data - not necessarily if it is from a file. Make documentation reflect that.

1 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/sandbox/filterreaders/src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/filters: (+1 -1)
umagesh 2002-03-02 02:13

New filter reader to access straight-forward 'constants' defined in a class file.

This can be used to load class constants as Ant properties.

External Dependency on: BCEL

PR: 6591

37 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/sandbox/filterreaders/src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/filters: (new 32)
  • proposal/sandbox/filterreaders/src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/types: (+5)
donaldp 2002-03-02 01:53

Update generated docs.

544 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-02 01:53

Another reorg to display all the pages.

8 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/xdocs/stylesheets: project.xml (+8 -7)
donaldp 2002-03-02 01:52

Style and get rid of top "getinvolved" section

179 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/xdocs: todo.xml (+179 -197)
donaldp 2002-03-02 01:52


20 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-02 01:38

Extract a separate top-level getinvolved.xml from todo.xml

20 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-02 01:35

Extract the build file stuff from user.xml

43 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-02 01:32

Extract the VFS stuff from user.xml

5 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-02 01:28

Put project name on RHS of banner

2 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/xdocs/stylesheets: templates.vm (+2 -1)
donaldp 2002-03-02 01:28

Start to reorg the sidebar

12 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/xdocs/stylesheets: project.xml (+12 -2)
donaldp 2002-03-02 01:28

Make all the variables final

3 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-02 01:07

Rework it so that ExecManager does not shutdown streams.

Important when you pass in System.out/System.err or want to do something

special to stream after processing.

Submitted By: Darrell DeBoer <>

50 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-02 00:56

Start to add in sidebar for new documentation.

Leave out the overview section about "Extending Ant"

for the time being and come back to it later

5 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/xdocs/stylesheets: project.xml (+5 -1)
donaldp 2002-03-02 00:55

Start to document the Containers ClassLoader

hierarchy. Adapted terminology from Catalina

as that terminology is more widely used.

Punt on antlib ClassLoader structure as that

is defined via library specific mechanisms

100 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-02 00:53

Add in initial cut of documentation for librarys.

It completely punts on descriptro format for the

time being - mainly as I already documented that

elsewhere and just need to convert it to xdocs

129 lines of code changed in:

stevel 2002-03-02 00:21

attack of the tab police

129 lines of code changed in:

stevel 2002-03-01 23:43

tuned timing in assertions

5 lines of code changed in:

stevel 2002-03-01 23:31

new log message; bugzilla ID 6575

1 lines of code changed in:

  • src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs: (+1)
jskeet 2002-03-01 16:29

JavaDoc changes.

72 lines of code changed in:

jskeet 2002-03-01 16:28

JavaDoc changes, and raised a potential multithreading issue. Search

for XXX to see details.

94 lines of code changed in:

jskeet 2002-03-01 15:54

JavaDoc comments and a couple of code changes.

Code changes:

Removed an unneeded nullity test null instanceof Foo is always false.

Changed replaceChild(UnknownElement, Object) with two methods:

replaceChild(UnknownElement,Task) and

replaceChild(UnknownElement,RuntimeConfigurable) to make it

absolutely clear that you can't just replace the children with random


I must admit I'm still far from entirely clear exactly how

UnknownElement works. It probably counts as black magic...

247 lines of code changed in:

jskeet 2002-03-01 14:47

JavaDoc comments.

Note: maybeConfigure implies that calling it twice will have no effect.

I have a suspicion that children would be added twice. Search for XXX

to find the details.

126 lines of code changed in:

  • src/main/org/apache/tools/ant: (+126 -33)
ehatcher 2002-03-01 11:46

Applied Bill's DVSL work and template patch. Also added "docs" target to main build.xml to <ant> to the HTML generation build.

470 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-01 11:12

Added IDEA config for Avalon style.

0 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-01 10:35

Wrap block with finally to make sure System.exit is called and with correct exitCode

6 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon/src/java/org/apache/myrmidon/frontends: (+6 -4)
donaldp 2002-03-01 10:34

Remove scoping for the time being as it wasn't really being used

1 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-01 10:33

Decouple exceptions from CascadingException

181 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-01 10:33

Update to latest Avalon for ExceptionUtil changes

0 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2002-03-01 10:26

be consistent with Perl scripts, always strip CRs.

0 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2002-03-01 10:19

support the Perl antRun script needed for Netware.

Submitted by: Jeff Tulley <>

10 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2002-03-01 09:17

Add the logo to the site.

46 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-01 09:17

Make it easier to generate the documentation

16 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/myrmidon: docs.xml (+16 -1)
donaldp 2002-03-01 08:54

restyle via IDEA

130 lines of code changed in:

donaldp 2002-03-01 08:52

Allow v7 format tar files

(Patch copied from main source tree)

2 lines of code changed in:

bodewig 2002-03-01 08:45

Netware support in Ant's path tokenizer code.

Submitted by: Jeff Tulley <>

237 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-01 02:13

* Reorganised build to use new <antlib-descriptor> task.

* The "builtin" and "selftest" descriptors are now generated.

* Fixed ant-descriptor.template to handle @ant:type tag properly.

Submitted by Darrell DeBoer []

149 lines of code changed in:

adammurdoch 2002-03-01 01:44

Added task to generate antlib descriptors from Java source.

Submitted by Darrell DeBoer []

4 lines of code changed in:

umagesh 2002-03-01 00:56

New filter reader that gets those lines that match a regular expression pattern.

Requested by: Adam Murdoch

6 lines of code changed in:

umagesh 2002-03-01 00:17

Merge changes with the 1.14 revision from the main tree.

51 lines of code changed in:

  • proposal/sandbox/filterreaders/src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/util: (+51 -2)

February 2002 »

Generated by StatSVN 0.3.2-SNAPSHOT